Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment

  • @glannigan

  • @spartanmatt0x sagte in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    Before people come here and tell me to git gud or stop being a baby, shhhhh. This is a feedback/suggestion thread. This isn't a debate thread. People always say "but fighting PC players are easy" which is just a lie or you must be god tier, because they have every advantage over us Xbox players.

    My suggestion is you need to get better... 😎

  • @jollyolsteamed
    If people lose their cool and turn a discussion into an argument, moderators are able to warn, delete, temp ban and perma ban offenders, without shutting down a thread. The copy paste text that moderators apply to edited/deleted posts always explains:
    Your post goes against forum rule 3 and has been edited accordingly, second warning = temp ban, third warning = perma ban...or words to that effect.

    You can already report these posts to mods and attempt to restore civility to discussion, without trying to get entire threads locked.

  • The best thing about all this is its not going to be hard opt out.

    You WILL be seeing PC players, please do not beleive it will total segregate us. It will be like arena. If your server is getting lowly populated expect some of us PC players being moved in. Like Arena.

  • @spartanmatt0x Same. I'm a PC player getting stomped by them too! Oh wait, maybe I'm just bad. Hm.

  • Could someone micro analyse every response I make please, and if possible use a condescending analogy to underpin their opinion. I feel like I don’t quite understand what I’m saying myself and need someone to break it down for me. Thanks 🤨

  • @pabio-escobar Everyone is welcome on the Sea, even you.

    Except everyone isn't welcome on your Sea are they?

    That goes against the founding principle of this game. You may be right that Rare will add this, but if they do, it won't be to appease people who only want to divide the community that Rare have built.

    You may be welcome on the Sea, but I for one do not welcome your attitude towards your fellow players.

    I disgusts me that Rare might want to appease people who refuse to put any effort into getting better at the game and only want to tear down what Rare have tried to build. This victim mentality is everything that is wrong with the world right now.

    Demand, complain, demand, forever...

    You give them an inch and they just complain even more.

    Press them on it and they don't even try to hide their contempt for Rare's paying customers.

    Rare, you see through this too right? You see that the people crying hardest for this don't care a jot for the welbeing and long term health of this game or its community, only their narrow self-interest.

    So long as they keep that in mind when considering future opt-outs then I'll promise to be reasonable in my response to future developments.

  • How do you know how much effort I put in to the game and what my skill level is?

  • @pabio-escobar I don't. I don't know anything about you except that you're the sort of person who buys a game that sold itself as crossplay and then complains about it AND that you think you lose fights because other people are using PCs and not because you got outplayed.

    Do you know what both those things tell everyone who's read your posts about you?

    I'll tell you: You don't take any personal responsibility for the consequences of your decisions. You see yourself as the victim of other people's choices instead of the author of your own misfortune.

    For as long as you continue to deny your part in creating your own difficulties you are doomed to continue to make the same mistakes. If you deny your own agency in things then you have no agency with which to change them.

    If there are genuine issues that create a divide in the playerbase the only way to solve them is together. You don't heal divisions by dividing people even further.

  • Thanks for the life lesson. Appreciated 👍

  • Isn't Rare and MS dedicated to improving crossplay?
    Wouldn't implementing any sort of xbox opt out for Adventure run counter to that goal?

    Console players should realize that Adventure in SoT is essentially a pc game they get to play, despite being the larger playerbase.
    Don't hold your breath for any opt out.

    I would suggest upgrading your hardware if you expect to play SoT long term.

  • @glannigan TOTALLY AGREE. We do understand it’s sea of thieves not sea of friends but that’s why there is an arena mode for those who want to make it a competition. Adventure mode is for doing quests and that’s it. I really have tried making my friends play with me SOT but they all have told me the same thing. How can I play and do quests if other players are gonna keep me from doing so? There’s no point to it, SOT is forcing competition and creating a toxic environment that does not match the game adventure aesthetic. Rare should at least put boundaries when players are doing a quest or event, it’s ridiculous to even try to play solo in a sloop (2 cannons) and battle against a galleon with a group of people. In that case don’t mix all ship sizes in the same server or respect the quests. There are a lot of options for making the game FAIR to every type of players...

  • @barnabas-seadog
    If Rare and Microsoft are committed to improving cross play then an opt out is exactly the thing they should be looking in to. Not every one wants cross play. Some do, some don’t. An improvement would be to give the option. Everyone wins then.

  • Rare: Drops and event primarily focused on PVP.

    Xbox Players: Awesome, Oh wait still no crossplay option.

    [mod edit]

  • @pabio-escobar said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    If Rare and Microsoft are committed to improving cross play then an opt out is exactly the thing they should be looking in to. Not every one wants cross play. Some do, some don’t. An improvement would be to give the option. Everyone wins then.

