HUNTERS CALL ''Rare Fish Tips?''

  • Hello Pirates, Almost caught every fish accommodation except some of the rare regtional fish

    Any tips when catching/looking for the rare fish? I've heard you've got more chance catching thwem if you're alsone in a SOLO SLOOP but sounds like rubbish?

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  • @scottdavies7 It's down to the right bait in the right place... and a little bit of luck.

  • @scottdavies7
    If catching Rare fish don't fish at islands with Islehoppers... just another fish to add to the equation on the RNG.

  • @scottdavies7 Tip: Catch everything you’re “unsure” of.

    Russet and Muddy Wildsplashes are awfully similar in colour!

  • @scottdavies7

    Russet and Muddy Wildsplashes,
    Yip.. similar in colour. Black Sand Atoll, on the north east end is a rock & shallow water. Stand in the shallow water, reel your cast in close, you can eye ball the fish as they appear face to face... makes it a lot easier.

    Muddy... just look closely for the dark bands across the nose.

  • Shipwrecks! I have gotten every Rare fish turned in by finding it in a shipwreck. Granted, I have visited every shipwreck I have seen since Hunter's Call was introduced so the chances are still pretty low but it's worth a check :)

  • Best tip?

    Decrease field of veiw and fish from bowsprit you won't waste bait on unsure fish cause u will see what it is. Other than that it's luck

    You could camp shipwrecks then raid it every so often as it repawns

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