Big Underwater / Fishing update

  • A Nautical Venture

    New Faction

    The Nautical Huntsmen Faction - A new faction to level up with that's not required for pirate legend. These are a group of professional fisherman who sailed the ocean for the best fish in the land, delved into the oceans deep for game, and even fought off evil mermaids. Now they are retired and offer their old ways as voyages to players to let their legend live on.

    Voyages they offer are to catch jumping fish, capture crabs, and turn in dead sharks and groupers.

    Spear Fishing

    Players can throw fish food into the water at aquatic islands to attract the nearby jumping fish causing a school of them to jump around the boat and then impale them when they jump out of the water. Players will have to store each and every fish they catch in storage before catching another. Spear fishing also causes sharks to eventually show up and scare away the fish until dealt with.

    Fish Food - Fish food attracts schools of jumping fish at underwater isles. Fish food can be bought at the Nautical Huntsmen NPC for 100g.

    New Biome

    Underwater Islands - A new type of biome to explore that's underwater. Underwater Islands have coral reefs that look just like the ones at the secret islands, tall grasses with treasure and terrors lurking in them, ship wrecks and schools of small fish. The enemies at these underwater islands are evil mermaids, sharks, and deep-sea grouper.

    Some more features to note at the islands are deep sea air pockets that provide air bubbles to players, clams and bad clams that occasionally have pearls in them, also their are glowing jelly fish that can paralyze players.

    Players will know they are at an underwater isle when they see fish jumping out of the water and birds flying around in the sky in a large area instead of a small circle. These locations also show up on the map as a name.

    New Fish Types

    Jumping Fish - Jumping fish are the best food around on the sea and they're very abundant near coral reefs. They jump up out of the water and schools of them can be attracted to boats with fish food. They can be impaled by players, stored away, and turned into the Nautical Huntsman.

    Glowing Jelly fish - Floating glowing jelly fish that can be found around the underwater biomes and will shock and paralyze anything that runs into it for a 2 second duration.

    Deep Sea Grouper - A large fish that camouflages with the ground and walls and will jump out at nearby players that don't notice it. After the grouper lunges, they attempt to eat and hold the player in their mouth before they will go back into hiding. The Grouper deals 25% of HP and will hold players in their mouth until they set themselves free by shooting or attacking the grouper. Once killed they can be picked up by players and turned into the Nautical Huntsmen.

    Giant Clams and Bad Clams - Not a fish but clams are found around the sea floor and when attacked they will open revealing their insides for a 5 second duration. Clams have a chance to have a random piece of treasure inside it. Bad clams do the same thing but release a ink cloud that makes incredibly hard to see just like kraken ink.

    Crabs - Also not a fish but giant crabs that roam the sea floor and island beaches. They will not attack players and will just run away in the opposite direction of a nearby player. Crabs can be herded into crab traps and turned into the Nautical Huntsman.

    New Enemies

    Evil Mermaids - The evil mermaids would act as the "aquatic skeleton". They have slightly more HP than a skeleton. They wield sword, tridents, and have healing magic than can heal nearby fish and mermaids. When a mermaid is low on HP it will attempt to retreat and call for back up which is 1-2 sharks. These evil mermaids can only pop up 1-2 at a time because they are more of a nuisance than skeletons. When killed they drop their shiny weapon which comes in silver, gold, and Atlantean which can be picked up and turned into the Gold Hoarders. The sword can act as a temporary sword and the trident can act as a temporary spear.

    New Merchant Alliance Shop

    Seaside Merchant - A new NPC that works along side the merchant alliance and sells players crates of supplies such as cannonballs, bananas, and wooden planks to stock their ship. The merchant also has the option to fully stock a boat for a reasonable price depending on the ship size.

    New Ship Customization

    Ship Naming Option - At blacksmith's players should be allowed and option to type in a name for their ship with spaces allowed. It would appear above the captain room door on the board and any where else rare would want to put it.

    Another option for naming would be to unlock different titles from new commendations and players would insert their titles into slots at the ship customization chest.

    New Items

    Diving Weight - A weight heavy enough to sink you but light enough to carry around on land. While held in the water the player will sink to the sea floor. Note the player cannot swim up or jump on land while holding the weight. Different cosmetic weights can be bought at the tools shopkeeper.

    Fishing Spear - A sharp spear for impaling. The player holds down the button to pull the spear back and thrusts the spear forward when released, impaling any small fish it touches. If used on a player it will lightly damage them and causing them to bleed for a very short duration doing around 20%hp per stab. The spear can be swung once every 3 seconds so players must really time their thrusts. Different cosmetic weights can be bought at the tool or weapon shopkeeper.

    Mermaid Conch Shell - Players can use this to spawn a mermaid for them. This item will be needed if an update like this ever comes out since players will spend tons of time underwater thus having 1-4 mermaids around the boat when your searching the sea floor.

    New Ship Storage Feature

    Fish Bucket - A new bucket that holds all the fish the players catches. The player cannot hold infinite fish and must store every fish they catch. It is given to the player from the nautical huntsmen and can be found around the world similar to banana crates.

    New Bucket Use

    Water Bucket Attack - Using the water bucket, players can now splash players in the face to make their vision hazy for a short duration.

    Thank you for your time!

    Another big update idea I posted awhile back:

  • 7
  • It's interesting to say, love the idea.

  • @wajuwanmekill Yet Another fine post. Should i add this to the Master List? Plz leave a reply on the master list if you would like a poat added.

  • No to buying supplies... And restocking the whole ship? You do realize that would be 1188 bananas and wooden planks as well as 2 or 3x that amount in cannonballs!?

  • That's an AWESOME post! Love these ideas!


    Seaside Merchant - A new NPC that works along side the merchant alliance and sells players crates of supplies such as cannonballs, bananas, and wooden planks to stock their ship. The merchant also has the option to fully stock a boat for a reasonable price depending on the ship size.

    This will unbalance the game.

  • Nice ideas, would be really great to have a more rich underwater experience. Especially the good and bad clams :]

  • I absolutely love this idea!!! I had actually thought these were plans for the game already so I got disappointed when I found out it wasnt, but it REALLY should be!!!

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