
  • ahoy there mates.. i was sailing with a friend moments ago when the server kicked me and i got this error messege when trying to rejoin.. the error is not even on the errors list of the game .. i already made a suport request but i guess it will take a while to get and answer.... maybe someby here knows about this error and can help a fellow pirate

  • 7
  • 3 hours looting waiting in this moment to be sold because i catn joing my friend... same with active tall tale... cmon @rare...

  • You're not allowed to bump your own thread in an attempt to get more views.


  • @ShadowKing998 As bumping threads is a violation of our forum rules, we have removed several of your posts. If you are experiencing an issue with the game, you will need to raise a support ticket, as the forums are not a venue where troubleshooting is handled.

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