Tracking System for Notorious Players

  • I believe that having the PVP risk element is what makes the game so much fun and worthwhile to play, but I think that having a mechanic in the game to help reduce the "victimization" of players could be very beneficial. Many have suggested a bounty system; which IMO would be great. There could be a tracking system for aggressive actions and betrayals. That way the more "peaceful" players would know to try and steer clear of certain individuals. A possible implementation of that could be progressively colorized red-glowing eyes/clothing, progressively colored ship parts, a marked name, sound cues, any type of visible warning, etc. Something COOL. Not only would this warn other players, it could even be a point of pride and notoriety for the aggressive/backstabbing pirate. There could even be an NPC that you need to give treasure to in order to reduce your "aggro rating" (similar to the EVE Online security status system).

    To continue my proposal, I'll tell you the story that inspired this post: After much pleading, my brother finally bought the game and started playing with me yesterday. I told him how treacherous the seas can be at times and that backstabbing, attacks, and other nasty things can happen. Today we got through two parts of his TT and cleared a fort without any issue. He had REALLY been enjoying the game. A ship came up to us and they offered an alliance to quickly clear a fort, we were happy to join up and before you know it, we were looting the captains key. Of course, as soon as we open the door the alliance is disbanded and we hear an explosion. Our ship full of planks, food, and cannon balls quickly sinks to the ocean floor. The betraying pirates eventually hunt us down, but not before I hide the stronghold chest and blow the stronghold explosive. It was pretty upsetting, especially for my brother, who was new to the game and very much disliked how easy it was to betray fellow alliance members.

    All that to say I don't think he wants to play the game anymore. We are both PVPers by nature (he is high ranked in LoL, I'm a CS:GO fanatic, etc.), but the way in which that situation played out left a very sour taste in our mouth. I do think having something in place as a warning to other players could help mitigate the frustration that more PVE focused players experience, and at the same time give aggressive players a new system to explore.

    I don't accept the proposition that "it's a PIRATE game, if you can't handle it then don't play". We all log-in for entertainment and fun experiences. We were having a blast just focusing on PVE for the evening, and we would have happily traded shots with other players if the situation presented itself. Unfortunately, when a game offers the freedom to totally screw over another player without any repercussions, there will be plenty of people lining up to take advantage, and plenty of people who just don't enjoy the game because of it.

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  • its kind of already in game. when a ship is damage over time, it really shows, and even more so with the recent ship damage updates. a damaged ship means its been through a lot of battles.

    if a player receives anything (and i do mean anything at all) it would encourage more PvP rather than prevent it. players will sink other ships just to see how far they can scale or how long they can maintain a certain level.

    also what those players did was not wrong. they outplayed you by gaining your trust. i know what you said, but it is a pirates life.

    i can agree to some degree, however.

    my suggestion is to spawn smoke pillars over ships that had sunk.
    its a very rough concept, but to list the benefits: players who see these smoke pillars have a choice to either avoid the area or hunt the victor of the battle. players who had simply defended themselves would have a chance to move on if they are not greedy for spoils. campers wont be able to take other victims within the same area twice. aggressive PvPers will have a better chance to encounter other PvP crews. you can also say it is a downside, but this would also provide some risk to being careless in the game since loosing your ship to a PvE enemy would draw people closer to your area.

  • @Artius

    A bounty system can be easily exploited and it will encourage people to PvP and have that bounty.
    If you understand open sandbox PvP and PK playstyle you would know that nothing can prevent this.
    It's unlike the Arena, matchmaking games you play. You can be a hardcore PvPer and pretty good.
    Sandbox is another story.
    I have yet to see a Karma, Bounty or anti griefer system that works.
    There is none and therefore Rare cannot do anything worthwhile.

  • A bounty system of some sort would be a cool thing for sure BUT.. Say a crew of 4 are trying to climb my ladder repeatedly and I successfully stop them by killing them over and over even though I'm not the aggressor.. I would be flagged as Notorious.. I like the idea but I don't see how it would work

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Tracking System for Notorious Players:


    A bounty system can be easily exploited and it will encourage people to PvP and have that bounty.
    If you understand open sandbox PvP and PK playstyle you would know that nothing can prevent this.
    It's unlike the Arena, matchmaking games you play. You can be a hardcore PvPer and pretty good.
    Sandbox is another story.
    I have yet to see a Karma, Bounty or anti griefer system that works.
    There is none and therefore Rare cannot do anything worthwhile.

    I see your point. I was thinking more along the lines of how EVE online tracks their aggressive actions, but that system is hugely flawed in ways that detract from the overall experience (plus they have secure space vs. non-secure, which can't be carried over into SoT). I am just trying to get a brainstorm going on a way to implement a karma system that does work for SoT. I do think that the risk of implementing such a system vastly outweighs the potential benefit...the replies have convinced me that it's better just to keep it how it is.

  • @x5h3ar3rx said in Tracking System for Notorious Players:

    A bounty system of some sort would be a cool thing for sure BUT.. Say a crew of 4 are trying to climb my ladder repeatedly and I successfully stop them by killing them over and over even though I'm not the aggressor.. I would be flagged as Notorious.. I like the idea but I don't see how it would work

    I would say that you would be flagged as notorious if you shoot someone on another player ship or if you fired a cannon first. You shouldn’t be considered notorious if you board another ship until you initiate a fight or steal supplies or treasure.

    Also, there should be a bounty hunter ship that hunts notorious players. Essentially a skeleton ship that will pursue you. (Not a literal skeleton ship but a computer generated ship)

  • Just speaking for myself, if there was any type of notoriety system or such I would make it my mission to get as high a rank in it as possible. And it would probably make it easier for me to find like-minded players than it currently is. So even disregarding all the possible issues and exploits with such a system, I don't see how it would help you avoid PvP.

  • @artius

    Forts are the most notorious place for betrayals, the fact that none of you were at your ship to protect it was your mistake.

    Creating a system like yours will be an insensitive to many to become more cutthroat and betrayals will be even more common. Rewarding PvP isn't a good way to decrease it. As for knowing to be paranoid and weary of pirates, it should be your default as they are pirates.

    Opportunity for an easy steal or betrayal is what you presented to them and they are pirates, so they will take it. To ensure your safety and the alliance to be honored requires you to make it the better option to play nice, as betraying you will not be an easy win or might even end up in a loss for them. Learn from this experience and adapt your own code to suit the situation.

    Pirates play nice if it is in their benefit, don't leave your ship unattended near an island full of explosives, when a whole vault of loot is going to become available for all to take. If you are there with a gun ready to defend the ship and have one take your share of the treasure a betrayal is more difficult and less likely to happen... though at a skull fort still a real possibility.

  • @Artius
    Fully understandable, thinking about this too.
    Btw here is a suggestion by myself what is maybe in your sense.

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