PVP is basically mandatory

  • @krahaborr said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @d4ng3rdol4n Agree with you...This game needs some PvE and PvP rebalancing, reward changes and something like that to move the interest away from PvP towards alliance. Unfortunately, people tend to be violent and this is manifested in games, since here they are not punished for this, but even rewarded. It all looks like insects in one box that seek to destroy each other ... sometimes even for no reason. I was attacked at the very beginning of the game without even lifting the anchor and got some toxic phrases like "noob", it doesn't look very friendly while community day

    This community isn't full of people that tend to be violent

    This community is about as tame as it gets for a shared community. Passive aggressive, condescending, and salty is mostly as far as it goes with a few exceptions.

    People that say most people are violent and wanna destroy each other in a community like SoT fortunately don't have much to compare it to.

  • @d4ng3rdol4n said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    I get that too many people in the world would rather just screw every one else over, instead of working together. But even on community day(s) I feel no love or friendship from other players. The community in this game is so one sided, I don't even see a point in try to act like there's even half the amount of Athena's fortune type players.(those who'd rather be helpful and share in an adventure with others) compare to reapers who are generally overly sweaty and aggressive players who just get bored of the game too easily, and have to make their own entertainment. The worst part about it is, is that Rare just ignores the fact that they pander way harder to pvp play than pve, just because the larger player base who have infected the game want it that way. If they actually made pvp less rewarding based on reputation and loot to gain, I bet people would be a lot more willing to be friendly. Or make pve more rewarding with teamwork or something, but the fact is that the game gives you hardly any insensitive to help others so no one is going to. Why does rare even pretend that this game doesn't pander to pvp players, I'll never know.

    It’s rarely I get into pvp buddy.

  • @wolfmanbush

    It is more agressive than other environments. Even new players tend to be agressive sometimes,I've had to sunk two kids on a sloop with 6 days played, because they decided to attack me after two warnings. I Hope they learned the lesson

    But eh, they deserved me a lot of C vitamine and theirs blessings to my mother and sister.

    Is not the worst community, DBD or Lol are far far away in terms of toxicity.... But is turning a bit annoying sometimes.

    4-5 hours of HG is like 20 insults per hour

  • @captain-coel said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @krahaborr said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @d4ng3rdol4n Agree with you...This game needs some PvE and PvP rebalancing, reward changes and something like that to move the interest away from PvP towards alliance. Unfortunately, people tend to be violent and this is manifested in games, since here they are not punished for this, but even rewarded. It all looks like insects in one box that seek to destroy each other ... sometimes even for no reason. I was attacked at the very beginning of the game without even lifting the anchor and got some toxic phrases like "noob", it doesn't look very friendly while community day

    Killing other players and taking their stuff isnt a bad thing. Its literally the way the game was designed. There is nothing to punish there.

    The game was designed to balance activities, and when some murderhobos are cruising around the map interrupting content that's designed to take a half hour to complete, no other playstyles can function.

    That's been the case this season, too frequent PVP because the devs decided it's a smart idea to encourage a playstyle that

    Inb4 "but it's a pirate game, they're SUPPOSED to make it so you can't take 10 steps onto an island without Leroy Jenkins charging up over the horizon"

  • @mrestiercol said in PVP is basically mandatory:


    It is more agressive than other environments. Even new players tend to be agressive sometimes,I've had to sunk two kids on a sloop with 6 days played, because they decided to attack me after two warnings. I Hope they learned the lesson

    But eh, they deserved me a lot of C vitamine and theirs blessings to my mother and sister.

    Is not the worst community, DBD or Lol are far far away in terms of toxicity.... But is turning a bit annoying sometimes.

    4-5 hours of HG is like 20 insults per hour

    Most players, including new players aren't even hostile

    that's why servers are only heavy on combat with all or most of the ships once in a while.

    I don't take issue with people that hold the opinion that there is unpleasantness out there in plenty of these encounters, I've seen enough of it to know it's never too far away but saying people tend to be violent, want to destroy, tend to be more aggressive, that's painting people as something they haven't shown themselves to be.

    Not liking someone, not liking how someone acts in an environment like SoT, these don't justify trying to mark a community or trying to label people as some form of dangerous, a threat.

