Outpost safehavens

  • Can we make outposts areas where you cannot attack each other? Me and my friends just lost a whole skeleton forts worth of loot to these jerks who chased us down across the outpost and wouldn’t even stop to talk or negotiate any thing. (Also there was a glitched Meg that might be a bug that teleported to any ship on the server and instantly attacks it without warning)

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  • There is no safe place in the SoT, nor should there be, since you would be abused far worse than you just were. You lost fair and square. Pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes, and try again.

    🎵 It's a hard-knock life, for us! 🎵

  • @badlightening32
    Those werent jerks. They were pirates. And u got plundered.

  • Can you take away avenues for me to lose? I only want to win.

  • @captcoza galactic got it completely right. There is no room for a safe place in a pvpve game when loot is on the table. Being hunted down because you have fort loot is part of the game.

    The OP should have used the stronghold barrel on the opponents boat and made it go away

  • @captcoza reread the post above.

    never mind I'll quote myself so you can read it twice.

    "There is no room for a safe place in a pvpve game when loot is on the table."

    Also there is the arena tavern and the ferry. But neither impact combat or crew vs crew.

  • @captcoza The OP wanted outpost safehavens so they could sprint there with loot and not get killed and have it stolen.

  • @badlightening32
    I guess i should have been serious.
    Outposts were never meant to be safe.
    This was done on purpose. Rare actually looked into outposts being safe during development. They found that they did mot fit the game.
    Loot is not urs until it is turned in. If outposts were safe everyone would just hurry and sail in and try to be safe.

    Any safe area will be abused as @Galactic-Geek said. Players would camp the safe line and get u before you get to it.

    There is no safe place in this game. It is up to you to make an area safe and defend your loot.
    I suggest you look into the old dev vids of the game and her from Rare themselves why outposts are not safe.

  • Next time, sail from outpost to outpost, one or two of you jump off with the best stuff, and the other(s) keep running. Once the item is sold, go on offence against any that followed you ashore and mermaid back to your ship if you win the duel. Rinse and repeat. If you sell everything, use chat or voice to tell them everything is sold, hahahaha, we wasted your time! THEN OPEN FIRE (or scuttle, your call lol)

    Hey regs, how about instead of ripping on someone who had a bad time and asked for something we tell them how to avoid the bad times so they won't ask for something nobody likes???

  • @captain-coel You forgot the legendary hideout. While not truly safe, it's definitely isolated from many pirates.

  • @pithyrumble I don't want to spoil the game for them - I want them to be able to learn on their own.

  • Sure we can, and I'll be standing in said outpost to help you unload your treasure without you being able to do something about it. Because that's what we do in the Sea of Friends, we help eachother.

    Want that keg on your deck to be lit?

  • @hynieth said in Outpost safehavens:

    Want that keg on your deck to be lit?

    Sure! I hear it's a blast! 😋

  • The Ferry of the Damned is a no weapons zone because dying doesn't work on it. The Sea Dog Tavern is a no weapons zone because it is meant to be a place to talk to your opponents and celebrate battles won, not a war zone, and the Sea Dogs enforce that rule.

  • @captcoza A safe place cannot be in the game its so broken and cheap but the arena tavern like outpost could be a great thing if its not in the adventure world like some mmo games its a hub that you can find other crews having fun and small activities and even own a hideout but that place wont be in the game it will a place that you would spawn from the main menu
    Adventure mode
    Arena mode
    Safeheaven mode
    So basiclly its just a place to hang around in.

  • @captcoza I'm honestly worried about you mate, you're talking down on people and telling them to read but you obviously didn't read the OP yourself (unless he altered it in a way that @Galactic-Geek was right somehow)

    I just want to give you some feedback, when you want to post something read it, let someone else read it if you're not 100% sure and then post it. Try to find the blind spots and work on them.

  • @captcoza Tell me how to get loot in the Arena Tavern and you have a point.

  • @badlightening32 What folks who make this kind of request fail to realise is that a "safe zone" in this game would work against them as well. Imagine you get chased to an outpost with your loot. You make it to the safe zone and breathe a sigh of relief as you prepare to unload and sell your loot, one piece at a time. What's to stop the other crew hot on your tail, who are now also safe, from hopping on your boat and grabbing whatever they want to sell? It simply doesn't work within the confines of this game.

