
  • I'm sad to see that the "potion shop" above the OoS is now the Ancient Coin shop but I haven't given up hope. Drinkable potions would be a great addition to adventure mode and here are my initial ideas:

    1. Water breathing potion (lasts 120 seconds)
    2. Fire resistance potion (lasts 60 seconds)
    3. Strong stomach potion (no illness from raw meat, 5 mn)
    4. Move faster with loot (lasts 120 seconds)
    5. Ninja potion (silent footsteps for 60 seconds)
    6. Sailor Arms (faster row boat speed for 60 seconds)
    7. Snake Charmer (Immune to venom for 60 seconds)
    8. Gluttony (Over eating fruit adds shield gen for 30 seconds)
    9. Featherweight (Makes you as light as a cannonball when shot out of a canon, 1 time use)
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  • It's an ok idea, however, Rare doesn't really like buyable things that can give people an advantage over others.
    Since the newbies cannot afford it and others can, which'll create a quote-on-quote 'imbalance', I don't think that'd be able to be implemented.

  • @exolinity Who said you had to buy them? i was thinking have them in barrels around the world like the cursed cannonballs or make it so you gave to craft them with certain ingredients.

  • I too had always hoped that shop would end up being a potion shop with some of the effects you mentioned. Given that they've hinted that rather than expand the map horizontally, they'd be going down instead, maybe it will still be possible for a potion shop to appear somewhere. We'd definitely need more air time if there's going to be underwater areas to explore further.

  • Sounds a bit like minecraft potions there

  • Even a potion to change your pirates appearance would be appreciated.

  • @withmyapologies when have they hinted at that? Just curious

  • @rokm-sokm-rabbi
    As long as these potions are like ccbs, but maybe a bit rarer, they should be good.

  • @simum69 said in Potions:

    @withmyapologies when have they hinted at that? Just curious

    Was a while back. Fairly certain it was Mike Chapman who mentioned it when he was on a panel or some kind of Q and A session, and someone asked if they were expanding the map. He replied saying they had no plans to expand outwards but there was nothing stopping them going down. Or words to that effect.

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