Excessive lightning power

  • So here I am, sailing from fort to fort with two stronghold kegs on board my sloop for commendations. I had a storm in my way, so I took them down and put them below on the middle deck (right beside the voyage table, to be precise). I'm sailing through the storm and lightning hits me on the helm, and blows up both kegs through the deck, instantly killing me and my ship. Then a server merge happens and the storm is suddenly on the other side of the map anyways, so I just continued and finished my voyage.

    My issue here isn't being annoyed that I got blown up for carrying kegs, it's that the lightning somehow hit them when they were a floor down, through the deck. Lightning has never done that for as far back as I can remember (although being struck with kegs below deck is not a common occurrence for me), despite it's explosive impact radius. Making it a bit shorter (not as tall, not smaller altogether) would fix this, and be more realistic, since it shouldn't be able to hit through the deck from one up.

    I get that carrying kegs through a storm is a bad idea, but having them belowdecks has always worked before, and I'm also wondering if the lightning is more powerful now or if it's just never been the same conditions.

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  • It has been able to reach through decks for as far back as I can remember. Your kegs are never safe below deck (from cannonballs either). It sounds like you have been very lucky until now. If this is a request to nerf lightening then I do not agree. Storms are meant to be dangerous and avoided when possible.

  • @ghostpaw but there should be a safe place for kegs somewhere. if you think about storing kegs down below during a storm it puts you at a huge disadvantage if you get attacked.

  • @captain-coel said in Excessive lightning power:

    @ghostpaw but there should be a safe place for kegs somewhere. if you think about storing kegs down below during a storm it puts you at a huge disadvantage if you get attacked.

    Why? Why should there be a safe place to store explosives on the ship? Why does there have to be a 100% risk free space for anything? Where are all you people coming from?!? If all these changes for safety get implemented then this should just be renamed Captain Frailheart’s Happy Rainbow Funtime Adventures.

    Why does this suddenly need a safe space?!?We have been storing kegs in the crow’s nest and coping just fine with the possibility that they may explode if another crew snipes them, they get hit with a cannonball, or lightning strikes them. It happens so infrequently that the OP has not experienced it after all this time.

    I give up. All these demands for risk free gameplay is maddening. Rare will either keep responding to all this garbage or they will have the courage to honor their initial, inspired vision for a risky world with opportunity to win or lose based on difficult decisions we make during each session. I just don’t care anymore.

    Those of you asking for a toned down world, as you get it you owe it to Rare to stick to the game even after you get bored of the grind you are creating. Dig away in bliss until you can’t stand the monotony of digging holes with no meaningful threats around to interrupt you. THEN KEEP DIGGING! Why? Because you browbeat them into creating the bland world that you are bored of. Those of us looking for more will have moved on, though I loved this game. I just can’t stand all the screaming for safety when it is clear Rare is listening and giving in.

  • @ghostpaw I'm talking safe against different threats.

    crows nest = mostly safe against other players, very safe against skellies, very exposed to lightning.

    in your hull = safe-ish against lightning, weak to other players, weak to skelly ships.

    I mean it becomes a task to move your barrels. Heck even on a galley barrels placed on the front of the bowsprit wont damage your boat if they explode there.

    So there already are safe to safe-ish places. I think making them diverse is not a bad idea.

    p.s. does lightning reach all the way to the bottom deck of a galley?

  • @captain-coel said in Excessive lightning power:

    p.s. does lightning reach all the way to the bottom deck of a galley?

    Lightening can strike you in your own home. It can definitely hurt a large thing filled with bits of iron, a rod reaching into the sky, and bobbing around in the middle of the water. So yes, reaching the bottom floor of a galleon.

  • @ghostpaw I just cant remember ever taking damage down there myself.

  • @ghostpaw I'm not asking for a nerf altogether, I just think the explosion shouldn't reach all the way through the deck. I am also not saying it is needed, I am simply saying I think it would be less frustrating for players with less knowledge of game mechanics (I've learned to put them elsewhere where they are not just below the top deck from it, but newer or more casual player may not). You are right that I have never had it happen there before (I have had it happen many a time in the crow's nest, which is why I took them down), and as you may have noticed the other part of this post was to ask if it had changed, as I've never seen it. This does not mean I want an easy game where I can sail the seas unimpeded, otherwise I would be cowering in a tavern or cave somewhere rather than commendation hunting reaper's voyages in a solo sloop. @Captain-Coel is right, out of all of the places on the ship, nowhere is truly safe until they've either been sold or detonated. As for lightning hitting you through it due to currents, as long as the kegs aren't pressed up against the hull, supports and the anchor/rudder chains, it should be fine. Either that or it should detonate no matter what if your ship is hit by lightning.

  • @ultmateragnarok Keep those kegs in crows and sail around the storm.

  • @markhudy

    The storm moved over me while I was at an island, and the other ways were either against the wind or into the Devil's Shroud. I try to avoid the storm normally, it's just not always possible.

  • @captain-coel said in Excessive lightning power:

    @ghostpaw I'm talking safe against different threats.

    crows nest = mostly safe against other players, very safe against skellies, very exposed to lightning.

    in your hull = safe-ish against lightning, weak to other players, weak to skelly ships.

    I mean it becomes a task to move your barrels. Heck even on a galley barrels placed on the front of the bowsprit wont damage your boat if they explode there.

    So there already are safe to safe-ish places. I think making them diverse is not a bad idea.

    p.s. does lightning reach all the way to the bottom deck of a galley?

    I think this makes the most sense. Different solution for different situations. And, I find it hard to believe that in a real life scenario the lightning is going to strike the bottom deck of a ship rather than one of the masts....

  • @xcalypt0x said in Excessive lightning power:

    And, I find it hard to believe that in a real life scenario the lightning is going to strike the bottom deck of a ship rather than one of the masts....

    In a real life scenario? Well, IRL lightning does not strike and damage just a particular spot. It travels through things, potentially causing considerable damage along the way. It can enter one part of a structure and exit a completely different area. It is likely to enter/exit the highest spot, but it is certainly not guaranteed to do so. The bottom of a boat makes complete sense as part of its path as it seeks to equalize potential between a charged area of the sky and the sea below. Boats on the water during a storm are in serious danger of taking some kind of damage, and ones carrying kegs of explosives through a storm is even riskier.

  • @ghostpaw Well, believable but not realistic. Personally I think having the kegs below deck or indoors should protect them during storm. At the risk of blowing up your ship if you are hit by a cannonball.

  • @ghostpaw

    As I said before, if you want to be 'realistic' with a keg as unstable as these have proven to be, then they would go off pretty much anytime the ship gets struck at all. But that wouldn't be good for gameplay.

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Excessive lightning power:


    As I said before, if you want to be 'realistic' with a keg as unstable as these have proven to be, then they would go off pretty much anytime the ship gets struck at all. But that wouldn't be good for gameplay.

    I don’t specifically want realistic. Go back and read the last several comments to get context. I was responding to another poster’s statement where they said, “And, I find it hard to believe that in a real life scenario the lightning is going to strike the bottom deck of a ship rather than one of the masts....” I agree that too much realism would be terrible, but when someone brings in an inaccurate understanding of reality to justify their position, then I feel a discussion about how things actually work is not out of line. I do not want to see fires and electrical current paths introduced to simulate lightening in the game. I think they did a passable job of it by letting it strike random spots on the boat, with the mast being the most common place to be struck.

  • @ghostpaw

    I understand that, I was just adding my own part. I do agree that the lightning is very good as it is, I simply was suggesting a small tweak (and asking if it changed) in the original post. It is indeed sometimes annoying when inaccurate facts are used to back up a statement.

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