Windows fullscreen taskbar help (PC)

  • Everytime I put my crosshair where my windows taskbar is , it pops up and If i look all the way up in the game, the game tab shows up (where you can "x" out the game "minimize", and etc. pls help its really annoying when ur trying to the play the game.

  • 46
  • Hello, I have also had this problem for a while now and i have a solution..

    Download a program called 'Hide Taskbar'.. when installed, extract onto your desktop or any file, then run the application.. Start up Sea Of Thieves and hit 'Ctrl+Esc', this should hide your taskbar.. (If you want to see your taskbar again press 'Ctrl=+Esc' and walla)

    The top bar you cannot get rid of but is not that much of a problem..

    Hope this helped.. :)

  • @rushaaws Here is the link for the 'Hide Taskbar' program..

  • Fixed:

  • @rushaaws whilst this is a great suggestion we shouldnt have to download a program to hide the task bar so it doesnt pop up when the game is fullscreen. I've been having the same issue, I'm wondering if it has anything to do with have more than one monitor? Even thought the game is in fullscreen mode it's acting as if its in borderless fullscreen. Lets hope this is fixed for the full release.

  • @timmehsee Ahoy there!

    You may be interested in the following guide which should stop this from happening.

  • @musicmee said in Windows fullscreen taskbar help (PC):

    @timmehsee Ahoy there!

    You may be interested in the following guide which should stop this from happening.

    thanks for the suggestion musicmee but this hasn't fixed the issue. I'm not being affected by looking up and down but when using the radial wheel. Heres's a short video showing the problem:

    it's as if the game isn't running in true fullscreen. Not a complete game breaker for me but more of an annoyance when you're trying to do something quickly with the radial wheel.

  • @timmehsee I get the exact same thing. It's pretty frustrating when you accidently click of screen while trying to equip somthing or do an emote or talk. It's like it's in windowed boarder less.

  • @andrew175151 do you have more than one monitor? Have to agree with windowed boarder less, it's definitely not true fullscreen.

  • @timmehsee nope, just a tv

  • @andrew175151 ah, ok. Thats that theory out the window then :D

  • @soupriach said in Windows fullscreen taskbar help (PC):


    this isn't fixed. Video above shows this still happening after trying the linked fix.

    Can anyone highlight this to support or tell us if this has been fixed for launch?

  • I’m having this same issue, hoping for a fix! Very annoying to have the mouse cursor run off screen when trying to quickly change equipment or map

  • Same issue for me. The suggested UAC fix does nothing for me.

  • tried UAC fix and does not work, still showing taskbar in game, quite anoying

  • This "Fix" doesn't fix a damn thing.
    Thought I'd try the Xbox Game Pass and see if it would be worth it, and also because a few mates are trying Sea Of Thieves.
    I see this post is two months old with no fix (unless you download modifications) and that the developers have tagged it as "fixed" since they have already made a fix post with no follow up.
    Guess I'll download the mod but if Microsoft is relying on outside sources to fix their problems then I guess this really is a system that focuses on the console side.
    I will be canceling my game pass before the two week grace period is up.

  • @kaabooseistaken
    Aaaaand the modification only fixes half the problem. Now the taskbar no longer appears but if I bring the mouse to the top of the screen the windowed controls appear.

  • The only fix that works, is to kill your explorer.exe, that's literally the only thing that helps me.

    -Go to Task Manager
    -Press options at the top
    -Check: Always on top
    -Start up your game
    -Open Task Manager, go to 'Details'
    -Look for 'explorer.exe' and end that process (NOTE: you cannot alt+tab when explorer is disabled, you need to reactivate that in order to be able to do that and switch out of your game.)

    Everything will still run in the background, so let's say you're on Skype with someone, ending explorer won't end the call, you can just play like normal.

    Reactivating explorer.exe:
    -Open Task Manager
    -Press 'File' at the top
    -Select 'Run new task'
    -Type in 'explorer.exe'
    -Press OK

    Everything should now be back to normal, so just keep in mind that you need to launch explorer.exe again after you close the game.

  • @tmshero

    This is a great idea! I never thought about doing this. The "official fix" didn't fix anything for me. I opened a support ticket for it. I have been playing on my X-Box because of this issue and because of a game freeze issue.

  • @xpvtx Yeah I've sent multiple support tickets, all without result, this issue has been in the game since Alpha so I've had to deal with it for quite a while already sadly :/

  • @tmshero This actually worked for me, too. Was a bit desperate and kinda giving up on the game for now (as this is really annoying in heat situations)

  • Same...SoT suggested fix doesn't work. I don't want to kill parts of my OS to get a game to work as options and configuration suggest it should.

