Ashen Area

  • Quick question about volcanoes, are they random rocks or wood seeking missiles? 12 hits on one boat that is far from the volcano?

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  • @emperorkilgore

    If you're solo they’ll often sink you. You can’t bail, repair and sail at the same time.

    Crew of 2 or more and they just test your patience.

    They don’t exactly make for good gameplay either way.

  • @dadiodude We were running three in a brig, we were laughing our butts off. We got pounded so hard and sunk in a minute.

  • The brig is one of the worse ship to bring over there, Galleon much better for just taking dmg. an repair.
    But in a sloop or brigatine you will have to go away from the island

  • This is what rowboats were introduced for. If a volcano you are at starts erupting, run to your ship, get it to safty behind the many big rocks in the area, and row back into the inferno to continue your mission. If you are lassing by one you can just dodge and bail untill you are out of range.

    The area is alot of fun. In my opinion that people claim it is boring or tedious has more to do with their boring playstyle that would rather sit out of range and wait for safty than get in there and get on with it.

  • @emperorkilgore lol....less laughing more bailing!

  • @william-flint Haha yeah, we weren't even mad. After the first 5 hit we started taking over under bets on how many hits we would take.

  • @william-flint

    Doesn’t work. When you die during the mission you spawn back on the ship with no row boat. Also, when your ship gets hit you can’t get back in time to save it.

    DR just doesn’t work at all well for solo players. Just bad game design.

  • @dadiodude

    Solo'd pl7 to pl10 on a brig in DR.
    Just get out in time. When u get in make sure u pointed away from island with a wind angle. When island start erupting look at the vulcano. Check for smoke. Back when i did it. It not always showed but if i used spyglass it shows. If no smoke. No eruptuon. If smoke abandon what u do. Drop Anything u hold. Run as fast as u can. Board Yousself. Drop sails max wind.

    If u do it correct u make it out vulcano range before eruptuon.

    When u look up at the sky naar a erupting vulcano and u she black ashes that means u are in vulcano range.

    Its doable :)

  • To answer the original question rather than the argument about game design in the comments, volcanic rocks are assigned one of 3 designations:
    1 - a miss, where it will go somewhere completely random and not near you or your ship. These make up the majority of the rocks you see.
    2 - a near miss, these will land near you or your ship, normally flinging what they miss with waves or explosions. They do not do hull damage. If you swerve to avoid the volcano, you are likely to hit these.
    3 - a hit, these hit your ship or you. Whether you are moving, stationary, turning, strafing, falling, or anything else, they will hit you if you continue. Changing course can avoid them, but unless it's a very large rock it's best to just let it happen to the ship and not get hit yourself.

  • @william-flint said in Ashen Area:

    This is what rowboats were introduced for. If a volcano you are at starts erupting, run to your ship, get it to safty behind the many big rocks in the area, and row back into the inferno to continue your mission. If you are lassing by one you can just dodge and bail untill you are out of range.

    The area is alot of fun. In my opinion that people claim it is boring or tedious has more to do with their boring playstyle that would rather sit out of range and wait for safty than get in there and get on with it.

    Joe EverydayNormalGuy rows to the island and is killed 30 seconds after arriving by a flying boulder or doesn't even make it to the isle. After respawn he is back on his ship, without rowboat, waiting, calling it boring.

    Whether I share his opinion or not, Joe has a point.

  • Only 12 you got off easy

  • They are both. Heat seaking Random Rocks of Death! My advice is to steer clear of vulcanoes when they are erupting, either that or be on a galleon because you just shouldn't care on a galleon :-P

  • Just last night I was solo athenaing in the devil's roar and the secret(to soloing) is to simply not care about your boat or half the treasures. I turned in about 1/2 of the chests and all of the skulls, and of course the ashen legends chest. Just like in the old days of SoT, you have to clock out with your treasure as soon as you possibly can.

    If an island volcano goes off while you're on it, mad dash to your boat or just keep digging treasure. In most cases, if the smoke is rising and you're not already on the boat, your sloop is going to be sunk and there is nothing you can do about it, so it's really best to stay on the island and get to digging. If you really want the treasure, leave it somewhere and pick it up later.

  • @dadiodude
    It's dangerous, but not impossible. I can solo the Dr pretty frequently. You just need to keep your head on a swivel and bolt as soon as smoke shows up.

  • Don't even wait for the smoke. Ground starts shaking get back to your boat. you see smoke take off. Take care of whatever is on the next island and come back.

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