So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @tart-tee i pvp everyday i dont do arena because i think arena sucks its a race of who can turn in the most chests not who can sink most ships or kill the most players there for its a waste of my potential now i cannot stop myself from shooting myself over at a parked ship sloop brig and galleon alike so not a very nice assumption i know your salty over the combat system but in my opinion as i have not noticed anything bad at all i took on 2 people on a sloop and spawn camped them for a few minutes until they sunk never under that entire time did i experience any issues also might you specify your issues with it other than its "clunky" or "broken" what about it is broken what about the combat is clunky please specify really hard to understand what your trying to bring forward because the issues you've relayed has never occured while i've been sailing for a whole year

    There's a link in the first post that literally explains all the issues with examples. No offense, but you get 10x the PVP in one game of Arena than in 8 hours of Adventure. I don't know anyone I'd consider "good" at PVP who hasn't played Arena.

  • @tart-tee ah you put a link in your thread that i couldn't be bothered to press on when you could have stated the issues here but oh well after inspecting the clips and i will say the blunder does happen at times it can be a minor annoyance but it happens maybe once or twice every session i play i play up to 5 hours a day i do fight pvp atleast 3-4 times as blunder is the only weapon i use the second clip where you killed a guy from far away never happend to me i thought it was the issue that sometimes your sword hits dont register due to player side issues latency etc so the second clip i cannot relate to i've sailed for a while now and never occured to me and the charge thing i never really use it so i cannot say i've noticed it but now i got some clarity of the situation but the only issue i've had is the blunder even when im point blank infront of people it doesn't really kill them somewhat of an annoyance because by the time they've reacted to my shot i've run off and reloaded and as stated the only reason i haven't continued doing arena because its a joke all the combat issues asside the entire thing is a joke i dont want to sail around going for chests i'd rather be in blunder combat (also i never find any good people for pvp so i never really bother)

  • @nabberwar
    Thanks for the input. I am fully aware of how the opt-out was described by Mr Neate, and have been following the development closely. Yes, when insufficient opt-out numbers are present, you will get moved to the open lobbies. What i was specifically talking about are the multiple posts in crossplay threads, where players are describing an Xbox player, in the opt-out lobby, inviting pc players to the Xbox lobby, and being granted access.

    So, never having played arena myself, the question is: Is opt-out functioning as intended? Or is it broken? Is this a bug? Or intended? This was never mentioned by rare prior to release, but was mentioned multiple times as a possible exploit in the megathread. If players can forsee this 'workaround', surely developers and programmers could too?

    Again, i haven't played arena, so i'm relying on feedback from other players. I havent seen anyone call them disingenuous or fake news, so i assume its true...

    Edit: This was an arena thread, feel free to respond here, or msg me to avoid 'derailing'👍

  • If you played on Xbox, you'd consider opt-out a godsend. You have no idea how frustrating it is to feel like a punching bag for 60fps point and click doublegunners. It's finally a fair fight.

  • @pomalotacusmk3

    I'm wondering if players have been taking note of the yellow notice that pops up as you join the arena lobby, it informs you, you are either in the "all players" lobby or "Xbox with controllers" lobby. Because even though i myself have selected opt out, on occasions i have found myself join a all players session.
    only once so far have i come across somebody playing on PC in the opt out lobby, i noticed unusual text being typed and decided to check on player, and found him to be on PC. So i asked him what he was doing here, to which he had no idea himself, he just joined a game. At which point many players were asking why a PC player was in the lobby and just left instantly. Was forced crossplay really that bad?? Who knew!
    Anyway, i personally don't think that PC player did anything wrong, and just a blip on the matchmaking process took place. The lobby soon emptied of players regardless and i also left to rejoin a new session. I have played quite a few sessions in the last week on opt out, and so far, it works. You will get paired with Xbox users.
    It would seem opt out has been welcomed by many and the arena servers are full of players wishing to play. Give it a try..

  • I totally agree this is complete garbo, even in the adv mode it used to be sea of sloops now its empty. I'm half tempted to not even play this game anymore, I love this game but its almost completely unplayable.

  • @xziraider I think unplayable is a bit of an over exaggeration.

  • @groping-pandas Perhaps, but the 20minute ques for Arena are certainly unbearable. Either the player base has died, or the matchmaking is broken. Many ques right now take longer than the match!

  • I just played a couple of matches with random crews.

    It went way better than you guys would expect. First match we took second place out of five boats.
    We won the second match.
    No one used a mic.