    You get no arguement from me.
    If Rare made this a pc only game we would not be having this discussion.
    Same if it was an Xbox exclusive.

    That is not what Rare designed.

    If they are commited to the future of crossplay, would not making any opt out an admission of failure?

    I would not hold my breath, I would upgrade my hardware.

  • So why put it in Arena?
    Don’t see how it admits failure. If anything appealing to a wider market is a better thing.

  • I wish they would but rare are more interested in keeping the pc community happy then worrying about us Xbox players it's the same old thing they say get good it will hurt the community rate never promised it it's like they don't want us console players to have the option at the very least rare could at least do matchmaking via input method so controller users are matched with controller users and keyboard and mouse with other keyboard and mouse players I am sure this will get shot down buy if this game can't fill servers of 24 with cross play optout the game is already dying if not nearly dead it's time they added this

  • @pabio-escobar said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    So why put it in Arena?
    Don’t see how it admits failure. If anything appealing to a wider market is a better thing.

    Rare listens to it's playerbase, to a certain extent, and they really need something to boost Arena play. It is still a work in progress.

    Adventure is the real prize, Rare will be very careful about the direction it takes.

  • Well with multiple threads daily and consul players complaining all the time, there is clearly a problem. Even if PC player’s try to refute it.

  • @pabio-escobar said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    Well with multiple threads daily and consul players complaining all the time, there is clearly a problem. Even if PC player’s try to refute it.

    Maybe if we cry in unison, they'll fold and make the game easier for us Xbox players.

    I'm xbox and laugh at the baboons crying on xbox only arena how I'm pc. So many of the crybabies don't actually play the game to be good and use PC as a scapegoat.

    "Oh, but I can check ur profile. It says you're on PC!". It says that only cus I have kb/m attached to my xbox as well as my controller.

  • @icymethodman actually if you attach a keyboard and mouse to your xbox it does not say you are pc it says you are pc if you are using it on windows 10.

  • @schwammlgott you acknowledge they have a advantage which pretty much means optional cross play is needed how can you do forts and megs and fight cursed crews or do your adventures if your constantly running away from pc players

  • @jimzir maybe the repeated threads is because rare are doing nothing about it

  • @mrotisfirefly Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be respectful. Sea of Thieves is a game for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, creed or disability. Treat everyone with respect. Diversity only enriches this larger-than-life pirate community of ours and makes Sea of Thieves’ world a far more interesting one to explore. When we all play, everyone wins.


    Discriminate against anyone based on who they are. As stated previously, Sea of Thieves is a game for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, creed or disability. Prejudice of any kind is totally unacceptable.

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    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @squaz05 and out of that list which one are competitive and don't give you the choice to turn cross play off and crackdown has a lock on system so mouse and keyboard is not much of a advantage in that game

  • @fast-bike94 said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @icymethodman actually if you attach a keyboard and mouse to your xbox it does not say you are pc it says you are pc if you are using it on windows 10.

    Hmm, in that case them kids who are claiming they've checked it are lying out their buttocks so they can justify their suckyness.

  • @chcknugget
    Adventure mode is for having an adventure, even if it's not the adventure you intended to have. It isn't for doing quests, in fact, the quest system is only to give a form of progression (watch the number go, whee) and to get players moving from island to island with something to steal. Arena is a condensed and faster form of adventure, with less variables and more player interaction. Yes, more interaction, not just more combat.

    Sure, there's multiple threads added to daily, with XBox players constantly complaining that 'that player is a cheater because he's on PC and killed me and I'm the best PvP player there is', but they actually represent very few of the players in the game. Millions play the game, and while the majority of posts are the same few whiners complaining about crossplay, the vast majority of actual players aren't doing that, or even agreeing with the crossplay whiners. What seems to be about half of the active posters on these forums is against crossplay, but they don't make daily posts like "KEEP CROSSPLAY IF REMOVED THE GAME WILL DIE" like the other side does, they provide the best facts they have and offer to help with situations they've seen and even been in before, while those against them just say that they lost because they, the collective best player in the game and in any game, were cheated against by someone who must have an unfair advantage over them. It turns out, they actually lost because they didn't see the three sails approaching them for the last five minutes, and didn't notice the player climbing the stairs next to the helm with a blunderbuss, and then ran in a straight line with a cutlass at someone wielding an EoR.

  • @chcknugget this game has a learning curve to voyaging in safety. There are pirate hunters on xbox as well. This isn't a platform difference, we all have the same options. Win and lose, adapt and improve. Be a good sport in victory and defeat.

    Nobody said being a pirate is easy. The slogan is #BeMorePirate

    Play around your strengths, I might be on PC but I am no PvP god... yet in this game I can pick a fight or avoid it by awareness and ability to sail while working on my canon shooting abilities. It is the safer way to play and how you can voyage on your own terms. If you want to go for an all out battle, be my guest but don't complain that there are pirates out there that are better than you and are seeking combat. Just take it to the waves. Ship on Ship battle is the best type of battle anyway. If I can solo dozens of Athena's Solo without ever crossing swords with a pirate so can you. Nothing I do while sailing is something one cannot learn to do.

