4 man Sloop crew confirmed by Joe Neate

  • @nebenkuh Can you really not think of any situation for a boat to be in where turning more sharply then the other is beneficial? DO you play this game?

  • @sir-rhavi
    I can think of such situations and I do play the game more than I should. I've never been in a situation where my good old gall didn't turn fast enough tho. :)

  • @nebenkuh said in 4 man Sloop crew confirmed by Joe Neate:

    I can think of such situations and I do play the game more than I should. I've never been in a situation where my good old gall didn't turn fast enough tho. :)

    So you've never raised sails to turn sharper?

  • @sir-rhavi

    Give up my man, you are being trolled. This guy clearly is just being argumentative to support what he wants.

    You are right, everyone knows it deep down, sloops should be max 2 player, end of.

    Let's just see whether rare makes the right move or not.

  • @sir-rhavi
    Of course I have. I'm honestly not even trying to be argumentative, just trying to have a conversation at this point. The sloop thing is gonna be what it's gonna be. I've made my position clear and I'm definitely over debating the issue. :)

    I can honestly say that I can't remember the last time my galleon got sunk. And I also can't remember a situation where I could not turn fast enough to do what I wanted to do.
    Of course that might mean that I mostly meet bad crews. Inversely, that suggests I might actually be quite good.
    Maybe that's why I don't think 4 man sloops would be a problem. Even if they were, I'd really love to face a decent challenge for a change. :)

  • Man, I was really hoping they would be adding the four players sloops with the private crews. Hopefully it'll be coming soon with Hungering Deep instead.

  • @khol-thndrwlkr said in 4 man Sloop crew confirmed by Joe Neate:

    Man, I was really hoping they would be adding the four players sloops with the private crews. Hopefully it'll be coming soon with Hungering Deep instead.

    Don't get your hopes up.

  • @sir-rhavi I'm optimistic they'll be implemented.

  • I can see how a 4 mn sloop can be op using the current sloop design. If there are changes to a 4 man sloop I could see one barrel for cannonballs and then maybe even half the current limit for bananas and/or planks. But, if the 4 man sloop does become an issue, maybe just remove for special times only? Such as a timed event for a day or however long a timed event is (thinking of rotating playlists such as how 343 industries does with Halo 5's multiplayer.)

  • Thats dumb, although i do think there should be a reward for slooping, u have less people u should get more reward, twice the money per piece. So u now have an option of either making less with 3-4 people but potentially being safer and moving faster, or being cautious and moving slower thru the mission with less people but making more money out of it

  • I don't really care if it's OP, unbalanced, or any of that. I'm not great at the game. I like to explore and run around with my husband and friend but I am definitely a detriment to the crew. Being able to play on the sloop with all 3 of us would allow my husband and friend to run the ship and get things done without relying on me to contribute. I just want to be able to be included in the game without punishing my crew for just having me play with them!

  • Are they still going through with this?

  • @corrupt-fellow With the recent addition of public/closed crews, and now that the main menu UI no longer asks you to select a crew size and instead just a ship type and then open/closed crew, 4 man sloops would be unnecessary as the size of the crew would be determined by the size of the ship, don't you think?

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