    I only play about four or five matches a week, but this is typical for me in Arena.

    Lately, it's been more fun than I expect it to be.

    I just dont see where Rare has killed the mode, although I thought they should have just implemented brigs and sloops into a mixed arena.

    In the end it's Rares game to build, and Arena is where Adventure was last year at launch.

  • @groping-pandas said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @xziraider I think unplayable is a bit of an over exaggeration.

    Ehm, but what would you call not being able to get into a game? xD

  • @tart-tee said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @barnabas-seadog lol your post is evidence that trash open crews are all thats left.

    There are good players that spend a significant time in Arena.
    They can thrive in this game mode making gold and reputation. Even with randoms.

    You may consider all open crews as trash, but that is just not my experience.
    Good players know how to play, they appreciate other good players that help them.
    Everyone expects a dysfunctional open crew in Arena, but not every random is a newb.

    Are there any Arena Wolves following this thread?

  • @barnabas-seadog said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @tart-tee said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @barnabas-seadog lol your post is evidence that trash open crews are all thats left.

    There are good players that spend a significant time in Arena.
    They can thrive in this game mode making gold and reputation. Even with randoms.

    You may consider all open crews as trash, but that is just not my experience.
    Good players know how to play, they appreciate other good players that help them.
    Everyone expects a dysfunctional open crew in Arena, but not every random is a newb.

    Are there any Arena Wolves following this thread?

    I'm probably top 5 for playtime in Arena. Still not sure why people who barely play Arena think they are going to fool me somehow.

  • Deathmatch Deathmatch Deathmatch… Last ship floating wins... Three sinks and you're out... Ever shrinking Red Sea moves in forcing all the action... This will keep Arena afloat... this will bring streamers back, this will bring in more and newer money for Rare.

  • @wesley-sanguin and broadside fights are the only combat not broken. +1 this

  • @wesley-sanguin a dit dans So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena. :

    Deathmatch Deathmatch Deathmatch… Last ship floating wins... Three sinks and you're out... Ever shrinking Red Sea moves in forcing all the action... This will keep Arena afloat... this will bring streamers back, this will bring in more and newer money for Rare.

    And a free cam spectator mode once you're out! 👍

  • Based on comments in current thread most problems seems to be random(?) Maybe region related?
    Something with matchmaking seems to be wrong but its one of those random hard to tell things. Some ppl are fine some cant find a game for 10-15 minutes(like me) and thats a fact.

    Just a friendly reminder: If problem does not exists for you - great you are lucky one, but dont deny problem only because you dont expirience it.

    I really wonder how PC playerbas looks like. We've been playing arena (and game) since launch, few times a week and Arena never took that long to launch (we are switching lobbies if it wont fire in 10 minutes. Starting last week we need to do it ~3 times to get into match).

    Someone in lobby mentioning problem with closed crews (few times). Anyone knows if it can prevent arena lobby from starting?

  • @tart-tee Hey man, you are right, you don't have to. But for me it's fun to complete stuff. I've never missed a single limited event or commendation. But the goal needs to be obtainable for an average player. To high commendations are not.

  • @coziermass said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @tart-tee Hey man, you are right, you don't have to. But for me it's fun to complete stuff. I've never missed a single limited event or commendation. But the goal needs to be obtainable for an average player. To high commendations are not.

    No, it doesn't. Sorry, but it doesn't. That mentality is exactly the problem. You're completely alienating the dedicated/high skilled players for your own selfish reasons and it's hurting the game.

  • @wilbymagicbear i am an 11 year old xbox player, and i get adults swearing at me and calling me a hacker, cross-play is awesome because of the real challenge for xbox players. i don't think the split is good, if you have a crew that knows what it's doing and has mikes you can easily win.

  • These issues are what is driving me to quit. It’s not worth waiting 20 minutes for one match. I really want legendary sea dog but I don’t know if I can take anymore. It’s really upsetting to see that almost nothing has changed in months, it has only gotten worse. Imagine if Rare put the same work into arena that they do in adventure.

  • I'm busy doing Adventure mode time limited commendations so I haven't played Arena in nearly two months. How many other players are like me?

