Are the servers down?

  • I get the error Fluffybeard when I try to join session. Just want to know if it is the server and not my own connection...

  • 7
  • @beanmariocow Ahoy matey!

    You aren't the only one :( Fluffybeard here too, I'm sure will hear more soon if there are issues.

    Keep an eye on their social media feed over at Twitter:

    You can always keep an eye on Xbox Live status here:

    Hopefully, we will all be back up and sailing again in no time!

  • Me too, it looks like the signing in service is down, or at least "limited"

  • Me and my Friend are having the same issue :|

  • I'm in! Giggity giggity giggity goo!

  • Maybe it was a good decision not to do the weekly update cycle anymore, but not to do a weekly server maintenance was definitely not a good decision. There's nothing on Twitter, so I guess nobody is aware that the servers are acting up.

  • Yup, same here :D Just got in too.

    Looks like smooth sailing again.

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