New Weapon - Daggers

  • My son had a great idea for a weapon... daggers. You get five, and you can throw them. You can also use them hand-to-hand.

    When you throw them, you lose them (like bullets), but you can pick them back up again (to reload) or find them in barrels (or steal them from other ships).

    A fun way to have a multi-use weapon with some strategy involved. Would be great to throw a dagger at a fleeing skeleton.

    What do you think?

  • 19
  • @ruggles-forever i would swap my pistol for some nice daggers. And give us some new emotes so my pirate can play with them!

  • You're not the 1st to suggest daggers.

    Melee and ranged? Seems OP to me... Also, if you can find them in barrels, how would that work if I'm already carrying 2 other weapons?

  • I rather like this idea

  • @galactic-geek

    The way OP suggests the idea, you'd need to equip them like an item, instead of having them as a weapon.

  • @wildbloodoz It's an item that can be used as a melee or ranged weapon? Now, it's really OP! the gunpowder barrel. It blows up big. And floats. And blows up on contact. Or manually. And can be defused.

    Hmm... Better make it only 3 knives.

  • @galactic-geek

    i guess same as u have 5 bananas and want to pick up more. u cant.

  • New weapons would be great, especially some new melee toys. Daggers would be great, imagine it doing light damage (less than cutlass) on hit with left click, 3 ammo to throw on right click (cutlass hit dmg), no more melee hits when at 0 ammo, lunge possible with it but no block?

    If balanced properly not to be too good compared to cutlass, it could be a cool versatile alternative.

  • @ruggles-forever Extra damage for a sneaky back stab maybe? :D

  • It's a good idea, maybe only throw dagger, and no extra damage on backstab, otherwise we need stealth and........ this game will implode!!!! LoL.

  • @tiferet-x said in New Weapon - Daggers:

    It's a good idea, maybe only throw dagger, and no extra damage on backstab, otherwise we need stealth and........ this game will implode!!!! LoL.

    A weapon that does less damage up front but more from the back would be awesome, although I fear on one hand, hit reg is already tricky as it is (and latency), things might get messy and confusing real quick and 2, peeps might complain even more about console discrepancies when it comes to ease of movements. It's a shame though, I would love something like TF2's spy knife! I guess blunderbuss will do for now lol.

  • What if back-stab damage was universal? Every weapon, if it hits in the back does an additional 5-10% damage. Nothing great, but it could make a difference and it promotes sneaky, dirty fighting, and the importance of movement and positioning.

  • Yes please. Ill take any new weapon i can get

  • You have my vote. Daggers has been a very popular request. Here is my post I did on them, how they could work and different ways they could be used:

  • @x-crowheart-x wonderful write-up. I wish I'd seen yours first. My son LOVED the Nerve idea.

  • @ruggles-forever you are very welcome! Thank you for the kind words. A dagger is something a lot of us have wanted for a very long time. When most fall in love with sailing on the Sea of Thieves they currents bring them here to share their passion and to share what they dream and wish for.

    The forums doesn’t have a very good fixed to keep things like this going. It should not rely on having to dig through threads from a search either. Some of us wanted to keep a running list of ideas, but such a list still drops down the line of new and old posts.

    There is a great thread called the Community Ideas Master List. A great pirate by the name of @ENF0RCER was the one who started that post of the idea we all had for a master list. He has not sailed these forums in a while, however the list is a must read in my opinion. Too bad that post could not be shared so a few of us could help maintain it and keep it going to help him out.

    Hopefully we all will see some of these community ideas come to the game in the future. With Rare returning to more frequent content updates we will see the Adventure grow like most of us are hoping and waiting for.

    Community Ideas Master List:

    My spouse and I have been away for a while, but we are hoping to raise anchor again this week to check out the new update and hopefully catch up with old friends. If you are ever interested in meeting new pirates, we greatly enjoy making new friends. It is one of the best things about sailing on the Sea of Thieves. Just let me know and we will hook up with whatever ship we need to sail to explore and have fun.

    Fair winds and happy sailing!

  • @x-crowheart-x These are wonderful resources! Thank you.

  • I was thinking about grenades. Since we can have small holes on the ship the grenades would be cool IMHO. 3 grenades max in hand and they Will do small holes in the ship to fast repair. Also they shouldn't explode underwater to prevent griefing.

  • @avecrux

    Yes they could be made out of hollowed out coconuts. Add some gun powder and a fuse. Also have ones with oil to make things slippery or create smoke.

    Here is a post from a while back that some of us talked about the idea. I have a reply that has a link to a couple videos. One is two guys testing the theory of a coconut grenade and the other is how they were used in the Disney movie Swiss Family Robinson:

3 out of 19