Pioneer Status?

  • What is the status of pioneer program?
    I was deployed to Iraq during the release of SOT so im a little late on starting the game. I started playing right before cursed sails was released. Before I played it, i did not like it to be honest. Nothing interested me about it. Maybe the marketing didn't do it for me but once i tried it, i was completely hooked. Im Currently 40-39-39 Athena 4 and play alot for just starting.
    I play on both platforms. PC Windows10, 1080ti, ThreadRipper Area 51 (4k 1ms Ultra settings). and an Xbox one S.
    Ive been a part of the xbox preview program for almost 8 years i think, and have contributed to alot of feedback and bugs with various systems and games. Basically i want this game to succeed and reach its growing potential. Have been a fan of Rare since goldeneye and up and I havnt had this much interest in a game for awhile. I have done NDAs and have a security clearance with the military if that says anything. I didnt have access to some parts of the forum pertaining to Pioneers so what else can you tell me? Thanks for the read!

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  • @j-flo-sgt Well the good news is. You are on the right track. The selection process for pioneers is a secret that no one knows, but providing feedback, playing the game, and being active on the forums is a good start to potentially get invited.

  • @ecljpse Good info, I just joined the forum and my only goal is contributing to success without repeating posts and redundancy on accident. thanks!

  • It has been said they will cull the pioneer group of inactives and get new active people in. If that is happening now, or is planned ahead, there is no info.

  • @j-flo-sgt Yeah, I can verify; the selection process of the pioneers is a very closely-kept secret. No-one knows the process, all we know is that active community members generally get selected for the pioneer programme.

    As for me, I was selected for the programme shortly after I made a large forum post discussing the balance of the brig within the game. The post was met with a lot of good discussion. If that was a contributing factor to my selection for the programme is beyond my knowledge; but it is a pretty big coincidence!

  • @j-flo-sgt Here’s everything we currently know on the pioneer program. Hope it helps and best of luck getting selected. :)

  • First rule of pioneer, don't talk about pioneer! Joking. Keep doing what you are doing. Check email, check your account, on the right, click your Xbox picture and click account then go to the bottom and see if you can become pioneer. If you don't have it then keep playing as you are and you might be picked. That's what happened with me, anyway.

  • to be a pioneer you have to get a confirmed kill with an e-tool

  • @kzoo-kid LOL confirmed kill with an e-tool...Carrier.

  • Must me an 11b or 0311 to be a pioneer

  • So once you become a pioneer, do you get specific objectives? Bug searching? Surveys? Im more interested is supplying as much information to rare than just saying “hey im a pioneer”. I know theres been alot of bugs lately and wondering if its microsoft pushing them or they just really want to push content out themselves. Im also debating on going to school for videoGame design so i know coding can be fun and a challenge.

  • @j-flo-sgt

    Ahoy matey!

    Yes, Pioneers have a badge here on the forum but it's more than saying "I am a Pioneer".

    Membership to the programme is a position of trust and privilege, and sessions are subject to their Insider NDA.

    Pioneer FAQ

    Who are the Pioneers?
    The Sea of Thieves Pioneers are a select group of players who receive special previews of upcoming features and improvements to the game. Invites cannot be requested and are non-transferable.
    How often will they play?
    We aim to have weekly sessions and there may be times where there are multiple sessions in one week.

    I can't say anything more of what we are doing in the Pioneer Programme as we are not allowed to disclose anything from it to a non-Pioneer.

    Yes, there are some bugs lately but I'm going to quote something from the thread Inventory Changes - Expanding the Game:

    We’ve also unfortunately ended up in a situation where the Cursed Crews event and the addition of the Cursed Cannonballs are so closely tied that we ran out of time to react to feedback from our Sea of Thieves Pioneers. Let me assure you that the motivation behind this was around pushing to deliver new content quicker, but we’ll ensure that we plan to have more time in future to iterate on the changes we want to make based on valuable Pioneer feedback. This is worthwhile lesson and an area where we want to make improvements.

    I hope it can enlighten your questions! :)

  • @skulliah Yes thank you. Rather i make into pioneers or not, Hope you guys are making good progress! Community can be so demanding but the game is a work of art bugs or not.

  • @j-flo-sgt

    Keep your eyes peeled, Rare is always looking for new testers (they added more than 700 new Pioneers lately). I do not know what are their criteria but we could see you one day on the Pioneer seas :)


  • Ahoy! HUGE fan & supporter of SOT. Best game to come out in a WHILE in my opinion. Usually during the weekly streams questions we have will be answered, but today we were told that's not what they're for, they're for devs to be able to play I guess. So I'm hoping my question will be answered here?? Pets were going to be a part of the first major update, they never came out and now there have been no updates about them whatsoever! Are they still coming? Any time soon? I have been waiting for pets and would GLADLY spend more of my own money to get one. Please respond. Thank you!

  • @yinbelle

    Pets are on their way and being worked on, as far as we know they're likely to be part of the plan to introduce some form of m/t and were put on the back burner when Rare changed their content plans just after release.

    I'll close this thread now as it's rather old and if you've any other questions please feel free to make a thread or use the Search to find answers :)

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