The Reveal of Who Killed DeMarco? (Spoilers to those who did not finish the Mystery)

  • Spoilers to those who did not finish the last clues that led to the Shrine of the Coral Tomb. If you didn't do this last mystery, please do not read any further.

    After finding all the symbols, I found the entrance with my crew and heard a voice I never thought I'd hear again since the Pirates Life storyline, after traversing further and solved one last puzzle, the reveal of DeMarco's killer was none other than the Siren Queen!

    Her motives was that she wanted to frame the Pirate Lord and make every pirate turn on him for killing his own son.

    My thoughts were how the Queen survived after we slayed her and she disintegrated, did she have a way of coming back from death just like Rathbone? Perhaps it has something to do with the red mermaid gem on her forehead, much like the Sirens and Ocean Crawlers who have gems embedded in their bodies.

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  • Make senses. The music boxes were a fine dead clue, music…the sound…hypnotized us at first. Same with Duke…what he heard…

    Mystery itself was “all over the place” and the big twist wasn’t really needed and kind of foolish thing, and the end of they mystery felt forced or rushed.
    Season 8?

    As for Siren queen being alive. Think it was a give. We die ourselves a lot. And GH died how many times?
    Glad to know she still around after all, without a leader why are the sirens and crawlers doing?

  • @burnbacon Huh? You know what I guess it does make more sense that I thought it did at first. I never thought about the music boxes like that.

    She was literally communicating to us through music from the music boxes in the same way the merfolk/sirens communicate through song.

  • @peony7185, The Reveal of Who Killed DeMarco? (Spoilers to those who did not finish the Mystery) içinde yazdı:

    @burnbacon Huh? You know what I guess it does make more sense that I thought it did at first. I never thought about the music boxes like that.

    She was literally communicating to us through music from the music boxes in the same way the merfolk/sirens communicate through song.

    She hypnotises us using the music boxes.

    The music Box controlled us by giving us these hidden clues:

    We shall sail together: Retweet a post... huh. Seems familiar to an another moto We shall tweet together

    Seek the dead: Look for graves

    Row row yer boat: Look for crashed rowboats

    Ballad Of The Mer: Look for notes in the siren shrines

    Happy Birthday: Find T... I... Really dont know about that one...

    That is why we see broken music boxes and why we turn of the music box at the end of the mystery. We finally understand what happened and end it.

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