  • @wolfmanbush said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @mrestiercol said in PVP is basically mandatory:


    It is more agressive than other environments. Even new players tend to be agressive sometimes,I've had to sunk two kids on a sloop with 6 days played, because they decided to attack me after two warnings. I Hope they learned the lesson

    But eh, they deserved me a lot of C vitamine and theirs blessings to my mother and sister.

    Is not the worst community, DBD or Lol are far far away in terms of toxicity.... But is turning a bit annoying sometimes.

    4-5 hours of HG is like 20 insults per hour

    Most players, including new players aren't even hostile

    that's why servers are only heavy on combat with all or most of the ships once in a while.

    I don't take issue with people that hold the opinion that there is unpleasantness out there in plenty of these encounters, I've seen enough of it to know it's never too far away but saying people tend to be violent, want to destroy, tend to be more aggressive, that's painting people as something they haven't shown themselves to be.

    Not liking someone, not liking how someone acts in an environment like SoT, these don't justify trying to mark a community or trying to label people as some form of dangerous, a threat.

    With 6 crew servers, every session now has at least one crew that plays KoS.
    It's that hostile.

  • @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @captain-coel said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @krahaborr said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @d4ng3rdol4n Agree with you...This game needs some PvE and PvP rebalancing, reward changes and something like that to move the interest away from PvP towards alliance. Unfortunately, people tend to be violent and this is manifested in games, since here they are not punished for this, but even rewarded. It all looks like insects in one box that seek to destroy each other ... sometimes even for no reason. I was attacked at the very beginning of the game without even lifting the anchor and got some toxic phrases like "noob", it doesn't look very friendly while community day

    Killing other players and taking their stuff isnt a bad thing. Its literally the way the game was designed. There is nothing to punish there.

    The game was designed to balance activities, and when some murderhobos are cruising around the map interrupting content that's designed to take a half hour to complete, no other playstyles can function.

    That's been the case this season, too frequent PVP because the devs decided it's a smart idea to encourage a playstyle that

    Inb4 "but it's a pirate game, they're SUPPOSED to make it so you can't take 10 steps onto an island without Leroy Jenkins charging up over the horizon"

    Nice. more name calling. It's called game design. This is a pvevp game. You are not supposed be able to peacefully pve your entire session. You are also not supposed to be able to pvp without sailing around looking and looking.

    Hunting people is encouraged. Emissaries are meant to be hunted. Red sea running was removed. You wonder why we have boats out there hunting and hunting? It's because Rare told us we could and designed it so we can.

    Let's keep the name calling to a minimum. Its not a good look.

  • @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    With 6 crew servers, every session now has at least one crew that plays KoS.
    It's that hostile.

    Between higher varied interest right now, server hopping, and hg 6 ships hasn't had the environmental negative impact yet.

    6 ships becomes an issue with low activity, low participation, then it just amplifies already existing issues on top of causes more performance issues

    when interests are more varied and participation is more sustainable like it currently is then there are many servers with healthy ecosystems

    Higher organic participation and varied interest creates plenty of servers where people have a chance to move loot around, form organic alliances, etc. Which is what is happening currently.

    If that drops off like it typically drops off then 6 ships becomes far more relevant in topics of negative impact.

    If the effects of HG and the effects of lowering pve grind time work well together then it creates opportunity for sustainable healthy server ecosystems with 6 ships

  • @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @captain-coel said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @krahaborr said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @d4ng3rdol4n Agree with you...This game needs some PvE and PvP rebalancing, reward changes and something like that to move the interest away from PvP towards alliance. Unfortunately, people tend to be violent and this is manifested in games, since here they are not punished for this, but even rewarded. It all looks like insects in one box that seek to destroy each other ... sometimes even for no reason. I was attacked at the very beginning of the game without even lifting the anchor and got some toxic phrases like "noob", it doesn't look very friendly while community day

    Killing other players and taking their stuff isnt a bad thing. Its literally the way the game was designed. There is nothing to punish there.

    The game was designed to balance activities, and when some murderhobos are cruising around the map interrupting content that's designed to take a half hour to complete, no other playstyles can function.

