How much would you pay for these?

  • My girlfriends made me these Sea of Thieves themed coasters for Christmas! They are considering opening an Etsy shop, and we're curious what members of the community would be willing to pay for some quality designs like these.

  • 6
  • Those look really good. Kudos!
    For starters.. what size are they (diameter).
    What they made of, individual, pack of 4 etc?.... all that usual spec
    Btw... you've got me sold already.

    Ultimately... do you have any thoughts yourself?
    A ball park figure, you can sometimes see/realise expectations

  • @piratecraggy said in How much would you pay for these?:

    Those look really good. Kudos!
    For starters.. what size are they (diameter).
    What they made of, individual, pack of 4 etc?.... all that usual spec
    Btw... you've got me sold already.

    Ultimately... do you have any thoughts yourself?
    A ball park figure, you can sometimes see/realise expectations

    Diameter is around 3.5 inches, this would be a pack of 4, one side has logo and other side has various symbols like the trading companies or the Kraken, or perhaps other symbols.

    This set is made of birch, they made me a pack of four but one guestimated 20$ a piece, or 60$ for a pack of 4 would be around their target sale price.

    I absolutely love them and want to get them to do even more designs, like the other factions, various island paintings, and maybe doing maps or animal symbols as well.

  • @hallows-knight

    Now... I thought those where 3D printed... or something.
    Hand crafted... birch (wood)... damn cool!
    So you are already appealing to a different market.
    The pack of 4 IMO... definitely the way forward.
    My niece very successfully sells on Etsy ( bound books & journals ).. so a very good thought there.
    Would I pay $60... probably.
    But it's best to get more feedback.
    Craftwork & skill deserves to be rewarded.

    Edit: BTW... Direct Message me.. if Etsy goes live.
    You have customer number one in the bag. ( You'll be shipping to Ireland ) :)

    The use of Symbols of Lore etc... definitely a great idea.
    Start off small.. then expand designs. No more than you can chew, best to test the water. The beauty is... you can create to order.
    No need to produce a great number in advance... these are artisan works of art! Their price/premium is in their quality & rarity.
    Customers at the point of sale can wait, as long as it is explained at purchase.

  • @piratecraggy Thanks for the feedback! I'll let them know. We're based in the US, would you be okay with paying extra for international shipping?

  • @hallows-knight said in How much would you pay for these?:

    @piratecraggy Thanks for the feedback! I'll let them know. We're based in the US, would you be okay with paying extra for international shipping?

    Of course... postage is postage.
    If you sell on Etsy... you get people from all over.
    Look at the market... postage.. costs, how much you need as a return.
    At the end of the day... the cost is the cost. And, you'll know pretty soon if you are on the money.

    Etsy being the market... check up there for similar, if you are in and around the going price... you'll have it right.

5 out of 6