From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.

  • ~For context
    I got my 240 wins in less than a month of arena being released. I got the next 360 wins Before cross play optional. I got my + this weekend* (probably about 40 wins: Xbox & mixed servers, galleons & sloops) I lfg'd a lot and I played with Xbox & PC players. I'm disabled so I play a lot.


    The last arena update broke matchmaking; plain and simple. No one should be waiting 45 minutes to get into a 24 minute game. (Avg. Wait time was 25m with having my crew split into two lobbies to join whichever started first, if we didn't do this the avg. time would've been higher)

    ~ I understand people abused the old matchmaking to get cannon kills.
    ~Them getting cannon kills does not negatively affect my experience on your game... But INSANE lobby wait times does.
    ~Arena will die again after the event because ever since you changed matchmaking the lobby wait times have been 1 hour to 1 game (if it ever starts at all) during non events. Most people give up and leave before lobbies can get to 5 teams.


    Fill up (one or two) lobbies at a time so the games will actually start instead of just throwing crews into random lobbies (via testing there's often many lobbies with 3-4 crews not starting because they're never filled before people get bored and leave.)
    ~ ALLOW GAMES TO START WITH 4 CREWS after 10m wait.
    ~Automatically re-queue solo open crews.
    So they stop preventing lobbies from starting. If you can't launch a boat without 3 people why do entire lobbies have to wait 30m for the open crew to fill. (or until the solo open crew is afk kicked)
    ~Gold & Rep
    Need boosted permanently not just during events.


    This was the first time my main crew (xbox) has actually felt like we were playing a fair game. We actually got to be aggressive, we actually got to feel like we were good at the game, and we got GG's instead of hate mail. It felt like how arena was always supposed to be played. This is the first time I've seen the Xbox servers actually running.


    ~They delayed it a lot and only barely mentioned it on their channel
    ~It has to be manually set (and isn't a known setting)
    ~If you search Xbox only you often have to search several times to actually get into the Xbox server (tested with multiple crews; aka it randomly decides to deny you even when the servers for it are running and need crews)
    ~There's not enough people with the setting so instead of asking Xbox crews "hey would you like to join the Xbox server" it just keeps sending them to mixed lobbies where they give up on arena.
    ~^due to above mentioned, the Xbox player lobbies have only ever run (somewhat) during this event and will disappear again after.
    ~Some streamers incorrectly thought servers would die without Xbox players and threatened to quit the game so it was pushed under the rug after that.

    This is a legit question because I don't think they want feedback or to fix this. I think it was set up to fail and be removed.

    XBOX vs PC (3) We need Xbox servers

    If you still think there isn't a difference you're delusional. If you love this game and think alienating part of the player base will help it you're wrong. If you think that servers will not have enough players if there's Xbox only servers you're stupid.

    If you want the game to stay alive and be loved. If you want to have a brain. If you want to see more full servers(overall). Then you should support Xbox only servers.

    You don't want Xbox players to quit arena/the game if you care about this game so it SHOULD have designs within the game that support its average player. The try-hards do not keep this game alive, the casuals do.


    ~Load times.
    This is the #1 reason I lose arena games. Try to mermaid in arena, or load into a new boat. It's MINUTES of a difference on average. There's not a lot of minutes to spare in arena. (SSD does help, but most of your players are normal Xbox players) I can't send people to get anchors, fight, swim a chest, etc due to fear of them being out of play for 1-3 minutes of load screen if they fail. I have to call my crew back early to do anything (losing time from digging, etc) and they're often too late due to how drastic the load times can be (leading to sinking, losing a chest, etc).
    ~Load times are also massively different in adventure when leaving the ferry of the dammed.

    There's a reason you don't see any* Xbox players running double guns. This is a problem across all cross platform games. Not SoT fault, but shouldn't be ignored.

    ~Turning speed.
    This affects pvp more than people realize; it's the #1 reason I see Xbox players unable to kill PC players. (Remember average Xbox player doesn't run 10 sensitivity/also no one on controller can play like that) Mice allow players to turn around instantly allowing: fancy sword moves Xbox players can't avoid, blocking, attacking in ways Xbox players can't block, and the ability to always escape. A simple run behind and turn around is enough to best most Xbox players before they can finish turning. It's hard to explain just how much this affects combat unless you actually have weeks of experience or sit down and test it. Which I recommend all try-hard PC players that think they don't have an advantage to test this; you aren't as godly as you think when you kill an Xbox player.

