A moment of reflection.... and to take a deep breath.

  • Just a post that I have been struggling with over the past while.
    Before you start to think this is a goodbye post,
    This is not what it is, not at all, far from it.

    Just a reflection, and where I find me self.

    From day one, I jumped on board, raised me anchor & unfurled me white sails for the first time.

    The magic, the mystery of this new world drew me in. I had found a place to adventure, realise my pirate fanasties as an adult that had stayed with me from when I was a kid.

    It’s great to be that 10 year old again, to feel & realise my dreams. Age, and life knocks you about, and no doubt we all have life experiences that could fill volumes. I’m no different. Then along came a game, they created and made an immersive world. That dragged me from depression, to make me feel joy once more. I find myself a happy pirate, well for the most part, which is good.

    Over the past year I have forged many friendships, I won’t mention anyone ( you know who you are ), some still playing the game, some others who are long gone & will never read these words. I’m so very thankful to you all, to have met you, to been part of something, even if for a fleeting moment. I raise me tankard to friends, friends now, then, and to be. You are all pretty awesome, and you all have been part of this glorious journey.

    The Journey continues ( told you it wasn’t a goodbye post).
    I’ve much unfinished business, but felt I had to put a big thankyou out there.
    There is Pirating to do :)

    I do struggle with some of the decisions like anyone else that have been made with the game, it's direction, it's current build, it can be difficult to remain calm & not flip out. But I prefer to remain as constructive, and hopeful, as always. It's sort of how I live me life. It's tricky :)

    A Little Side Topic....

    And RARE @rare-employee you have much unfinished work too.
    Longtime fan of the game, seriously!
    Think you’ve seen me about the place :), like so many others from day one.

    If I can ask for one thing, just one thing, it might be a small thing... so many more important things to fix, but as a token if you like.... please... please fix the “Shores of Gold” commendations.

    84 out of 85 isn’t bad.... it’s broken, many of us have been sitting that way for ages.
    Make it 85. I’m not really asking for this to be fixed for myself btw.
    Just it's in a way symbolic of “broken” things that never seem to be fixed, or take an age to fix.

    Please fix the basics.... and make happy pirates of us all :)

    your humble servant :)


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  • Mine is also still broken, but i can equip the curse and it's just a statistic.
    I agree Rare need to fix it.
    It's not super important and no gamebreaking bug, bit it's one of the bugs who are somehow representative and image damaging.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in A moment of reflection.... and to take a deep breath.:

    It's not super important and no gamebreaking bug, bit it's one of the bugs who are somehow representative and image damaging.

    Completely agree.. absolutely far from game breaking.
    As I say I view this more as a "Symbolic" fix.. fix this to show intent.. willingness to fix.
    Sort out the small things... the rest should start to fall into place. They seriously.. need to look at this stuff.

  • @PirateCraggy We are working on a resolution for the commendation issue, will be delivered services side outside of our regular builds.
    Knowledgebase Link

  • @s0nicbob

    Thank you Bob for getting back, it really is appreciated.
    It's been causing a little concern among us along with other small bugs.
    I'm glad this will find a resolution as soon as, and hopefully this will squash a few more bugs too. Thank you so much again.


  • @piratecraggy Is it dusty in this post or is it just me???

    Love seeing how this game has such a positive effect on people. It has had and will continue to have its ups and downs, but there's no doubt that this game truly is something special to a lot of us. I think it speaks volumes just how much of my gaming time has been taken up by Sea of Thieves. Sure I put the game down from time to time to try something else, but it seems inevitable that I'll soon be longing sea breeze against my skin again. I'm never away for long!

    Good luck on your future ventures matey!

  • @luciansanchez82 said in A moment of reflection.... and to take a deep breath.:

    @piratecraggy Is it dusty in this post or is it just me???

    Aye, it's good and probably healthy to take time off. Haven't been away from this game most of this year:)
    Still love it... I might ( only might )... occasionally, get out there and play about in the future with other games.
    I feel a bit dirty...thinking such thoughts :)

  • @piratecraggy Haha, I've felt the same. But yes it is healthy to get away from it for a while. Plus you'll get that wonderful "why did I ever leave?" moment when you come back!

  • @luciansanchez82

    Out of interest, who was the temptress who took you away? :)
    ( What ya been playing )

  • @piratecraggy I'm a big Division fan so I went off to try Division 2. Great game but left me wanting so I've put it down for now, will probably go back to it once it's fleshed out a bit. I then tried Destiny 2 again, which has come along leaps and bounds. Alas, the Shores of Gold soon called me back again. Completed all those commendations last week just in time for this new event!

  • @luciansanchez82
    Well I've been waiting for... and will have to wait for sometime yet for the new "Age of Empires".... lived and breathed that stuff back in the day. Poked my head into "Ark" the other day... looks interesting enough. Might start up GTAV again... after too many years away. Should look thru gamepass and see if anything takes my fancy, always good to have a second game :)

  • @piratecraggy I do enjoy a good strategy game! And yeah it's definitely good to have something else to play. Any game will get stale sooner or later if I spend my entire time on it.

  • @piratecraggy said in A moment of reflection.... and to take a deep breath.:

    Just a post that I have been struggling with over the past while.
    Before you start to think this is a goodbye post,
    This is not what it is, not at all, far from it.

    Scared me for a second there. Glad that's not where this is going :)

    I want to key in on one part of this.

