New Scalawags Sailing These Scurvy Sea's

  • For all the People that want the slack gone; THEY NEED TO HANDLE THE INTRO OF THE GAME BETTER!!

    Do yall ever think about a new players experience?? Imagine coming in from a whole different perspective in gaming, coming from flipping Fortnite. Your greeted as a drunken sailor, weirdly grabbing a banana. And thats literally it.. Now its up to you to figure things out.

    I remember queing in with a random, learning later that he literally just got in the game.. I tried to show him around, and he just left... It was so awkward too, I was kind of roleplaying, pretending there was a lot more depth to the game it self.

    I suggest a better Intro to the game. Instead of giving us some paper that says "Sea of Theives" on it. Give us a "peice of paper" that guides us into the game. Like say, after it shows you around your Interface, It tells you to go around the outpost, and it guides you on the different factions.. etc

    There is nothing more fraustrating than going in your boat for the first time, confused, just sailin around the Seas trying to find people. Only to find out thay you needed to go to a Quest Giver.. I know from experience...

    And I am talking more about the Solo Players, or atleast players that start out so.. Checking the game if they want it or not. You cant always expect People to bring 3 other people just to try a game out!

  • 20
    new member
  • UPVOTE PeePsYou get the idea, Better intro for new players.. An intro that atleast tells them about the Weekly Updates, Guides em aroung the outpost..

  • @gummbgummb

    Ahoy there matey. While I understand where you're coming from, I don't agree with showing players around through an introduction.

    Now its up to you to figure things out.

    This is usually what's going on with a sandbox game. The best example I can give is: Minecraft. You jump into that game and you go: okay, so now what? Yes, I know they have achievements now to help you along a little but even those are a bit vague.

    So, if anything, I guess commendations / achievements would be the way to go. In a way, that's already the case. You get the 'Be More Pirate' achievement by buying a hat, hook, pegleg and eyepatch.

    I'm not too sure what the intro of the game is like now, they've changed a couple of things and there's no real way for any of us to find out unless we delete our pirate. I know they are working on things, though.

    Please don't double post in your own topic. Specially when it's just you who has been commenting so far :)

  • Yea, your first steps into the game can be pretty rough if you haven't watched videos online or are jumping in with someone who has already been playing a bit and knows the drill. I'd be all for them amping up the initial tutorial setup of the game to better acclimate players to what they need to be doing and the options they have available to them.

    I think what would be best is, first of all make sure you can check and see if this is a player's first time loading the game. Additionally stick a new NPC into the Outpost Taverns who can cover some various tutorial based topics (Help Sailing, Taking Voyages, Buying Stuff, Finding Supplies). Specifically, stick this NPC off to the side of the door to leave. If it is your first time loading the game the NPC will force dialogue with you before you can leave the Tavern (but this is only the FIRST time) and offer to show you the ropes (presenting you with the topics). Of course, if you want to come back later for some help if you forgot something, well this guy is in every tavern so just walk up and chat.

    The topics don't have to cover every detail either, just enough to really help someone get started and moving without a sense of being overwhelmed. So, for example, the "Help Sailing" might simply let you know to be sure to keep and eye on both sail length and angle to you get the best wind and to check your map. "Taking Voyages" could just introduce the concept of the various groups and that they have jobs available you should look into, and to remember to vote for your voyage on the ship. "Buying Stuff" could let you know about the assorted shops on Outposts you can use to spend the riches you make. "Finding Supplies" can simply tell players to keep an eye out for helpful supplies around islands to keep their ships well stocked.

    That right there give players just enough that they can start digging into the game without telling them all the cool little things that they will figure out on the way through their own experiences and just finding them out. To me that is the best of both worlds, not leaving new players completely clueless but at the same time leaving the fun of the sandbox generally in tact.

    It seems like a really simple solution to get people the information they need, and let them have access to it in game when they feel like they might need a refresher at any point. Plus, it can be expanded so that as new content rolls out that needs explaining it can be added as a topic of discussion with this NPC.

  • @murkrage Arrr, there. It does not have to be an Introduction at all!-to anything!! It could be just something totally better than what we have now!!

  • @murkrage UPvote would be nice too! I just care too much about this game now.. got nothing going on

  • @gummbgummb I'm 50/50 on this. While I can entirely see your point that a better, more in depth tutorial would help. I also agree with the current idea that you're thrown in to this world and it's up to you to either learn for yourself or from others in the game. We all started in the same boat (pun intended) after all, and seems that the majority of us have grasped the concept of the game through this method. In my opinion it makes it a little more immersive and helps to build some early social interactions.