    Xbox players get what we call.. stun locked, easily by swords. It never happens to PC players. If you hit a PC player 3 times they keep running because you're delayed, if you hit an Xbox player 3 times they're locked, they're dead. The "moment of doing nothing" after a missed sword lunge also doesn't seem to stop PC players from moving around freely where Xbox players just freeze. Hits register better with guns on PC. This isn't SoT's fault, but it shouldn't be ignored.

    If there wasn't such a huge advantage why is so much of lfg PC only and leaving if there's more than one Xbox player in the crew.

    ~In general the ability to do what Xbox players can't.
    We can't ladder glitch, we can't shoot while climbing, we can't pre aim our shots (many PC players run with a dot in the middle of their screen), we can't hotkey everything, we can't block (turn speed), we can't one shot snipe people (or double gun so fast it sounds like one shot where you don't aim down sights?), we can't run around the boat and never get stunned, we can't exploit glitches or hack(which yes people do get banned for, but a lot more don't get caught, sadly). Many Xbox players are of the mindset they've already lost if a PC player gets on their boat, and many times that is also true. It's not fun to play like that; it makes people quit.

    ~Even as a try-hard.
    I struggle and often need a teammate to beat a good PC player due to the advantages they have. It's very obvious when you're fighting Xbox vs PC. I got my wins by watching ladders(tho many PC players still glitched up it), ship combat and outplaying the other crews. Never, in all my wins, did I win because of hand/gun combat it's not something I can get better at, it just isn't something Xbox players can beat them at. I know many PC wins come from hand/gun combat, and I also know PC players find it easy to wipe (spawn camp) most Xbox crews. I promise you not all PC players are good/all Xbox players are bad it truly is just easy because of their advantages. One of the main reasons players quit a game is because they feel helpless. Casual (and sometimes all) Xbox players are helpless against PC players. It's not good for anyone. Their easy wins, sinks, etc are destroying the game they want to play.

    ~Final note
    I love this game, I want it to thrive for a long time. Fixing wait time/lobbies is obvious, but you all need to remember supporting Xbox players is a good thing. Casual players (mostly Xbox via game pass) are what make games like this stay around for many updates to come.

    We all want to see this game stay alive, active, fun. Please listen to Xbox players, please help us get our own servers running, please fix matchmaking for arena, please realize easy victories make Xbox players quit the game forever.

    -From a pirate who knows the declining playerbase should be something we are ALL working to fix because I've seen too many games die.

  • 184
  • I agree you bring up many valid points! This needs to change!

  • Stun lock happens on PC too. It isn't exclusive to Xbox.
    A lot of your points seem to be mistaken?
    PC can't shoot while climbing.
    You're saying PC players run with dots on their screen (I haven't heard of this tactic in years). But there is no reason why an Xbox person couldn't do that as well.
    You can still customize your keybind on your controller.
    PC can't one-shot snipe people either. They fixed Double-gun a while back.

    I think cross platform is healthy, you could always plug in a mouse and keyboard? I don't believe the population for either PC or Xbox is healthy enough to support the game without each other. I could be mistaken but this is the common conception.

  • I agree with everything you said and quite frankly even if I didn’t I don’t have the skins on the wall that you do to even consider presenting an argument!

  • @nucl3ar13

    I've not seen PC players be stun locked.
    I got PC shot while climbing this weekend. (Maybe it's a hack and not a PC thing? I don't know, they kill you while still holding the ladder)
    I also got one shot sniper (or like I said double gun with no aim down sights) many times this weekend, I only heard one shot.
    It's a lot harder to put a dot on a TV that wouldn't damage it.
    We don't have enough buttons to hotkey to on a controller.
    Your casual player base can't afford a keyboard and mouse to plug into their Xbox.
    You ignored one of the huge problems; load times PC vs Xbox.

    The playerbase is suffering from Xbox players quitting due to the disadvantages. Adventure lobbies merge really well and always have ships. Arena mixed lobbies are dead because of matchmaking not lack of players. The population can support Xbox only, but only if they stop all the Xbox players quitting before the entire game dies.

