PC GeForce RTX 2080 TI Constant Crashing

  • I keep getting the Graphics Driver Reset - Update your Graphic drivers and the game crashes.

    Happened over and over while playing Arena today. I have the latest drivers released on 7/9/19. 431.36.

    I find it hard to believe that SOT doesn't even work right with the best graphics card on the market.

    Other specs:
    AMD Ryzen 7 1700 8-core processor
    Windows 10 - latest patches
    16 GB RAM at 3000Mhz

    Blah blah. I've got a state of the art PC and SOT doesn't work on it. Can I tell you how annoying this is?


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  • [Mod edit - post removed.]

  • Did you try an earlier driver? Not impossible for Nvidia to be at fault, not Rare.

  • If you have the resources to swap out the card for testing, I would recommend that.

    Bleeding edge technology can sometimes take a little while to achieve broad compatibility.

    If you don’t have another card to swap out, might I suggest looking into turning off specific ‘proprietary’ settings for your NVIDIA card - ray tracing comes to mind - SoT might not fully support it (yet) and in turn could be causing the game to crash.

    Finally, if you are unable to isolate the issue, a full removal and deletion of the game followed by a reboot and reinstall might help... in previous builds (before they reduced the package size) sometimes this would remedy unexplained game crashes.

    Hope this helps!

  • Running the latest Nvidia drivers.

    Ryzen 5 1600x OC to 3.9GHz
    RTX 2060 OC with MSI Afterburner
    Mushkin Redline series 16 GB DD4@2666 OC to 2800

    Not having any issues. Everything locked in at 60fps with Vsync on Mystic settings.

    Try reinstalling?

  • @embalmer I’m running on an RTX 2080TI and it’s fine. shrugs . You are a PC user, get to trouble shooting.

  • I’m also having this issue with the latest Nvidia drivers but I’m running a GTX 1080. Completely uninstalled the drivers (the correct way) and re-installed and the issue still persists. No issues in any other games.

  • I've been having crashes as well. RTX 2070, latest drivers. I'll either get the update your graphics settings, or just straight close to desktop. Sucks because I solo sloop a lot, and hate to do stuff and crash midway through.

  • I'm running an RTX 2080 TI and do not have this problem.

    I hope you get to play soon.

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