    I do struggle with some of the decisions like anyone else that have been made with the game, it's direction, it's current build, it can be difficult to remain calm & not flip out. But I prefer to remain as constructive, and hopeful, as always. It's sort of how I live me life. It's tricky :)

    I find myself criticizing Rare's decisions from time to time (especially this last patch lol) but also applauding them at times as well. Sometimes it helps me to look back at all the changes Rare has made that I disagreed with and see that SoT is still alive and well.

    I thought alliances would kill player interaction. SoT lives on.
    I thought Forsaken Shores was a massive dumpster fire. SoT lives on.
    I disagreed with many of the combat rebalancing changes. SoT lives on.
    I have been critical of the drip feeding of cosmetic sets across the different udpates. SoT lives on.
    I thought Arena was the end of our pirate sand-box. SoT lives on.

    I am critical of the PvE nerfs coming with this update. SoT will live on.

  • @xcalypt0x

    Scared me for a second there. Glad that's not where this is going :)

    Yip.. sorry for the potential scare... thought long & hard how to phrase it, tricky to be reflective & not for it seem like a "I'm done" kind of post.
    Just needed to get some feelings off my chest, has helped put a few things into perspective.

    SoT will live on.

    That it will my friend, and I hope to still be here to share in the journey. It's been a helluva journey to date.

  • @piratecraggy
    For a strange reason ( * Strange ? Been looking in the mirror again? Moron...oh let me see , yep another mirror broken, damn you're ugly...yokel) ,i 'm glad you wrote this down...We have never met on the Sea , but i always had the feeling that you had the mentality of the "Old Pillars " of the Forum, the ones that came here first and created such a great place, where i could write without any thresholds and fears ...Today , unfortunately , The Forum has become a place where a lot of " shadowfighting " is going on...i have told myself over and over again to abandon this place and just enjoy the game that never has dissapointed me , but i fear i'm enslaved ...Mostly i read , shake many times my head when a Topic becomes derailed in another " Shadowbattle ' but a post like yours brings a smile upon my face ( * Jezus , don't smile , freak , you will not only destroy mirrors but break people's eyes with yer mug, Moron)...It shows that nomatter how many " shadows" may flock down , on this Forum , dimming and suffocating the Light ,that once shone like a bright beacon to old and New Pirates , has not blown out yet....

    It is posts like yours that keep me posting just one more time and then another one more time...

    i still do have one wish ,maybe more an utopia , after seeing so many Pillars walk away in silence, but somewhere i do hope that we can bring the " Old Forum" back....And posts like you just made keep that little flame awake Thanks Mr Pirate Craggy, i don't know why , but this post was something i needed for a long time...It stands out above all the bickerings of late...

  • @piratecraggy

    Very good post mate! I think the majority of the old salts around here understand where you are coming from and feel the same way. It is why my spouse and I took a break.

    For way too many months it has been just repeat the same things over and over and over with some new paint slapped on some things while many things are left unfixed and no true new content. Plus all the focus on the Arena and mercenary voyages just tilted the sea to a place that no longer felt like the one we all have been sailing on.

    We are coming back to test the waters again over the next few updates. We shall see where the current takes us. Hopefully it will lead to familiar waters that we all started sailing on and bring back the magic that has been lost along with way too many pirates.

  • @piratecraggy said in A moment of reflection.... and to take a deep breath.:

    Just a post that I have been struggling with over the past while.
    Before you start to think this is a goodbye post,
    This is not what it is, not at all, far from it.

    Just a reflection, and where I find me self.

    From day one, I jumped on board, raised me anchor & unfurled me white sails for the first time.

    The magic, the mystery of this new world drew me in. I had found a place to adventure, realise my pirate fanasties as an adult that had stayed with me from when I was a kid.

    It’s great to be that 10 year old again, to feel & realise my dreams. Age, and life knocks you about, and no doubt we all have life experiences that could fill volumes. I’m no different. Then along came a game, they created and made an immersive world. That dragged me from depression, to make me feel joy once more. I find myself a happy pirate, well for the most part, which is good.

    Over the past year I have forged many friendships, I won’t mention anyone ( you know who you are ), some still playing the game, some others who are long gone & will never read these words. I’m so very thankful to you all, to have met you, to been part of something, even if for a fleeting moment. I raise me tankard to friends, friends now, then, and to be. You are all pretty awesome, and you all have been part of this glorious journey.

    The Journey continues ( told you it wasn’t a goodbye post).
    I’ve much unfinished business, but felt I had to put a big thankyou out there.
    There is Pirating to do :)

    I do struggle with some of the decisions like anyone else that have been made with the game, it's direction, it's current build, it can be difficult to remain calm & not flip out. But I prefer to remain as constructive, and hopeful, as always. It's sort of how I live me life. It's tricky :)

    A Little Side Topic....

    And RARE @rare-employee you have much unfinished work too.
    Longtime fan of the game, seriously!
    Think you’ve seen me about the place :), like so many others from day one.

    If I can ask for one thing, just one thing, it might be a small thing... so many more important things to fix, but as a token if you like.... please... please fix the “Shores of Gold” commendations.

    84 out of 85 isn’t bad.... it’s broken, many of us have been sitting that way for ages.
    Make it 85. I’m not really asking for this to be fixed for myself btw.
    Just it's in a way symbolic of “broken” things that never seem to be fixed, or take an age to fix.

    Please fix the basics.... and make happy pirates of us all :)

    your humble servant :)


    aye nice post ye craggy pirate

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