  • I completely agree and any pc player whom says otherwise is clearly scared of losing there easy targets pc players have quicker better aim and respoce time even if the xbox player were to use keyboard and mouse the time it would take to register and the lag still makes it hard i love SOT more than anything but what I would love from them most instead of constant new content is focus on fixing what you got so far because adventure and arena have issues and there is enough players both Xbox and pc to make seperate lobbies for adventure and arena its hard to enjoy a game when you meet toxic pc players who think they are god and Xbox needs to get good i wont even begin to say some of the nasty stuff said to me and my friends by pc players

  • @aceblue
    PC can't shoot on ladders, it would be a new glitch if they could. They're falling off when shooting and then grab back on.
    Sniper can't one-shot. Simple as that. It would be more likely you didn't have full HP prior to being shot. Do you have a recording of this?
    Putting a dot on a TV is no different than putting it on a monitor. There is a reason why most PC players don't in-fact put tape on their screen. This is really an archaic trick.
    The casual player base can afford a keyboard and mouse. The two are cheaper than a controller even when bought together. There is a bundle for $15 on Amazon.

    Logitech Desktop MK120 Durable, Comfortable, USB Mouse and keyboard Combo

    I don't see why people wouldn't want to take advantage of the option since Rare went through the process of making the game recognize mouse and keyboard on Xbox.
    What buttons do you need hotkeyed to make a difference? From what I've seen, simply making Jump and Eat independent buttons on the bumpers fixes most issues people have brought up. What about people with elite controllers? Should they play on a separate server since they can have more bindings?
    The next thing would be raising sensitivity to at least 7. That should be reminded by Rare on a loading screen that sensitivity can be changed.
    Load times on PC vs Xbox are mainly because of the lack of SSD on older devices. The normal Xbox and Xbox S AD come with 5400rpm slow drives. Not all PCs come with SSDs either though.
    That is simply up to the owner to either install an SSD, get a device that has a SSD installed, or accept the fact that they are using a cheaper device. SSD aren't expensive or hard to install and separating players because of load times seems silly.
    Would you suggest that people who have an SSD on their Xbox shouldn’t play with people who don’t?
    If you factor people with an Xbox elite controller that has more keybindings with people who have an SSD, I’d feel like the non elite/ssd Xbox players are at an disadvantage then as well. It would be really silly to split everyone up.

  • Was playing arena on all servers over the weekend. I got shot several times whilst someone was holding onto the ladder. It does happen.

  • @nucl3ar13 Obviously you haven’t played as much as she has if you were more experienced then you’d know.

  • @aceblue hey you! i saw you through a few of those wins =)
    i agree with all your points, the pc player base isnt he foundation of this game at all.
    and that ladder tactic ive done myself, now idk about hacks bc i dont use them but ive done the release shot regrab. its easy to aim on pc to do that. unsure if thats what happened to you but the load times is a massive part of gameplay that needs fixing. its been the difference between saving a boat and a sunk boat. if my crew has ever encountered a mega keg and most or all of use bite the big one, im the first to spawn in dying 2nd 3rd of 4th and running through the ferry doors. seems a little out of order if you ask me.

  • I rarely play Arena, because of the PC advantage. Even in normal movement, they seem to be super-powered, almost twice as fast as me. They hip-shoot me once from across the ship and I die. They slash me three times in the time it takes me to do it once. It's really obvious that they are not playing the same game. Look at the hoops jumped through and the bending over backwards by the responder (Nucl3ar13) who wants to defend his advantage. He even goes so far as to doubt the OP by asking for footage, and out-and-out deny what we've all seen happen.
    Arena is fun, too. Sloop Arena is vicious. But when you're losing constantly to players who mysteriously show up behind you at the wheel, it makes a nice, mellow cruise around the smaller islands, scavenging kegs from dead forts sound much more appealing.

  • @needsmokes said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    Was playing arena on all servers over the weekend. I got shot several times whilst someone was holding onto the ladder. It does happen.

    They are technically off the ladder falling when they shoot you and then grab back on.

    @alliemariep said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    @nucl3ar13 Obviously you haven’t played as much as she has if you were more experienced then you’d know.

    I know you can shoot if you drop off the ladder with the flintlock/blunder but you're still off the ladder at the time of the shot. This can still be done on Xbox and PC and only requires timing and the know how of the trick. I'd be fine with the trick being removed but it isn't exclusive.

    If you don't know how, it isn't that hard.