    That's been the case this season, too frequent PVP because the devs decided it's a smart idea to encourage a playstyle that

    Inb4 "but it's a pirate game, they're SUPPOSED to make it so you can't take 10 steps onto an island without Leroy Jenkins charging up over the horizon"

    Unfortunately, your hyperbole and exaggeration tends to drag your argument down, and keep people from taking you seriously.

    You are very capable of doing other activities within the game other than PVP. I've been in many crews, even with the last update, that it has been possible. Situational awareness is a key part of it though. You have to watch the horizons, and be prepared to act. It's part of the nature of the game.

    On the other hand, I will say that the game has created a situation where trusting another ship is near impossible, and I think things that encourage cooperation and trust would be worthwhile.

  • @tybald said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @captain-coel said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @krahaborr said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @d4ng3rdol4n Agree with you...This game needs some PvE and PvP rebalancing, reward changes and something like that to move the interest away from PvP towards alliance. Unfortunately, people tend to be violent and this is manifested in games, since here they are not punished for this, but even rewarded. It all looks like insects in one box that seek to destroy each other ... sometimes even for no reason. I was attacked at the very beginning of the game without even lifting the anchor and got some toxic phrases like "noob", it doesn't look very friendly while community day

    Killing other players and taking their stuff isnt a bad thing. Its literally the way the game was designed. There is nothing to punish there.

    The game was designed to balance activities, and when some murderhobos are cruising around the map interrupting content that's designed to take a half hour to complete, no other playstyles can function.

    That's been the case this season, too frequent PVP because the devs decided it's a smart idea to encourage a playstyle that

    Inb4 "but it's a pirate game, they're SUPPOSED to make it so you can't take 10 steps onto an island without Leroy Jenkins charging up over the horizon"

    Unfortunately, your hyperbole and exaggeration tends to drag your argument down, and keep people from taking you seriously.

    You are very capable of doing other activities within the game other than PVP. I've been in many crews, even with the last update, that it has been possible. Situational awareness is a key part of it though. You have to watch the horizons, and be prepared to act. It's part of the nature of the game.

    On the other hand, I will say that the game has created a situation where trusting another ship is near impossible, and I think things that encourage cooperation and trust would be worthwhile.

    It's not hyperbole, it's the current state of the game.
    Every session I've played this season have had my activities interrupted by hyperaggressive ships.

    I'm prepared to act, but that doesn't do any good because they still suck up all of my time and prevent me from progressing whatever else I was doing.

  • @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @tybald said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @captain-coel said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @krahaborr said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @d4ng3rdol4n Agree with you...This game needs some PvE and PvP rebalancing, reward changes and something like that to move the interest away from PvP towards alliance. Unfortunately, people tend to be violent and this is manifested in games, since here they are not punished for this, but even rewarded. It all looks like insects in one box that seek to destroy each other ... sometimes even for no reason. I was attacked at the very beginning of the game without even lifting the anchor and got some toxic phrases like "noob", it doesn't look very friendly while community day

    Killing other players and taking their stuff isnt a bad thing. Its literally the way the game was designed. There is nothing to punish there.

    The game was designed to balance activities, and when some murderhobos are cruising around the map interrupting content that's designed to take a half hour to complete, no other playstyles can function.

    That's been the case this season, too frequent PVP because the devs decided it's a smart idea to encourage a playstyle that

    Inb4 "but it's a pirate game, they're SUPPOSED to make it so you can't take 10 steps onto an island without Leroy Jenkins charging up over the horizon"

    Unfortunately, your hyperbole and exaggeration tends to drag your argument down, and keep people from taking you seriously.

    You are very capable of doing other activities within the game other than PVP. I've been in many crews, even with the last update, that it has been possible. Situational awareness is a key part of it though. You have to watch the horizons, and be prepared to act. It's part of the nature of the game.

    On the other hand, I will say that the game has created a situation where trusting another ship is near impossible, and I think things that encourage cooperation and trust would be worthwhile.

    It's not hyperbole, it's the current state of the game.
    Every session I've played this season have had my activities interrupted by hyperaggressive ships.

    I'm prepared to act, but that doesn't do any good because they still suck up all of my time and prevent me from progressing whatever else I was doing.

