Consumed by Treasure

  • I had some documents on my desk this morning that needed to move and the sensitivity of the documents required hand delivery. I have a student who works part-time for me and he manages my courier needs, but he doesn't arrive until noon. It's a nice day out so I decide to take them myself to get out of the office. After a couple of weeks of rain, seeing the sun was a nice change.

    I'm walking along campus completely lost in thought and pass by one of the Forestry buildings when I see some discoloration on the concrete patio. Not a second after my brain registers the discoloration, my initial reaction was "That's Marauder's Arch! I know where it is on the ma......"

    It may be too late to save me. Save yourselves.

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  • @gatorwocky haha, I know the feeling mate..

  • @gatorwocky
    When you start lookin for a SoT ringtone, you know your hooked.....

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Consumed by Treasure:

    When you start lookin for a SoT ringtone, you know your hooked..... alarm is the hurdy gurdy version of becalmed lol.... @gatorwocky I hear you man I know I've played to much that I am identifying islands by sight now

  • @ve111a
    Lol i hear ya. Me and bro barely use the map anymore.

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