  • @nucl3ar13

    Okay well the ladder glitch is happening then and I've only seen PC players exploit it. Someone else already commented they've seen it.
    Yes, I have full health when it happens (which is often) and it never happens when I'm on Xbox only. I'll start recording it, but I see it happen to other people as well and there's no other enemies around.
    Getting a TV safe dot is more difficult than you realize… they don't tape stuff on their monitors it's an overlay over the game.
    The casual player base can not afford a keyboard and mouse. Most of them have sea of thieves just from game pass and can't even buy the full game. This is elitist BS. It's insane to buy that just for one game.
    You need to hotkey bucket, text chat, food, jump, sprint, but the problem is then it overrides things. Have you ever looked at the controller settings? We only have 1 button that isn't already used for something. Our D-pad can be multi used but it's difficult. Getting through the bumper menus is slow on Xbox.
    More elitist BS do you realize how expensive an SSD is? Most casual people don't even know that would help, it's still slower than PC, and again to buy that for just one game is insane.
    Separating players who have 10second vs 3minute load times in a game with Combat makes a lot of sense so everyone has a fair experience!

    What seems silly is to continue to argue that you don't have advantages as the player base drops drastically. If what we had before worked, why are all the Xbox players quitting? Why is it only PC elitists that want it to stay the same? Why do you want easy victories at the expensive of casual players quitting the game?

    If you love the game you need to listen to Xbox players, and look at the facts. The player base can support split servers. The game can't support losing their Xbox players. (It's not like they can't disable it if somehow it didn't work so why don't you support us trying it??? We just want the game to not die! And its dying!!)

    You need Xbox players to love the game and buy pets… not buy elitist BS and still be at a disadvantage. Would you buy a game that requires you to buy 3 extra things just to play it and you'd still be underpowered?

    They could spend that money supporting SOT instead…..

  • @aceblue If only PC elitists want it to stay the same then why do some xbox players want crossplay to stay?

  • @jofjjay

    What Xbox players? I don't know any that actually play the game often that support it. Not. A. Single. One. And I've played with thousands of Xbox players in just arena alone.

    Why are LFG's PC only?

    I like mixed servers it just should be an option. Why does us having an option hurt you? Oh wait it doesn't.

    If it doesn't work they can just remove the option.. but as is the game is dying because Xbox players are quitting. Shouldn't we try to save the game we all love?

    Edit I've clearly proven as an Xbox player I can win arena in mixed servers with my 600 wins, I will continue to play mixed servers. But I'm a try-hard.

    I'm sad hearing about how casual Xbox players have 0 arena wins and have given up on it. I'm sad seeing the game I love dying. I'm sad seeing all my casual Xbox friends quit because Xbox only isn't an option and I'm sick of PC players not caring.

  • I’ll be honest with you SOT’s has been my main game since it released. Took maybe a 3 month break. I’ve logged in and goofed around for a bit in the last few weeks and that’s it.

    But I haven’t logged in to host and play a dedicated session using the LFG tool like I used to since I was last cyber bullied by a PC Gamer.
    Which I documented here in the forums.

    Mainly because I feel like I let my crew down. Full Galleon crew decimated by a single player. I’m no longer fit to lead. It broke me!

    As much as I like the ability to play with friends and family on PC and consoles in the house so we can all enjoy it I am very much looking forward to Playing this game in a level playing field I.e. With only other Xboxers!

  • I know a small number of xbox players who want cross plat bc primarily my adventure crew is xbox players. im the "go sink that boat guy" not bc of my skills with a controller but bc im the pc player. if any pc player wants to state that there is no advantage theyre either drunk, high, or lying, or all three.

    mobility with PvP is without a doubt night and day. analog turning vs mouse split second 180 degree turns. pin point locking for firearms. ( yes some xbox players are that good but were not talking about the top 2% of xbox players)
    do i consider myself a good player yes, ace can attest to that. im also pc which makes that even scarier but the only reason i wouldnt like the split isnt bc of losing an advantage, i still rock PC players . it is nice to have friends who only have an xbox. and CLEARLY there are systems at play that need to be leveled bc as it sits PC is superior in multiple areas of this game than xbox.

    sincerely a PC player

  • I was hoping to see my type of thread but nope, I was quickly disappointed after this turned into another generic PC hate thread.

    Nobody is denying PC has an advantage, but in the current meta it's extremely easy to kill PC players as console players and i'm sorry, you can say you're good at the game all day but if you are unable to kill them and getting mad about it to the point of making a thread then you're just bad at the game. I also like straight out the box you're like 'if you disagree with what I say then you're stupid and wrong'. If anything, you're stupid and wrong because it's pretty clear you have bias here.

    'if you think that servers will not have enough players if there's xbox only' Yes this is exactly the case. You can't sit there and say 'you're stupid' for someone mentioning this either because I know as a PC player almost everyone I meet is a console player and by far they're the majority here so YES, it will kill SoT PC. You base that opinion of what? The numbers that Rare released? There is none. The best we got was a vague percentile that shown only that console was the majority. The game WILL die for PC if this is implemented, end of story.