  • This is still an anoing problem. I never mentined anywhere else before.

  • Yes, no doubt Windows 10 has a lot of very interesting features but we cannot ignore some issues which we face while using it. Windows 10 taskbar not working one of the most common issues. Users who upgraded to windows 10 most face their taskbar is not working properly. Nature of problem is the different person to person, Some people have complained that their search bar not working and some of them said they aren't able to click on the taskbar. Hope this bug in Windows 10 will resolve in the future update. We can fix this error to Repair Corrupt Files. 2) Through PowerShell Command and Application Identity Service.

  • Still sad to see we don't have true fullscreen yet.

  • Still having this same issue 6 months later. Tried all the fixes, including UAC, restarting explorer.exe, ran the troubleshooter, reset and reinstalled the game, but absolutely nothing is working and it's absolutely maddening.

  • @Kinorian121 you do not restart explorer.exe you leave it ended while running the game, allowing you to play without it popping up and then you re enable explorere.exe when you want your PC to be a PC again. a terrible work around but it works.

    I just closed out of this game 3X in a row while pulling up my scroll wheel and going top right to eat a banana. I was in a very intense fight, to say the least. and because there is no real fix to an issue over 6 months old that has arose since beta, i am putting this game down. I am convinced it will never be fixed because it only affects PC players which is less than 25% of this game. soooooo good luck to everyone like me that has closed their game out countless times during battle. thanks rare for being on the forefront of development.

    Payed $60 in preAlpha BTW devs.

  • Automatically hide the taskbar is an extraordinary method to add additional space to your desktop and influence it to look open. Every so often, it very well may be persistent and decline to stow away when it should. When you are utilizing the auto-hide feature of Windows taskbar, it will remain covered up until the point when an application prompts you. The applications will flash at whatever point an occasion happens.

    There are two cases which powers your taskbar to remain unmistakable. The first is the point at which you have an identification on a symbol (for instance crosswise over on the Windows Defender symbol to demonstrate that there was an issue refreshing definitions. The second when a real discourse takes care of pops which should be perused. For basic situations, the solution is exceptionally basic.
    Solution 1: Verify that Auto-Hide Taskbar is Enabled. For this purpose click on taskbar > Taskbar Settings > Make sure both options are enabled. ("Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode” and “Automatically hide the taskbar in tablet mode").

    Solution 2: Restarting Windows Explorer.
    Solution 3: Using the Search Bar to Refresh.
    For getting complete detail of each solution follow and hope it will useful to get rid of this issue.

  • @jrf1999 It might be because your taskbar is frozen. The most functional way is to fix the issues with PowerShell. If you can't figure it our then perhaps this article might help you out.

  • @tmshero said in Windows fullscreen taskbar help (PC):

    The only fix that works, is to kill your explorer.exe, that's literally the only thing that helps me.

    -Go to Task Manager
    -Press options at the top
    -Check: Always on top
    -Start up your game
    -Open Task Manager, go to 'Details'
    -Look for 'explorer.exe' and end that process (NOTE: you cannot alt+tab when explorer is disabled, you need to reactivate that in order to be able to do that and switch out of your game.)

    Everything will still run in the background, so let's say you're on Skype with someone, ending explorer won't end the call, you can just play like normal.

    Reactivating explorer.exe:
    -Open Task Manager
    -Press 'File' at the top
    -Select 'Run new task'
    -Type in 'explorer.exe'
    -Press OK

    Everything should now be back to normal, so just keep in mind that you need to launch explorer.exe again after you close the game.

    Yeah I tried doing all of that but when I try to get back to the game, it doesn't show that it's running

  • I cant believe the devs have not fixed this yet
    Its like they dont give a toss and just want your money

    Im sick of Xing out my game
    Total junk

    Please fix

    We shouldnt have to use other programs to help us

    Your a big company releasing games to the public, this needs addressing
    Its been happening since launch !!!!!

  • @dave11674 sagte in Windows fullscreen taskbar help (PC):

    I cant believe the devs have not fixed this yet
    Its like they dont give a toss and just want your money

    Im sick of Xing out my game
    Total junk

    Please fix

    We shouldnt have to use other programs to help us

    Your a big company releasing games to the public, this needs addressing
    Its been happening since launch !!!!!

    Yes incomprehensibl, please fix the issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I get this too... very annoying...................

  • I can't run the game without explorer open, so the alternative fix does nothing to help either.

  • I'm getting this same issue and its so annoying, why is there no fix to such a simple issue after so long?

    They don't even reply to say we are working on it, what the hell is going on?????

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