    The problem is that your experience isn't being shared by others. How are you actually playing the game? Solo sloop, duo, brig, galleon? As I've said, I've been playing, and I can't say that I've shared your experience. So, while it is a problem for you, it's not universal.

  • @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    It's not hyperbole, it's the current state of the game.
    Every session I've played this season have had my activities interrupted by hyperaggressive ships.

    I'm prepared to act, but that doesn't do any good because they still suck up all of my time and prevent me from progressing whatever else I was doing.

    Is any crew who attacks you "hyper aggressive"?

  • @scheneighnay said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    It's not hyperbole, it's the current state of the game.
    Every session I've played this season have had my activities interrupted by hyperaggressive ships.

    I'm prepared to act, but that doesn't do any good because they still suck up all of my time and prevent me from progressing whatever else I was doing.

    At the activity level that is currently occurring, most regions are going to probably have more people looking to alliance than looking to attack random ships.

    Hoppers are busy with high value targets
    Server investing pvp leans more into stealth plays right now

    There are ships that want to fight and sink any ship but at the current activity level it's not going to be every or even most servers typically.

    I only fight fighters and I invest in servers for long amounts of time and people go out of their way to attack me in random scenarios only sometimes, most of my combat is in scenarios of either higher appeal activities or me spending time in higher traffic areas.

    Also I use good boy cosmetics which creates more attacks as to many it's a sign of wanting to/being open to fighting so I'll be attacked randomly more by the kill on sight type of ships and it's still not an every or most server situation.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @pinkkarma834915 said in PVP is basically mandatory:


    You do not know better. You only know what you’ve been told. Thank you. 3500+ hours in this game.

    There is literally a segment in the podcast that was linked earlier that tells the pve only crowd, they aren't going to get modes like that and why.

    Temporary, permanent, or otherwise it ain't going to happen of this I am very certain.

    Your hours don't mean anything but since you put it out there; I have 3000+ on the standard version alone. I'm a Founder and a day zero player. I have been in this community for a very very long time. Most of the time I know what I'm talking about and while I don't know everything, I do know this, PVE only modes are not coming to this game because it is not mechanically built for them and they are against this spirit of the SWAG and the developer's own ideas and ambitions. The game would have to be vastly re-made to exclude whole segments of it in order to prevent player griefing since they couldn't pvp and they still would not get all instances.

    This game is meant to be a swag from its founding principles and feedback, to it's very core design mechanics.

    But I won't keep belaboring the point, other people can file in and tell you the exact same thing.

    I think this is like the 3rd or 4th no friends, no followers, castaway posting about pve servers that has been deleted from the forum. Same person every time or is this a common thing? Not @'ing you in particular personalc0ffee, this was just the last reply I could find after I got pinged for something else in here.

    Side note: it makes it difficult to follow a thread when a user gets deleted because it removes their posts completely, so unless every post they made was quoted it creates huge holes in the thread and makes it difficult to follow.

  • @d3adst1ck said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @personalc0ffee said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @pinkkarma834915 said in PVP is basically mandatory:


    You do not know better. You only know what you’ve been told. Thank you. 3500+ hours in this game.

    There is literally a segment in the podcast that was linked earlier that tells the pve only crowd, they aren't going to get modes like that and why.

    Temporary, permanent, or otherwise it ain't going to happen of this I am very certain.

    Your hours don't mean anything but since you put it out there; I have 3000+ on the standard version alone. I'm a Founder and a day zero player. I have been in this community for a very very long time. Most of the time I know what I'm talking about and while I don't know everything, I do know this, PVE only modes are not coming to this game because it is not mechanically built for them and they are against this spirit of the SWAG and the developer's own ideas and ambitions. The game would have to be vastly re-made to exclude whole segments of it in order to prevent player griefing since they couldn't pvp and they still would not get all instances.

    This game is meant to be a swag from its founding principles and feedback, to it's very core design mechanics.

    But I won't keep belaboring the point, other people can file in and tell you the exact same thing.

    I think this is like the 3rd or 4th no friends, no followers, castaway posting about pve servers that has been deleted from the forum. Same person every time or is this a common thing? Not @'ing you in particular personalc0ffee, this was just the last reply I could find after I got pinged for something else in here.