    'if you want this game to alive' You're trying pretty hard to get skew this post aren't ya? You're trying every possible response and every way just to prove everyone else wrong.

    Oh and so you know, load times are based on connection first, hardware later. I know because I have played on servers with low ping and some on high and I notice a significant difference in load times on high ping servers. When the xbox scarlet is released, it will probably be better in specs than a lot of peoples PCs and it will have an SSD so it will be equal.

    Double gunning is trash compared to blunder and sword and 90% of everyone I see is using sword along with something else. So double gunning is not as big of a problem as everyone says it is. Just like everyone complaining about how they get killed by PC players all the time or get killed and camped on their tall tales, either i'm a lucky player and never see all this or every kid like you is just exaggerating the problem to extreme lengths to prove a point. It's not right, and it's blatant to everyone who actually plays the game.

    I'm not going to bother replying to anything else you said, I don't see a point when you're so clearly bias and this is just another PC hate thread. All i'm going to say is cross play will kill PC and I doubt Rare wants to block off that part of the player base when people like Summit are the ones who's mainly giving this game players and he's absolutely huge for the game and keeping it alive. You cannot dispute this, this isn't bias, this isn't exaggerated, this is fact. As per the numbers Rare released, per my experience and per Summit and many other PC players who know that more than half of everyone they meet is a console player.

  • @shiftyuu said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    I was hoping to see my type of thread but nope, I was quickly disappointed after this turned into another generic PC hate thread.

    Nobody is denying PC has an advantage, but in the current meta it's extremely easy to kill PC players as console players and i'm sorry, you can say you're good at the game all day but if you are unable to kill them and getting mad about it to the point of making a thread then you're just bad at the game. I also like straight out the box you're like 'if you disagree with what I say then you're stupid and wrong'. If anything, you're stupid and wrong because it's pretty clear you have bias here.

    'if you think that servers will not have enough players if there's xbox only' Yes this is exactly the case. You can't sit there and say 'you're stupid' for someone mentioning this either because I know as a PC player almost everyone I meet is a console player and by far they're the majority here so YES, it will kill SoT PC. You base that opinion of what? The numbers that Rare released? There is none. The best we got was a vague percentile that shown only that console was the majority. The game WILL die for PC if this is implemented, end of story.

    'if you want this game to alive' You're trying pretty hard to get skew this post aren't ya? You're trying every possible response and every way just to prove everyone else wrong.

    Oh and so you know, load times are based on connection first, hardware later. I know because I have played on servers with low ping and some on high and I notice a significant difference in load times on high ping servers. When the xbox scarlet is released, it will probably be better in specs than a lot of peoples PCs and it will have an SSD so it will be equal.

    Double gunning is trash compared to blunder and sword and 90% of everyone I see is using sword along with something else. So double gunning is not as big of a problem as everyone says it is. Just like everyone complaining about how they get killed by PC players all the time or get killed and camped on their tall tales, either i'm a lucky player and never see all this or every kid like you is just exaggerating the problem to extreme lengths to prove a point. It's not right, and it's blatant to everyone who actually plays the game.

    I'm not going to bother replying to anything else you said, I don't see a point when you're so clearly bias and this is just another PC hate thread. All i'm going to say is cross play will kill PC and I doubt Rare wants to block off that part of the player base when people like Summit are the ones who's mainly giving this game players and he's absolutely huge for the game and keeping it alive. You cannot dispute this, this isn't bias, this isn't exaggerated, this is fact. As per the numbers Rare released, per my experience and per Summit and many other PC players who know that more than half of everyone they meet is a console player.

    The only one coming off mad is you man. Fact is fact - I don’t know OP but it’s nice and refreshing to see someone like him (skins in the wall) give a breakdown in what he’s experienced in his VAST SUPERIOR amount of time

    His opinion, thoughts and what he has shared hits home like a Ten ton hammer 🔨

    Summit don’t know how to
    Wipe his arss compared to the time and experiences the OP has put in and shared with us!

  • @aceblue

    This is elitist BS. It's insane to buy that just for one game.

    Ahh yes, that SoT edition SSD that only allows that game to be installed on it. No other reason to get an SSD, nope, no-siree. SSD's serve no other purpose besides installing Sea of Thieves.

    More elitist BS do you realize how expensive an SSD is? Most casual people don't even know that would help, it's still slower than PC, and again to buy that for just one game is insane.