  • @tart-tee the game is dead anyways opt out lobbys fill up here and there but not much regular lobbys are the same story, and some people do still play arena after 240 wins last I tried arena I found some legendary seadogs playing it. Some people still need the weapon commodations so I imagine that's what people are there playing for now anyways. Arena was always going to fail it was not a long term design, especially when it's forced down people's throats with every convention, seems like we always get arena tournements and most people only watched those for the cosmetics you'd earn. I agree they would.need to incentives to keep people playing arena but at the moment this game has a very lacking player base.

  • @Tart-Tee and @cookieconsumer6 Please refrain from name calling and derogatory language toward others on the forum. It is a violation of our forum rules, and your posts have been removed accordingly.

    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

  • @cookieconsumer6 said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @wilbymagicbear i am an 11 year old xbox player, and i get adults swearing at me and calling me a hacker, cross-play is awesome because of the real challenge for xbox players. i don't think the split is good, if you have a crew that knows what it's doing and has mikes you can easily win.

    I could go on for pages about the psychologicy behind why you are saying this. I won't, because you're 11 and this isn't the place to do that, but be well aware that most people see right through that kind of statement, even if you yourself don't understand.

  • @treefittymonsta yup, such a missed opportunity. I love dueling other ships, even bigger ones.

  • @d3adst1ck said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    I'm busy doing Adventure mode time limited commendations so I haven't played Arena in nearly two months. How many other players are like me?

    Same. I love just setting out with a goal and getting into whatever trouble comes my way.

  • @xitswebbyx dijo en So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @needsmokes said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    I played lots yesterday on the console opt out servers. Had no issues matchmaking or finding a session when I wanted.
    Arena has never been better.

    Thats fine for Console players, but thats only half the community, there is a wide variety of PC players out there, I can't find a server in my region, I search for 10 minutes, then get jammed on a server with 250 ping.

    250? You are very lucky, here I have no less than 320.

  • @wilbymagicbear sorry if i said anything dumb, my point was i don't feel like a "punching bag' for pc players that's all, if i get killed in pvp it's always my fault. i never really get killed because of someone having an advantage.

  • @lady-aijou said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @Tart-Tee and @cookieconsumer6 Please refrain from name calling and derogatory language toward others on the forum. It is a violation of our forum rules, and your posts have been removed accordingly.

    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Glad to see priorities are straight over there at Rare. I called open crews in general "trash"... nobody in specific.

  • @tart-tee said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    Problem 2: ZERO Motivation After 240 Wins
    This problem is SO easily fixed by Rare, and the fact that they haven't shows an large level of incompetence or lack of thought/care. Once you hit 240 wins you can no longer track how many wins you have, you have no statistics on your wins/losses which in most games is enough alone to motivate players to play and improve. Instead, for anything after 240 wins you get absolutely nothing. This problem is so easily fixed. All Rare would need to do at a bare minimum is release 2-3 cosmetics at milestones like 500, 1000 and 2000 wins and it would keep people playing Arena for ages. For a game that is motivated by cosmetics and commodations, Arena is lacking heavily in both.

    I even messaged support asking for the total of arena games I played (imo, 1000+) and won (imo, 1000+) and what's my skill level (imo, over 9000). That kind of statistics is supposedly not available.
    But hey, look on the bright side... until those stats are released I can claim to be the best arena player in the existence throughout the eternity because nothing and noone can prove me otherwise. =)

  • @tart-tee said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in So, Rare, you have succesfully killed Arena.:

    @tart-tee i pvp everyday i dont do arena because i think arena sucks its a race of who can turn in the most chests not who can sink most ships or kill the most players there for its a waste of my potential now i cannot stop myself from shooting myself over at a parked ship sloop brig and galleon alike so not a very nice assumption i know your salty over the combat system but in my opinion as i have not noticed anything bad at all i took on 2 people on a sloop and spawn camped them for a few minutes until they sunk never under that entire time did i experience any issues also might you specify your issues with it other than its "clunky" or "broken" what about it is broken what about the combat is clunky please specify really hard to understand what your trying to bring forward because the issues you've relayed has never occured while i've been sailing for a whole year

    There's a link in the first post that literally explains all the issues with examples. No offense, but you get 10x the PVP in one game of Arena than in 8 hours of Adventure. I don't know anyone I'd consider "good" at PVP who hasn't played Arena.

    I know a few people all they did was pvp in adventure but in arena they sorta struggle.
    Not making smart plays etc they can handle their own for the most part, but the usually do a few games then go back in adventure and attack easier boats...

    Which again gives them bad habits

  • @bumbumbac except for the players who played against u.

    I am rather confused about this post other than humble brags

    Gj tho

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