    Side note: it makes it difficult to follow a thread when a user gets deleted because it removes their posts completely, so unless every post they made was quoted it creates huge holes in the thread and makes it difficult to follow.

    Perhaps someone has an agenda.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @d3adst1ck said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @personalc0ffee said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @pinkkarma834915 said in PVP is basically mandatory:


    You do not know better. You only know what you’ve been told. Thank you. 3500+ hours in this game.

    There is literally a segment in the podcast that was linked earlier that tells the pve only crowd, they aren't going to get modes like that and why.

    Temporary, permanent, or otherwise it ain't going to happen of this I am very certain.

    Your hours don't mean anything but since you put it out there; I have 3000+ on the standard version alone. I'm a Founder and a day zero player. I have been in this community for a very very long time. Most of the time I know what I'm talking about and while I don't know everything, I do know this, PVE only modes are not coming to this game because it is not mechanically built for them and they are against this spirit of the SWAG and the developer's own ideas and ambitions. The game would have to be vastly re-made to exclude whole segments of it in order to prevent player griefing since they couldn't pvp and they still would not get all instances.

    This game is meant to be a swag from its founding principles and feedback, to it's very core design mechanics.

    But I won't keep belaboring the point, other people can file in and tell you the exact same thing.

    I think this is like the 3rd or 4th no friends, no followers, castaway posting about pve servers that has been deleted from the forum. Same person every time or is this a common thing? Not @'ing you in particular personalc0ffee, this was just the last reply I could find after I got pinged for something else in here.

    Side note: it makes it difficult to follow a thread when a user gets deleted because it removes their posts completely, so unless every post they made was quoted it creates huge holes in the thread and makes it difficult to follow.

    Perhaps someone has an agenda.

    I hope this "agenda" results in a better more enjoyable game for all PvP and PvE alike. I like the atmosphere of the whimsical pirate experience . I would like more details though to vary the experience though. I would like more ways to manage the boarding of ships (ie. drawing up the ladder, grappling hook from water, land, or on ship, oil bombs that are shootable and launchable that makes the deck a bit more slick as well as the sides of the ship if hit (slower ladder climbing and letting go and regrabbing results in slipping off the ladder into the water, ability to wave off mermaids and then call them back with a shell when you want them back, and many other ideas that I could write an entire thread on), Right now pve as well as pvp tends to get stale unless you can spice it up with friends with no input from the game itself providing this enjoyment.

    Bottomline: We need more options on both sides to keep the game fresh and less predictable (IMO).

  • @d4ng3rdol4n Correct, PvP is mandatory. Even avoiding PvP is technically PvP, because you’re going against the interest of another player by force. PvP is basically just force and violence to get what you want, and the funny thing is, it actually works. Don’t fault the guys on community day trying to steal and murder - that is just how they show their love and appreciation for what you do. It may be community day, but it’s a community day for thieves who “have a love for other peoples’ money.” So now I’ve said this, it’s your call. Will you try and master PvP and reign as a warlord? Will you dabble in PvP just enough to have the expertise to defend yourself? Or will you avoid PvP like the plague and only engage when you’ve been truly cornered? The choice is yours and there’s nothing wrong with choosing any option I listed, or even ones I haven’t. I wish you luck on the seas, friend.

  • @scheneighnay Yes, Sea of Thieves is fine like that. To even qualify to exist without having Leroy Jenkins on your tail the moment you wake up in tavern, you need to be a certain level of PvP skill level. Yep, existence is a crime and you need to justify it with violence. Even if you lose… fight back!

  • @d4ng3rdol4n Welcome to sea of thieves. This game brings out the Worst in everyone

  • @elitereactor159 Try hourglass. Can't believe I have to tell you this to find fights

  • @gunnner1 said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @elitereactor159 Try hourglass. Can't believe I have to tell you this to find fights

    Or we can look for people in adventure to sink. Just because hourglass exists doesn't mean that has to be the only source of pvp. Traditional adventure fights can be way more chaotic.

  • @gunnner1 when i was grinding my ghost curse i had dreams about turning my boat right, raising sails, shootin, hitin & bording. Never more!