    You do grasp that PC players have to purchase them as well if they want them, right? Pc players have just as much disposable income as any other person. They aren't just magically bestowed upon them the minute they buy hardware. The bar you have for what is considered "Elitist" is so low that anyone with an allowance can afford to become one.

  • After watching the video with the ladder trick, it's become obvious that it's an exploit. Why? Because not only is the weapon instantly drawn, but it's also instantly aimed and fired. If this were balanced, it would have a slow draw like every other time you pull it out, and not allow you to shoot in time.

    IMO, it should be nerfed.

  • @nabberwar
    "Ahh yes, that SoT edition SSD that only allows that game to be installed on it. No other reason to get an SSD, nope, no-siree. SSD's serve no other purpose besides installing Sea of Thieves."

    Whats funny is that SoT actually released a HDD. Probably so players couldn't pay-to-win. As for other reasons to buy an other games on Xbox offer an advantage to ssd owners once you actually start playing. Correct me if im wrong, but sot is the only xbox game where advantages are given, during pvp, to the ssd owner. You are correct, ssd serves no other purpose besides installing sot. No siree.

    Players should not be required to use their own cash to fix rares problems.

  • @aceblue
    Xbox guy here. Been around since beta. Was pure pvp for a long time. I gotta say i disagree with everything you are saying. Well except the arena fixes.

    Im not gonna sit around and argue. But i wanna point out there is an entire xbox community out there that DOESNT feel disadvantaged. Personally, after i got an SSD and Rare upped the sensitivity for controllers, i havnt had a single issue. And yes there are xbox players who use a 10 sensitivity. My captain does. I use a 9 myself.

    Pc players have a wide range of hardware. I have seen many here on the forums who have a pc that is actually worst than an og xbox.

    Btw when you start to doomsay and say the games dying, its hard to take you serious. Been hearing it since the first week of launch and we are still growing.

  • @shiftyuu
    If it's as easy as get good, why are so many Xbox players quitting and their reason being they feel helpless fighting PC players? You think all Xbox players are bad? Why are there almost no legendary sea dogs for Xbox?

    The player base is far strong enough to support split servers… I don't have an option on it either, I just have facts from testing it. I've had huge groups of people all get on different servers and they all have teams (for arena the matchmaking is bad and lobbies don't start but there is enough people) for adventure the merging works great there's never empty servers. The majority on the forums are PC cause Xbox players have to use mobile so that means nothing if the people here are in favor of it. The problem is the game, the games dying because all the Xbox players are quitting.

    Again us having an option for Xbox only, if it doesn't work, they remove it, why can't we try to save the game? It's not like there won't still be tons of Xbox players on mixed servers.

    The game will die for Everyone if we lose all our Xbox players, which we are losing them drastically right now. Something has to change.

    I've done testing with load times and the main factor is SSD or not, yes connection will matter some, but the problem is seconds vs minutes. If it was the seconds vs seconds from connections no one would care.

    Sounds like you're a lucky player cause if it wasn't a problem why are so many Xbox players quitting with their reason being PC players???

    If cross play optional kills the game, they disable it. If we do nothing the game dies regardless. The majority of casuals for this game are from game pass Xbox users. It's one of their top games and Xbox game pass is huge. Streamers do help the game too, but I do not think this would affect them like they think. The server merges for adventure work extremely well!!

    Also you lose the Xbox players regardless, they either quit…. Or continue to support the game in Xbox only. Idk why you think of it as losing them from mixed servers… you're already losing them from the entire game. Which will just keep getting worse unless you give casual Xbox players a place to go where they feel the game is fair. Many Xbox players will still play mixed servers! This would just stop so many people from quitting and bring in/back a lot of players.... to keep our game going for everyone.

    Or we can do nothing and watch the game slowly die.

    Edit* If this wasn't a problem I wouldn't make this thread but the game I love is dying. And again the majority on the forums are PC so yes they will upvote all their PC stuff but that isn't fixing all the Xbox players quitting is it? If doing nothing is the solution I wouldn't be here.

  • @nabberwar

    No other games require an SSD to even attempt to get closer to fair play.

    The fact you just assume everyone has an allowance is nuts. A lot of the playerbase is younger, a lot of younger people get a console cause PCs are too expensive to upkeep. A lot of younger people have the game pass/Xbox live bundle from their parents or it's all they can afford while going to college...(they can't even afford the game). I'm sure most of them would be PC if they could afford it, that's why they aren't PC. No one's wants to be lesser, believe it or not.

