Adding a language to the game

  • Hello! I'm a Sea of Thieves player and I love the game, so I'm asking you to consider adding a language to the game, namely Ukrainian. I have seen many requests and appeals on the Sea of Thieves forum and Steam regarding the addition of Ukrainian localization. After reviewing the situation around this topic, I did not find a definitive answer regarding the addition of the Ukrainian localization. Please answer my request, whether Rare team plans to add Ukrainian localization and whether there is any progress in this matter at all?

    P.S. I apologize if something is unclear or spelled incorrectly. I'm from Ukraine and don't speak English very well, so I used a translator.

  • 20
    windows 10communityfeedbackgeneralquestion
  • Need to send this to support.

  • @BurnBacon I already did. And they answered me, and I quote: “It would be very helpful if you could add it here so that they can be considered: Feedback and suggestions - “link””

  • Please add it! I fully support the author of the post!

  • yes ua language please

  • yes, please ua lang

  • Please add the Ukrainian language!

  • Like myself, many of my friends are eager to play Sea of Thieves with Ukrainian localization. All titles, dialogues, and other text components of the game can be brilliantly translated into Ukrainian. I am sure that all Ukrainian-speaking players will be happy about this and will be glad to help implement this localization and correct possible errors and typos. Dear Rare, please consider localizing Sea of Thieves in Ukrainian, this is very important for our community.

  • @danilredz

    Okie…what did they say? Post the request in feedback and suggestions? That sounds like the opposite of what they always seem to say.

  • @BurnBacon Here is a screenshot
    Any questions?

  • Please add the Ukrainian language!

  • Oh, my like-minded person. I also want to see my native language in SoT. If the game is not abandoned, then where is the progress in adding new languages to the game? I only see the usual content updates.
    Most players need Ukrainian text localization. But it is this majority that plays in Russian because they have no choice. The Rare team and SoT force you to play in English (not everyone understands it well), so you either play in Russian or use English or any other language other than Russian (from a political point of view and lack of knowledge of foreign languages).

  • @BurnBacon For some reason, the hyperlink doesn't work.
    So here is the full answer, and I quote:
    Hi DanilRedz!

    Thank you for your feedback on the game, we really appreciate it. We have several threads for feedback and suggestions on the forums that the community, development team, and designers are interested in and always monitor. It would be very helpful if you could add them here so that we can consider them:

    Feedback and suggestions -

    Best wishes,
    Sea of Thieves Player Support.

  • yes ua language please

  • Please add the Ukrainian language! This is very important for us

  • Ukrainian localization is needed !
    текст подсказки

  • Yes, we need Ukrainian language

  • @danilredz UA!

  • While we appreciate the feedback and support from many of you in this thread, this query was already raised with the development team several months ago. Rest assured that as that is the case this request is on their radar, however, we do not provide updates to players' requests as there are deadlines and multiple projects to consider.

    As this query is already in the right hands I will be dropping anchor here.

windows 10communityfeedbackgeneralquestion
6 out of 20