New Curse Idea

  • So I have another curse idea. This one is for the pirates who have both skeleton and athena blessing curse. Now I understand it wouldn't make sense lore wise. But there should ghost bones for the skeleton. We already dont have many bone variants in the game so this should diverse it a little bit. And for the pirates that have both gold pvp curses get a gold ghost bones variant. The lore can be like "An Flameheart warrior who's bones have gained the blessing" or "The guardian who's showed their loyalty to Flameheart." We need new variants so maybe this could be one of them. Thank you.

  • 5
  • I mean think about it theres that glitch that where you die your pirate is a ghost skeleton. So it can be like that but with the color of the blessing curse and particle effects.

  • @lefushi Those ghost skeletons from Monkey Island TT look good.

  • @metal-ravage those look good too I wouldn't mind a design like that.

  • As you already have a thread for new curse ideas here, I will go ahead and redirect you back to it rather than keeping open a secondary thread for the exact same purpose. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

4 out of 5