  • @pabio-escobar said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    So why put it in Arena?
    Don’t see how it admits failure. If anything appealing to a wider market is a better thing.

    Arena is a competitive mode and is trying to achieve different goals than Adventure mode. It is to find out who is the best and the most fair way to do this is to have them use the exact same things. Why do you think LAN Tournaments have people use the same setups, like identical maybe with an option to swap mice and keyboard. This is what they balance it around. Minimize any difference and have pure skill level determine the outcome. There is a reason we don't have random things to find in Arena and we all start out with exactly the same. There can only be one winner.

    Adventure mode is to bring people together and it offers us the choice to fight, defend, avoid, flee, sneak, betray, befriend and anything else you can think of. Crossplay works in a sandbox game mode like this, as it enforces the main goal of playing together in an open world. It fits real life more, as gear will be different and we aren't fighting for the same goal of winning. We can all win, we can all lose, we can just lose... how you play determines your outcome. Being a pirate ain't easy. #BeMorePirate

    Crossplay is an amazing addition to the options for game developers. However, just like anything it fits certain goals and not others. Just because something works in one mode, means that it is good for another.

  • if you really enjoy this game. do what i did and build a PC.

  • I can do all the things you said in adventure mode with out PC players being present. And basically by saying it should be in arena because it’s competitive and people need to be on a level playing field is admitting there is a big difference in the two platforms, which most PC players try to refute. That’s the whole point console players want the choice to opt out.

  • @pabio-escobar Nobody is refuting that PC has advantages. There are things that are easier, faster or more precise. You're denying the advantages that xbox has though, haptic feedback, triggers instead of WASD for rowing, cannons easier to aim, steering the ship, emptying barrels. Not getting stuck as often because you're not hopping around like a lunatic.

    1 v 1 in CQC, I'd say the PC has the odds in its favour. Ship versus ship, Xbox has more in its favour. Play to your strengths. Keep fights at range, bring back up, double or triple team in CQC and your days of complaining that you don't stand a chance against PC players will be over.

    Rare have said they're working on an opt-out, they haven't lied to us about anything like that yet. They're looking for a fair way to impliment it. You don't have an issue with fairness now do you?

  • @pabio-escobar
    There's a difference, yes. It's been balanced against in Adventure, where your encounters are not immediate. In Arena, you can fire yourself from your ship to another at spawn, so it's not the same. It was also to cater to the whiners, though it showed that they really don't care. You're winning more by not giving up against every PC player you see, as you know, so it helps. Just not in the way you're thinking it does.

  • Ok... so just to clarify some points here that every PC player seems to want to make.

    1. I have not once said I get ruined by PC crews.
    2. I’m a day one player and understand perfectly how to keep PC players at bay/ or a arm length.
    3. I play this game more than what is medically recommended and very very rarely have my ship sunk or loose my loot. That said, it has and does happen.
    4. I don’t make claims to being an expert, I’m not a sweaty try hard, I play the game for the enjoyment, but I understand how to play it.
    5. I’m not the OP, I’m just talking about crosplay. Not ability, skill level or understanding.

    I don’t need multiple analogies to understand your point of view.

  • Well then here, let me also clarify some points that crossplay opt-out supporters seem to want to make.

    • I, alongside many other supporters of crossplay, am not on PC. I am an XBox player, though not all crossplay supporters are XBox, either.
    • Not all PC players are sweaty tryhards with gaming supercomputer setups that cost a few thousand of whatever currency you prefer and have near imperceivable reaction times. Many are equal to XBox players, though the PC community does tend to be more competitive while the XBox community tends to be more casual, so the average difference there actually is skill.
    • I don't tell people to 'get good' as an insult or a joke, I tell them that they need to improve further to fight back or avoid fighting at all, and I give tips to help start them in this process.
    • I don't support crossplay because I want an 'easier fight', in fact I don't even like PvP all that much, and I know many PC and XBox supporters alike who don't either. I prefer to interact with other players, and while I know that an XBox crowd is less likely to give me that than PC, I still support crossplay. I simply support it because I believe that segregating an entire section of the community off from the rest, even though the vast majority of them are not the reason the opt-out supporters wanted to do this in the first place, is wrong.
    • Not all PC players are toxic, they're generally nice people. Even the PvP sweat crews are mostly nice (a few exceptions, but they came from FPSs) as long as you aren't their enemy. XBox players are often more toxic, particularly the louder voices in the opt-out supporting argument, some of which repeatedly claim that they do not care about the PC players who are not the top few crews that are also affected by the opt-out.
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