Alliance system is causing this to be sea of friends

  • Thanks to the alliance system pvp is rapidly declining in this game. Due to the very tedious and long grind to legend, most players rather just get a legend and send out voyages to every ship on the server as opposed to fight over loot. Picking up a castaway or seafarer when you are in the mid to late 40's can destroy ones motivation to go on and not take short cuts. Pirates alliances didn't last very long. They were full of distrust and after their mutual issue was settled the spoils of war were then fought over. Trust isn't something pirates held onto tightly and that should be how it is in SoT. There needs to be more incentive to betray but not enough to the point EVERYONE is trying to do it and it becomes sea of grief again. One idea I had was to double the exp and gold obtained when breaking the alliance and selling the loot that you stole from an allied ship. This would make players more cautious around who they trust but still allowing them those who wish for a solid allied foundation to still do their thing.

    The way this type of subject needs to be handled in this game is to ALWAYS give players the INCENTIVE to do mean things without necessarily forcing them to. Everything boils down to trust, and on the seas we should be very VERY cautious of who we trust.

    We shouldn't run into a bunch of strangers and be all peachy instantly, nor should we see a ship and go after them nonstop for hours on end until they give up and leave the server.

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  • Umm, Gonna give a big old, No!

    Yeah I don't think we are playing the same game. About half of my alliance end in some sort of Backstab so I am all set with making alliances useless due to a minority that ONLY wants to pvp.

    Just my 2 cents anyhow.

  • You already get more for betraying your allies - assuming all things equal, you do get double...

  • Been betrayed lots, mostly by PL's because they want more gold and don't care about rep. PvP is still alive and kicking.

  • @Simple-Tora Where is it written that pirates and friendship aren't able to coexist, and was it written in blood & stone?

    You should NEVER incentivise people to behave badly over the internet.

  • @simple-tora said in Alliance system is causing this to be sea of friends:

    One idea I had was to double the exp and gold obtained when breaking the alliance and selling the loot that you stole from an allied ship.

    This is not how Rare is envisioning their game and also it's a really bad idea from a general gameplay standpoint too. 😶

  • @sanni said in Alliance system is causing this to be sea of friends:

    @simple-tora said in Alliance system is causing this to be sea of friends:

    One idea I had was to double the exp and gold obtained when breaking the alliance and selling the loot that you stole from an allied ship.

    This is not how Rare is envisioning their game and also it's a really bad idea from a general gameplay standpoint too. 😶

    I agree, if this were to happen more experienced players (to be clear I am not saying all all of them) would just prey on new and inexperienced players more than they already do and likely would force a lot of these new players to quit the game as they are not getting any progress.

  • @simple-tora The Magic of the Alliance System is that you are able to betray you Allies. You do not get the same amount of gold if your allies sell it. If you want more gold you can betray alliances. It is not creating a Sea of Friends. Maybe in your personal experience, you've been lucky enough to not be betrayed. But I am sure that most of us have betrayed or been betrayed. PVP is still very much prevalent in the Sea Of Thieves

  • Alliance isn't working. Bored legends and toxic players are using it as a why to get close to another ship then betray and take all the loot and cancel the alliance.

  • @omardelpino In my experience, I go onto a server with a random crew. We run into someone and try to attack them but they scream "friendly" and ask us if we want to ally and when we do we see that every ship on the server is allied and that they're all running around doing pirate legend quest. I have a friend who's rank 3 almost 4 for athena. He's not even halfway on any ranks to being legend. That should not be a thing

  • @simple-tora I was not aware of that, hopefully when foresaken shores rolls out with the reapers mark and the bilge rat adventure about destroying enemy ships, PVP will rise again.

  • I feel that I have found a good balance of positive and negative alliance system experiences. I have found that Alliances can lead to incredibly epic gameplay, with fleets and new pirate mates. I have also had alliances turned down, been chased and engaged with little to no treasure, and my friends have had people cancel alliances for an utter betrayal at the last moment.

    Sea of Thieves is both a fun PvE and PvP experience. PvP can be frustrating when you are attacked with no real rewards to the attacker, but pirates will be pirates. Prior to the Alliance System, my friends and I had had uneasy alliances that ended well, as we tend to be the teamwork type, and now we can make it an official action.

    For me, seeing sails on the horizon still puts a pit in my stomach as one can never know the intent of a distant crew. Just because an alliance flag flies does not mean they are not an enemy, only that extra caution should be taken when dealing with the wily devils of the sea!

  • I think that's were you might be slightly incorrect, I have come across the exact opposite with the alliances where they betray you the moment you beat the boss and then they break the alliance and take off with everything you both work hard to get so, some aspects of this game make it really difficult to appreciate with things like this.

  • @phlz I agree with this 100%

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