    The better solution is to be a little more wiley with the way you conduct your business. Use the mechanics of the game to fight, run from or otherwise out-wit your enemy. It's all part of the fun really. Take the loss on the chin and move on matey - this is a lesson all of us have learnt at one time or another in this game.

  • @badlightening32 so you're telling me, that if your loot had been stolen and you were able to track them down to an outpost, that you wouldn't want to fight for it back before they sell it in front of your face?

  • Tools not rules. I used to think outposts should be "safe." I was wrong. Experienced players all reach the same conclusion. In the context of the Sea of Thieves, artificial "morality" mechanics simply would not work. It would backfire by providing better mechanics for griefing. It's not necessary anyway, as all the tools we need to avoid other pirates and deliver our booty already exist within the game. It's up to us to develop the skills to use those tools to our best advantage. As simple as this game is, it has a learning curve. It takes time and practice to learn how to hold onto our loot. This is a big part of the challenge of Sea of Thieves.

    Notice how all these types of posts are made by people brand new to the forums? They load up the game, play for a while, get ganked then come here to complain and beg for changes to the game. Wrong. That's not how games have ever worked. You can't expect to be great at a game without putting in the time and effort to learn the ropes. Sea of Thieves isn't like other games. There are strategies involved, and new skills to learn.

    If you lose to a great chess player, do you insist on changing the rules? Why do people come here and whine about losing instead of learning from the experience and trying to improve?

    When I first came here, I'd never played a game like Sea of Thieves. I had absolutely zero PvP skills. PvP stressed me out terribly. My hands would shake so much I could barely use the controls. But because there was so much to love about this game, I stuck with it. Slowly, over the course of a year, I improved. I started winning sometimes. "Sometimes" gradually became "often." I still lose sometimes, but not often. My point is that I earned my place in Sea of Thieves. I paid my dues.

    Is it too much to ask for other players to do the same?

  • @genuine-heather said in Outpost safehavens:

    Tools not rules. I used to think outposts should be "safe." I was wrong. Experienced players all reach the same conclusion.

    Oh man I still remember the discussion ^_^ Good times.

  • Nice so u can not kill me while i chase u?
    U go to said safehaven. Jump off with your 1 loot since u cant really carry more. Oke collector chest u got 3 small pieces of loot. Ship is still stocked with LOOOT.

    I will sail your ship out. U spawn back on boat? i can kill u.
    I will sink u. Bye loot.

    Never a safe haven on SoT.
    Outplay your opponents just like they did u.

    Thats my 2 doubloons on the matter.

  • @captcoza Well done. Yes, there's rather a lot of written lore about the Sea of Thieves. It's well worth the time to read and enjoy, and it brings a whole new depth to the game. The Tall Tales, especially, are steeped in lore. Many (perhaps even most) players probably have no idea how deep the lore goes, which is a shame because it adds so much to the experience. It's clear that the developers have invested a great deal of care and thought into the Sea of Thieves.

  • @badlightening32 Jerks for attacking a ship full of loot?
    They are pirates not jerks who said you are entitled to that loot? Its not yours until you sell it.
    So yes its annoying to lose but part of game, sometimes you win and sometimes you dont.
    But seriously what did you expected from pirates?
    Sometimes i decide to let someone go and we have times that we will chase to the end of the world for you precious castaway chest.

  • @captcoza

    @galactic-geek That's not what he's talking about, yet again your not even reading the true context


    What he was asking for was a Safe Heaven,

    Incorrect, I'd suggest taking your own advice and read the true context. I will even cite the section you are missing. As @Captain-Coel said, so you can read twice.

    Can we make outposts areas where you cannot attack each other?

    He explicitly said outposts, not a safehaven in general as you put it here. More specifically a space to safely sell loot. You jump in and say Arena Tavern is a safe haven, but as you can clearly tell no loot is sold there. For what little interaction I've seen of your post, you tend to be really condescending and jump on people. Usually, as the trend seems, with incorrect information. What @Galactic-Geek said was no safe zones specifically when loot pertains to it. So Arena Tavern and Ferry are excluded from that rule.

