Boat names!

  • I would really love to be able to name my ship. All the ship wrecks have a name and I would love to sit back and sink the crew of the "queen Anne's revenge" or "the black pearl" with my cursed cannon balls! Not only that ,
    but name my own ship, "The Swordfish"

  • 10
  • @coastie94 said in Boat names!:

    I would really love to be able to name my ship. All the ship wrecks have a name and I would love to sit back and sink the crew of the "queen Anne's revenge" or "the black pearl" with my cursed cannon balls! Not only that ,
    but name my own ship, "The Swordfish"

    I'm sure we'll see shipnaming at some point, but i also hope that it will have somewhat of a restriction for certain name combinations, because personally i would not want to see hundreds of Black Pearls and Queen Anne's Revenge roaming the sea.

  • I like "The Drifting Keg"
    Has a nice ring to it dontcha think?

  • @thor-von-blitz


  • @coastie94 Gonna happen, just a matter of when. Rare, please escalate this one :D

  • The chickenboat!!!!! Cant wait its gonna be so much fun

  • @thor-von-blitz But then you also miss out on the truly creative names!

    But I'm assuming that it will be that way simply to block out bad/offensive names.

  • @TheUnionJames
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  • If the filter is the same as this forum it should be fine. But The ability to "buy" certain name parts would be neat. Pay gold for the right to use a certain noun or adjective from a pool of growing accepted selections would be neat. And anything slightly suggestive would be pure cleverness on the side of the pirate.

  • @coastie94 Yes this is a very popular request an dhas been ask for in many different post such as Ship Naming Which can be found here in the Community Idea's Master List along with many other great ideas. This feature was set to come in the now delayed Captancy Update which was oringalt set to drop 3 mounth after launched but has since been put on hold untill further notice.

6 out of 10