    If I had money I'd switch back to PC, and I do okay on Xbox. But I'm here voicing for the majority. The casual Xbox players, who have no voice on this forum. They don't even know SSD would help, and don't understand why no one cares about them. If your solutions we're solutions the game wouldn't be dying, all the casual Xbox players wouldn't be leaving.

  • Advise for Xbox players: buy an SSD

    1TB SSD cost: 100-150€

    Xbox One S (all digital) 1TB cost: 130-200€

    Heres my solution for PC players who "dont want to play on empty servers because of crossplay opt-out".

    Buy yourself an Xbox One S (AD)

  • @aceblue said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:


    No other games require an SSD to even attempt to get closer to fair play.

    The fact you just assume everyone has an allowance is nuts. A lot of the playerbase is younger, a lot of younger people get a console cause PCs are too expensive to upkeep. A lot of younger people have the game pass/Xbox live bundle from their parents or it's all they can afford while going to college...(they can't even afford the game). I'm sure most of them would be PC if they could afford it, that's why they aren't PC. No one's wants to be lesser, believe it or not.

    If I had money I'd switch back to PC, and I do okay on Xbox. But I'm here voicing for the majority. The casual Xbox players, who have no voice on this forum. They don't even know SSD would help, and don't understand why no one cares about them. If your solutions we're solutions the game wouldn't be dying, all the casual Xbox players wouldn't be leaving.

    That same mentality is the same as saying people with pro controllers should have to play on their own servers. SSDs make a huge difference on tons of games and have for years. It isn’t some secret other than the new consoles being advertised as faster for simply having an ssd instead of a slow 5400 rpm drive. That was simply Microsoft and Sony being cheap with their drives.

    Lastly, not all PCs have the same hardware. There are some barebone pc players who play despite their computer not being able to run the game with maximum settings. Even after they eventually split the user base. Your going to have people with OG Xbox Ones complain that people on the newer Xbox’s with pro controllers have an unfair advantage.

  • @glannigan Can't tell if you're serious or not, I hope you aren't serious with that mentality. I'm responding to a PC hate thread, doesn't make me mad at all, in fact I giggle at these threads whenever I see them because of the fantastical stories people make up to try and make their point.

    @AceBlue Where are your stats about these supposed quitting xbox players and their reasons? All i'm seeing is people saying they quit and blame PC for it. That's not evidence to support anything, considering how much they the xbox players lie about their circumstances, it's easy to tell that they're going to still play the game. Many people say they quit and don't. I think most xbox players are bad because a lot are casuals and a small minority are whiners who come on here and complain about PC. LSD commendation is hard to get because Arena itself is dead, nobody plays it and not only that, arena does have optional crossplay so it's not the pvp that is the reason there being few LSD users. Stop pulling statistics out of thin air.

    The player base isn't strong at all. Last time I checked the xbox playerbase holds the vast majority of players in general as per the chart that Rare released and considering my experience on the game, almost everyone I meet is an Xbox player so yes, it would kill PC. It doesn't seem like the majority of people on the forum are PC since everyday there's a new thread about PC having an an advantage and replies all the time saying the same thing. If the game is dying at all, which again you have no statistics to prove as such, then it's the lack of content and the lack of things to do.

    'why can't we try and save the game' implying that it needs saving and that this feature will save it, which it won't.

    You clearly haven't done testing because the main factor IS connection and if I cared enough i'd make video about it but I don't care because I know you or anyone else won't care either way. It is connection because loading in on 300-400 ping EU or NA servers (I have an SSD) takes sometimes 30 seconds to over a minute compared to a few seconds on good ping servers. If everyone had a low ping then yes, it would be an SSD that would make the difference, but it's certainly not the main factor in the grand scheme.

    You can continue to say that people are quitting or whatever, but you really have no statistics to back that up let alone trying to say that them dying to PC players, which can't even be proved in the first place, is the reason. So do yourself a favour and stop acting like it's doomsday

  • It's funny how there is never a video of cheats...

  • @chonky-lemon said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    Advise for Xbox players: buy an SSD

    1TB SSD cost: 100-150€

    Xbox One S (all digital) 1TB cost: 130-200€

    Heres my solution for PC players who "dont want to play on empty servers because of crossplay opt-out".

    Buy yourself an Xbox One S (AD)

    Don't have to buy the 1TB version. So funny you go for the most expensive one. They have cheaper version. Seriously, how about you buy something.