    I am a Man and can admit when I am wrong

    All you had to do was provide relevant evidence and I'll happily admit to my demise and defeat in a debate

    We're waiting. Side note I will still give you props for admitting error on the Lore on that unrelated post. However, here is another chance to be a man of your word.

  • @galactic-geek yo bro, I got some pop-corn. Wanna split it while we wait for the OP to come back? 😂

  • @xix-zeno-xix
    He's not coming back. They rarely do.

  • @badlightening32 It's Sea of Thieves. In all the muggings and burglaries and thefts that I've heard about, rarely was there a civil discussion with the perpetrators. I say rarely because there might have been a plea from the victim, and the thief probably responded with something like, "No."

    As for a safe area, there should be a safe area where a newly created pirate can spawn and learn the basics without being murdered. This safe place should not have vendors that care about actual loot though (maybe just the training chest at the beginning). A place where salty (experienced) pirates can share that experience, and wet-behind-the-ears pirates can ask questions - it could even be a separate server that phases players out once they click on the door to leave the largest tavern ever. Unlike Arena Tavern, this idea is for something interactable in the main game.

    Something I've said before bears repeating: the first step to change is not in demanding change in others, but rather in your perspective. Be a thief to another pirate. Show up and try to steal their loot. You'll notice they won't give you a chance to talk before they bring arms to bear and defend their catch. You will have to learn to see the best time for a mugging - use that spyglass!

    But, if you are successful in your muggings, you will breathe a sigh of relief, thank the stars they spawn miles away, and turn in your newly acquired loot. You have joined the Terrors of the Seas- become a pirate in more than just name. Welcome to Sea of Thieves! It's a dangerous world out there! #BeMorePirate

    P.S. the high you'll feel will either overwhelm you, or empower you. Practice fighting players when you have nothing to lose from dying, and learn to fight through the fear!

  • @captcoza said in Outpost safehavens:

    @galactic-geek That's not what he's talking about, yet again your not even reading the true context

    We completely understand the context. The OP got chased and lost their loot and wants outposts to be safe zones. OP also expects other crews to just negotiate. And judging by the upvotes on some of the replies, I'd say most folks disagree. At least that's my take.

  • @genuine-heather said in Outpost safehavens:

    Tools not rules. I used to think outposts should be "safe." I was wrong. Experienced players all reach the same conclusion. In the context of the Sea of Thieves, artificial "morality" mechanics simply would not work. It would backfire by providing better mechanics for griefing. It's not necessary anyway, as all the tools we need to avoid other pirates and deliver our booty already exist within the game. It's up to us to develop the skills to use those tools to our best advantage. As simple as this game is, it has a learning curve. It takes time and practice to learn how to hold onto our loot. This is a big part of the challenge of Sea of Thieves.

    Notice how all these types of posts are made by people brand new to the forums? They load up the game, play for a while, get ganked then come here to complain and beg for changes to the game. Wrong. That's not how games have ever worked. You can't expect to be great at a game without putting in the time and effort to learn the ropes. Sea of Thieves isn't like other games. There are strategies involved, and new skills to learn.

    If you lose to a great chess player, do you insist on changing the rules? Why do people come here and whine about losing instead of learning from the experience and trying to improve?

    When I first came here, I'd never played a game like Sea of Thieves. I had absolutely zero PvP skills. PvP stressed me out terribly. My hands would shake so much I could barely use the controls. But because there was so much to love about this game, I stuck with it. Slowly, over the course of a year, I improved. I started winning sometimes. "Sometimes" gradually became "often." I still lose sometimes, but not often. My point is that I earned my place in Sea of Thieves. I paid my dues.

    Is it too much to ask for other players to do the same?

    Well said.

  • @badlightening32 Don't blame them for doing what pirates do. You lost, this is all. For your question: use the fancy search function, you can find above in the menue, as part of the Community tab. In short: UTFSF.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Outpost safehavens:

    @badlightening32 Don't blame them for doing what pirates do. You lost, this is all. For your question: use the fancy search function, you can find above in the menue, as part of the Community tab. In short: UTFSF.

    Hah, read your post quickly and didn't think the first "F" was for fancy at first :P. (Both variations are valid though)

  • @bloodybil ups... that's intended :)

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