    I prefer chaotic and organic fights in open world as it was in day one.

  • @captain-coel When you've been given a mode that can guaranteed you a fighter you've instead actively decided you may want to ruin someone else's night for your own pleasure and getting your fix of "traditional combat". This is sadistic behavior. Especially if that player starts running for the next hour and a half. I can't believe we've decided that liberty = license. What ever happened to standards 😔

  • @n0soup4u Are you suggesting no-one should over be attacked in adventure mode now?

    If not, under what circumstances is it acceptable vs not-acceptable?

  • @n0soup4u said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @captain-coel When you've been given a mode that can guaranteed you a fighter you've instead actively decided you may want to ruin someone else's night for your own pleasure and getting your fix of "traditional combat". This is sadistic behavior. Especially if that player starts running for the next hour and a half. I can't believe we've decided that liberty = license. What ever happened to standards 😔

    Pvp is an expected part of the game. Being both predator and prey simultaneously is part of the game.

    I'm not sure you want to play Sea of Thieves as created. You want your own rules to be applied to everyone. This is an unfair expectation. I play the game the way Rare wants it to be played. As a PvEvP game. I revel in the shared world.

    Sorry you and I will never agree. Have fun on the seas.

  • @ghutar Then you're part of the reason this game has such a tiny player base

  • @n0soup4u said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    When you've been given a mode that can guaranteed you a fighter you've instead actively decided you may want to ruin someone else's night for your own pleasure and getting your fix of "traditional combat". This is sadistic behavior. Especially if that player starts running for the next hour and a half. I can't believe we've decided that liberty = license. What ever happened to standards 😔

    At most it can be said that it's manipulatively marketed (as all products are) to over present the positive and skip over the negative.

    As it exists there is an abrupt and abrasive introduction to pvp for a new player.

    The game is what it is, it's a part of the design it's a part of the product and the experience. That's what they created and that's what they offer.

    A part of the issue is that many in this game feel they are owed something they aren't. That goes from new players up to the most experienced players in the game, from pve to pvp.

    Rather than people saying "ok this isn't for me" and playing one of the many other fun games in existence or "I don't like this part so I am going to adapt my play to avoid it" they stick around and throw blame around. Regularly posting negative things about a product or a community that wasn't designed around what the person wants.

    It's understandable why people don't enjoy parts of this game but that's a part of the experience and design.

  • @wolfmanbush People spend money for this

  • @n0soup4u said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @wolfmanbush People spend money for this

    I've long communicated that I think people should be introduced to pvp in the game before the emporium is opened for them as people are spending extra money in a game they may not be prepared for

    as far as buying the game goes that's just how it goes, online games with hostile encounters are gonna be a mixed bag

  • @captain-coel said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    Pvp is an expected part of the game. Being both predator and prey simultaneously is part of the game.

    I'm not sure you want to play Sea of Thieves as created. You want your own rules to be applied to everyone. This is an unfair expectation. I play the game the way Rare wants it to be played. As a PvEvP game. I revel in the shared world.

    Sorry you and I will never agree. Have fun on the seas.

    If we are going to dumb down SOT to just another RDM simulator, then it's not the sea of thieves as created. There's a reason it's PvEvP and not just PvP, there's a reason there's LOOT and especially big haul world events that exist that encourage and let the server know "HEY IM DOING THIS". That's the pirate aspect of the PvP, the loot and plunder. Mindless slaughter just dumbs it down to another FPS and no one is here for that. If I'm minding my own business with some foul bounty skull and I just get ran over by a gally, I'd be a lot more annoyed than if I got attacked while announcing to everyone I'm doing the fort of the damned. Especially when on demand PvP exists.

    That's my point, someone like you would actively decide to go and bother someone (if it's not at a world event or fort, or if you happened to see they actually had loot on board) and straight up sink an unwilling target. I do not understand how this is even rewarding either? Wouldn't a good fight consist of fighting someone who fights back? Someone who wants to fight you, who will fight tooth and nail and give you a run for your money? Or are we advocating for seal clubbing? Maybe you don't do it, but people here have suggested that those who run and "do not try" are dumb and lazy and yet those same people will go and fight them. Where is there glory in beating someone who isn't good at the game?

