Store Hanging

  • Seems like trying to buy anything from the merchant resource or captain voyage stores is causing the game to hang? I was able to buy a wood crate but everything else is severely delayed.

  • 8
  • same.
    " i cant find this right now, try again later"

  • @li-jratt-li I wasn't even getting that. The game would just sit at post-purchase item pop up for several minutes. A few times I ALT-F4'd out because I thought the actual game was frozen since my mouse cursor changed to the spinning wheel while it was visible. No sound, no 'working' wheel shown in game and pressing ESC or any other key wouldn't back out back to the store interface and I couldn't bring up the menu. The last time I tried it took several minutes before the purchase went through and I was able to exit the store.

  • Same here. Last night it was purchasing commodities and getting stuck after purchasing, but tonight I couldn't get any merchant to load, quests or commodities. It was a soft crash as I could hit "ESC" to exit and try again but to no avail.

  • Aye got the same problem, infinite loadingscreen on any merchant and shipdealer...

    Edit: ...and the "my ship"-section is starting have a really long loading time again.

  • I've had this issue as well, along with being unable to access my captianed ships for close to five weeks now.

    The stores have gotten a little bit better, but if I don't buy anything for five minutes, they stop loading in, even if I have the menu open until I get kicked from the game.

  • Can we bump this thread? It's happened three times to me tonight.

    Really takes the joy out of sailing merchants.

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