Tall tale ruined

  • I was doing the Shroudbreaker tall tale, and I got stuck with the last scarab medallion in a tree. After it sent me back to my boat I wasn’t able to find the medallion again. I looked at the place I got stuck in,too. I just couldn’t find it though. So I guess what I’m really saying is that when you’re forced to return to your boat you should be able to bring what’s in your hand with you.

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  • @grantchris11 The teleportation is an anti-stuck function.
    If you could teleport with items by jumping inbetween rocks/trees from heights, you'd be able to do stuff like.. Stealing a skullfort key and jumping somewhere you'd get stuck so you teleport back to your ship with the stolen key.

    I feel your pain tho. I'd be irritated myself if that happened to me.

  • @anchorretrieval Yeah I can understand that. I just wish there was a way that I could’ve gotten the medallion back. Maybe something like it respawning in the place you have to dig it up at. Anyways I’ll probably just try the tall tale again, and see if I can finish it without any mistakes

  • Si, if you can’t find the medallion after bringing it to the ship... Just burn down your ship. Tested. It worked...

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