    I know my opinion isn't exactly popular, but reducing the game down into a murder fest isn't what the game was made for, you can say its apart of the game, but if it devolves into only that, then it's lost it's identity.


  • @wolfmanbush Fair enough but as you said it certainly got advertised as this open world sandbox of adventure, most people are gonna have a learning curve, that's fine. We've all been there where we left our boat unattended and can learn from that. I think the depth of PvP goes way further when someone expects the simple combat to be simple and are met with the cold hard truth of janky insta delete mechanics, but that topic has been exhausted so I won't bother again.

    If we care about retention we should act like it and not promote illogical RDM. I think people have a much easier time coming to terms with fighting over loot/forts/world events and potentially losing for it, than being randomly attacked while doing a tall tale and having nothing of value. I understand to a certain point I'm asking too much of people to "go and find out" if they have loot, but PvP in this game is only engaged in 3 situations: You decide you want to go sink someone for their booty, you queue up for HG PvP, or you want to just murder someone. I do not think the last one is fair, especially with the recent introduction to HG. Again, I seriously think if you wanna go and kill people mindless, there are plenty of FPS for that.

    A lot faster paced and quicker respawns.

  • @n0soup4u said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    @captain-coel said in PVP is basically mandatory:

    Pvp is an expected part of the game. Being both predator and prey simultaneously is part of the game.

    I'm not sure you want to play Sea of Thieves as created. You want your own rules to be applied to everyone. This is an unfair expectation. I play the game the way Rare wants it to be played. As a PvEvP game. I revel in the shared world.

    Sorry you and I will never agree. Have fun on the seas.

    If we are going to dumb down SOT to just another RDM simulator, then it's not the sea of thieves as created. There's a reason it's PvEvP and not just PvP, there's a reason there's LOOT and especially big haul world events that exist that encourage and let the server know "HEY IM DOING THIS". That's the pirate aspect of the PvP, the loot and plunder. Mindless slaughter just dumbs it down to another FPS and no one is here for that. If I'm minding my own business with some foul bounty skull and I just get ran over by a gally, I'd be a lot more annoyed than if I got attacked while announcing to everyone I'm doing the fort of the damned. Especially when on demand PvP exists.

    That's my point, someone like you would actively decide to go and bother someone (if it's not at a world event or fort, or if you happened to see they actually had loot on board) and straight up sink an unwilling target. I do not understand how this is even rewarding either? Wouldn't a good fight consist of fighting someone who fights back? Someone who wants to fight you, who will fight tooth and nail and give you a run for your money? Or are we advocating for seal clubbing? Maybe you don't do it, but people here have suggested that those who run and "do not try" are dumb and lazy and yet those same people will go and fight them. Where is there glory in beating someone who isn't good at the game?

    I know my opinion isn't exactly popular, but reducing the game down into a murder fest isn't what the game was made for, you can say its apart of the game, but if it devolves into only that, then it's lost it's identity.


    I have standards. You know the kind where people know what they signed up for. People who play this game are willing participants. I am allowed to hunt you down for no reason what so ever. The devs have been doing that to other people in game for years as well. You very much do not understand the game that we are playing. Your standards are wrong. Its not some RDM. If you think HG pvp fills the void of the hunt, you havent experienced the game the way it was meant to be played, more so after they added emissaries. Everyone consents to PVP the moment you decide to play Sea of Thieves. Everyone draws an even larger target on their back the moment they raise an emissary flag.

    See you on the Seas.

  • @gunnner I love how fast you jump an that high horse throwing asumptions, targeting me as part of problem and knowing 0 about my playstyle.

    I would love to do same!

    "Let say that players geting to salty about game aspectsAS YOU and raigin in game or in forum are reasons for they own demise.

    Being unable to deal with own frustration criple you in game and in life making you leave first or perform poor in both making decison to leave game being only based on personal lacks."

    It doesn't feel well to read so many assupstions about yourself aint it?

    Im going back to finish 100% in Pirate Life so cheerse there.

    But mind I was there, third time when i respawned od keg in HG mode pushed me to make angry post about it.

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