    Saying that, there's no harm in making things a little more accessible to new players.

  • @gummbgummb We should find a new player and ask how they've been introduced to the game. I think the beauty of the game is that it allows you to figure things out on your own. That way, everyone does things a little bit different.

    As per the Pirate Code, I'm going to ask you to refrain from asking for upvotes. I have no authority so do with it what you will, but the Code states:

    Asking For Upvotes

    Topics and posts should be created to foster discussion. Asking for upvotes or posts in order to boost reputation or topic counts is not permitted. A warning will be issued, the post deleted or the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @luciansanchez82 It does not have to be a full on intro guide.. it could be just something better than we have. Obviosly Rare will not actually do exactly what I suggested if ever.. so please UPVOTE

  • @murkrage Good point about the Minecraft thing... I still have no clue whats going on there :P

    I would like to see video introductions for the first time... maybe once you walk out of the tavern door for the first time you get flyover style footage of the outpost panoramic... And then maybe a small line of text from each trader. Nothing else but a nice opening cinematic similar to the E3 trailer this year.

  • @murkrage im new to the forums thing sor....

  • @luciansanchez82 said in New Scalawags Sailing These Scurvy Sea's:

    We all started in the same boat (pun intended) after all, and seems that the majority of us have grasped the concept of the game through this method.

    I'm glad I was able to witness this pun.

    @Musicmee a flyover video would actually be great. I know that new players start out in an invulnerable state now, so it would allow Rare to do just that. Kind of like that annoying old person that shows you around a town in every single Pokémon game, but faster and way cooler.

  • @musicmee That COULD be!!! Perfect!! Just something better than what we have now!! But obviously, its almost like yall dont want it

  • @gummbgummb I think opening cinematics with a brief introduction would be fine...

    The community are normally against a hand holding experience as this game is about the rewards of self-discovery... from that first moment of working out how to raise the anchor and getting the ship moving... to working out that you need to somehow get your gold amount to go up by visiting a trader. That's all... it's nice to hear this kind of feedback though especially from new players.

    Trust me though after several months though... the discoveries never stop coming and you find new ways to play and get things done.

  • I think games do way too much hand holding currently. Remember the first time you put the Zelda Cart into your NES, Turned it on, and then proceeded to explore a world with nothing but a wooden sword and your wits. No map, no tutorial, Just a big scary world and that was it. It was a much more immersive experience. Not to mention much more satisfying when you accomplished something new. I think we need more games like this.

  • @jester776 When you worked out you could hit that diamond with your sword to make a platform move... or swipe a bush and a hole appears...

    Yup! In most games now, there would be 20 NPCs saying "Have you tried using your sword against that bush?"

  • so true. the intro/welcome wagon is trash in this game. I have had a few friends try it and dislike the game because there is no initial "direction". I bring them back to show them what its about and now they play regularly.

  • @gummbgummb

    Ahoy mate. What @Murkrage advised is part of the forum rules which can be found here:

    Asking For Upvotes
    Topics and posts should be created to foster discussion. Asking for upvotes or posts in order to boost reputation or topic counts is not permitted. A warning will be issued, the post deleted or the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • When it comes down to player behaviour I do think that a person starting the game for the first time is given an adequate starting point.

    Yes it has changed a tiny bit since launch but should be noted that the first tutorial covers equipping and eating a banana, followed by map handling and actions, and does in fact direct new players to obtain a quest from a merchant as a starting point.

    I agree strongly with the approach they have taken tbh, relying more on self discovery as well as stewardship and player-to-player teachings.

    If a player jumps straight in with no prior knowledge and decides to overlook/rushe into the game, it could be a slower process to pick up the basics, for sure.

  • @baconwrappedsac said in New Scalawags Sailing These Scurvy Sea's:

    When it comes down to player behaviour I do think that a person starting the game for the first time is given an adequate starting point.

    Yes it has changed a tiny bit since launch but should be noted that the first tutorial covers equipping and eating a banana, followed by map handling and actions, and does in fact direct new players to obtain a quest from a merchant as a starting point.

    I agree strongly with the approach they have taken tbh, relying more on self discovery as well as stewardship and player-to-player teachings.

    If a player jumps straight in with no prior knowledge and decides to overlook/rushe into the game, it could be a slower process to pick up the basics, for sure.

    That is good to know. I recall when I first loaded up the game it didn't tell me a danged thing at all, so my own sentiment was based on that experience. If players are guided these days already, I see no reason to provide further.

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