Please fix enemy's quest table!!

  • I'm not sure exactly how long this as been busted but the enemy's quest table shows as your quest table so sneak missions arent as worth it now.. I can't gather much information. Please fix this..

  • 11
  • It didn't give you much info anyway.

    Keep it broken please lolol

  • I never mark my map so sneaky pirates can't tell where I'm going. Yet I agree if it's not working right it needs fixed.

    EDIT: Just realized you said quest table not map. 😂😂😂 But the above statements still hold true!

  • @pithyrumble as someone whose tuccd for a long time I know it for sure gives needed information..

  • That I'm on an Athena?

  • Yes! We should all report this and get them fixin'.

  • @pithyrumble I use it when it comes to knowing what new players are doing.. some people do help, ya know

  • You want to hear about something messed up? I snuck aboard an enemy galleon yesterday, took a look at their quest table, and had the option to cancel it - so I did. Galleon didn't stay long after that.

  • @kingmickey2120 not only that but me and my crew occasionally will ally with a new ship if they are receptive and drop a higher level quest as a gift. Since the table is bugged we can no longer do this.

  • @deadly-tuna-bag I actually didn't know that was true. But if they fix this I'd do the same thing

  • @galactic-geek okay now that you NEED to report.. Hopefully that kinds thing would get them fixing it..

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