Prestige Merchants?

  • I just got back into SoT and am having the time of my life but when I have nothing to grind for sadly I think my attention will go elsewhere. How hard would it be to be able to prestige merchants when you hit level cap (75 for most) while unlocking rare Ship sets weapon/equipment/outfit skins per prestige level?

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  • As someone who's max level in the main three factions, I can promise you there's still a ton to do.

    Emissary ledgers are a fun incentive every month to compete against other players for rewards. Every faction has its own commendations towards which you can grind to unlock new, less common cosmetics.

    If you're completely done with the main factions, you can always try the others! There was just a level increase to Athena's Fortune, as well as a new voyage added, so there's quite a bit to do there. Reaper's Bones is something I've personally been treating as end game content. I find it best, though I know some disagree, to use it as a predominantly PvP faction once you're more confident in your abilities in the game. If you knock out all of that, you can move on to the Hunter's Call which should take quite some time to finish. Again, all of these factions have commendations to unlock for extra rewards!

    After that, you can work on Bilge Rat commendations, some of which take a lot of time or preparation to properly pull off. These are a blast to do with friends, and if you ever manage to form an alliance, some of the best memories in the game can be made doing the multi-crew commendations. I personally just completely finished every commendation the Sunken Kingdom, and I'm super proud of everything I unlocked.

    Once all that's done, you can head to the Arena and compete against your fellow pirates. This is a great way to hone your skill at PvP. The grind to Triumphant Sea Dog is a long and arduous one, but it's well worth it! Besides, it's always nice hanging out in the tavern and seeing DeMarco's smiling face.

    By the time you finish all of that, there's bound to be something new hitting the game. There are always exciting things on the horizon, and the last several updates have been rife with content. Season 7 is right around the corner, and Rare's promised us some completely new ways to progress our character through Captaincy.

    All that to say, there is always something to grind in this game, and every little accomplishment along the way helps to tell your story.

  • @krypt I’ve been max in everything for over a year or almost a year? Except for Athena which is now 30 and I’m still only 20 but that new stuff isn’t worth grinding for in my opinion.

    Whenever I play I only do merchant because it’s fun . It’s not about the glory, it’s about the gold.

    Also everything you said could be applied to all other factions as well

  • @krypt you will get quite alot of pushback again a prestige system here typically whenever its brought up despite the best argument against it being "but wouldn't you rather have something better instead?". in truth there is no reason not to introduce it

  • I agree that the game should have a prestige system, and I have yet to see a good argument against it (or raising the level cap again they are effectively the same thing) but that definitely does not add content. If you want more to do I find it hard to believe you just came back and finished all the commendations in the game...

  • @brody-howell this guy gets it!

  • @hijack-hayes said in Prestige Merchants?:

    @brody-howell this guy gets it!

    I mean, yeah.

    But Locking pretty pixels behind it tho...I could do the grind again. Considering how " ItS eAsY tO mAkE pIrAtE lEgEnD nOw!¡!¡ "

  • @hijack-hayes said in Prestige Merchants?:

    @brody-howell this guy gets it!

    ...and yet he forgot to mention Adventures, Sea Forts, Mysteries, Season 7...

  • @galactic-geek

    Hey, I mentioned Season 7! :p

    And, to be fair, Sea Forts are tied to Bilge Rat commendations. As for Adventures, I did say there's always something new on the horizon. ;)

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