Some suggestion to the game: Guild system: Guild war, guild ship, and guild hideout

  • Was playing sea of thieves with friends for the past 1 or 2 weeks, there are total 5 of us so we had to take turn in playing the game (as the standard game mode offer up to only 4 max).

    Would like to suggest for the game to introduce guild system:

    1. Criteria of setting up a guild: must have more than 4 members, need a certain amount of gold (like 100k? 200k?), need to complete a certain mission to obtain a guild certificate.

    2. Once the criteria is met, can set up guild at outposts. (can create new NPC or assign this to one NPC? maybe someone in the Tavern to handle this may be great)

    3. Guild function: everyone can contribute to the guild by donating/ buying ship decorations/ parts for the ship. And guild master and assigned leader can decide which parts to be use. And every time when the guild members sails together as a guild, the guild ship will be used. (I believe this will create a feel of belongingness, as well as create some goals for friends who play together to achieve.)
      Also, you might want to put some decorations/ parts as reward of certain guild quest.

    4. Guild War: You can held guild war regularly (maybe in a weekly basis), in a different instance (different server), and guilds can join the war by choosing that game mode/ server in assigned time. Where they need to conquer outposts/ island/ defeat pirates/ defend their own territory. Depend on the territory conquered, the guild will have access to different bonus for the week/ as long as they still holding the territory.
      *Sample of conquering a territory:
      Steal a flag: the conquering party need to obtain the flag which is hidden somewhere in the island/ being carried by defending party. Obtain the flag and carry it back to the conqueror's ship, and it is considered victory of the conquering party, the territory ownership is then be transferred; If the defending party managed to keep the flag safe/ away from the conqueror for more than 10 minutes, for example, then they successfully defended their territory.
      *Sample of bonus obtained from having a territory:

    • Owning Island A: allows your ship to start with extra 10 bananas/ 10 Coconut
    • Owning a Outpost: gives you extra golds daily/ gives you extra 5%/ 10% bonus on selling/ completing quest.
      And other bonus which may be allow your ship to start with extra cannons/ start with storage box....etc...
    1. Guild hideout: a place allow all guild members to gather, can purchase furniture for the hideout, store food/ golds/ goods etc...

    Just some of my thoughts...really liked this game and hope to see it improve better...thanks!

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  • While I like the idea of having more formalized systems in-game so we may in touch with and keep playing with pirates we meet, I must disagree with rewards enabling bonuses like starting with extra fruit. I think guild and personal hideouts should be social spaces only, with the sole exceptions being a tavern keeper and possibly a limited stock cosmetics vendor similar to the Seapost traders.

  • You seem to be wanting a way for you and your friends to all progress in the game together, I'm just not sure how that can be done in a meaningful way in a game based around cosmetics. The real progression in this game is around skill and that's not something that you can share with your friends. With regard to your group of 5 friends, I would have thought the best solution to this(as things stand) would be to set up a brigantine and a sloop when they are all online, probably rotating the crews around on different play sessions.

  • I would love a more formalized guild or fleet system, if only for the feeling of belonging to something bigger.

    That being said, your suggestion of guild war couldn't be implemented in the game as it is since it's server and session based with 5 ships at a time. You will not find the epicness of an Eve Online war here. ^^'

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