    Stop this nonsense honestly. You don't care about the differences at all. If you did you would argue more about the differences between the original Xbox One and the X. But you don't, even though the Xbox one X is superior by almost double?? You also don't argue about Xbox's WITH SSD's. Only PC.

    Buy an SSD. Stop your whining.

  • @chonky-lemon said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    Advise for Xbox players: buy an SSD

    1TB SSD cost: 100-150€

    Xbox One S (all digital) 1TB cost: 130-200€

    Heres my solution for PC players who "dont want to play on empty servers because of crossplay opt-out".

    Buy yourself an Xbox One S (AD)

    Buy yourself a 480GB SSD ~50€ ! Or even cheaper 240GB SSD for less than 30€.

  • @dislex-fx said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    It's funny how there is never a video of cheats...

    It is against forum rules to post videos of cheating and exploiting here.
    Perhaps people have actually read and understood those rules and not posted them.
    Many have posted such and had them removed and a quiet word in the ear from a moderator.

  • @needsmokes said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    @dislex-fx said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    It's funny how there is never a video of cheats...

    It is against forum rules to post videos of cheating and exploiting here.
    Perhaps people have actually read and understood those rules and not posted them.
    Many have posted such and had them removed and a quiet word in the ear from a moderator.

    I didn't mean for it to be posted here. I just find it silly that every newb comes across cheaters soooo often and never seem to be able to record it, for whatever reason/s.

  • @aceblue said in From the XBOX player with 600+ Arena wins.:

    If it's as easy as get good, why are so many Xbox players quitting and their reason being they feel helpless fighting PC players? You think all Xbox players are bad? Why are there almost no legendary sea dogs for Xbox?

    The player base is far strong enough to support split servers… I don't have an option on it either, I just have facts from testing it. I've had huge groups of people all get on different servers and they all have teams (for arena the matchmaking is bad and lobbies don't start but there is enough people) for adventure the merging works great there's never empty servers. The majority on the forums are PC cause Xbox players have to use mobile so that means nothing if the people here are in favor of it. The problem is the game, the games dying because all the Xbox players are quitting.

    Again us having an option for Xbox only, if it doesn't work, they remove it, why can't we try to save the game? It's not like there won't still be tons of Xbox players on mixed servers.

    The game will die for Everyone if we lose all our Xbox players, which we are losing them drastically right now. Something has to change.

    I've done testing with load times and the main factor is SSD or not, yes connection will matter some, but the problem is seconds vs minutes. If it was the seconds vs seconds from connections no one would care.

    Sounds like you're a lucky player cause if it wasn't a problem why are so many Xbox players quitting with their reason being PC players???

    If cross play optional kills the game, they disable it. If we do nothing the game dies regardless. The majority of casuals for this game are from game pass Xbox users. It's one of their top games and Xbox game pass is huge. Streamers do help the game too, but I do not think this would affect them like they think. The server merges for adventure work extremely well!!

    Also you lose the Xbox players regardless, they either quit…. Or continue to support the game in Xbox only. Idk why you think of it as losing them from mixed servers… you're already losing them from the entire game. Which will just keep getting worse unless you give casual Xbox players a place to go where they feel the game is fair. Many Xbox players will still play mixed servers! This would just stop so many people from quitting and bring in/back a lot of players.... to keep our game going for everyone.

    Or we can do nothing and watch the game slowly die.

    Edit* If this wasn't a problem I wouldn't make this thread but the game I love is dying. And again the majority on the forums are PC so yes they will upvote all their PC stuff but that isn't fixing all the Xbox players quitting is it? If doing nothing is the solution I wouldn't be here.

    You went from doomsaying to full Alex Jones. You dont have a single piece of proof the game is dying.

    I love how one minute the game is dying and no players. To lets split pc and xbox, "dont worry guys theres enough ppl"

    You are correct that you speak for the casuals. We can all tell

  • @aceblue 👏
    True, true and true.

    Just a side note about this ... With the recent launch of CoD I was blown away by how much I enjoy to play a FPS with crossplay.
    I don't feel pushed away just because I'm playing with a controller against players on PC or other platforms with K&M ... Why?!

    Because they knew how to balance their game, they knew the advantages of each platform and balanced the game in that aspect. We have a lot of options to adjust the way we play (aim assist, several sensibilities adjustments, etc) so we can enjoy it.

    This is the main flaw with SoT combat mechanics. I play SoT for almost 4 years and every update they release when I face other players on PvP I feel like I play this for the first time, that Im a noob, that I can't do @#&€ against them.
    It's very frustrating and I almost quit SoT for several times.

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