Hunters call Trolls on lfg

  • Last night after doing a few hours of fishing cooking on a brig one of our crew members left so we posted on looking for groups now they joined eat everything took what they could carry n left the party n game bow something needs to be done about it has it takes long enough to for hunter call as it it any solitions rare heres mine remove it from the game lol

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  • LFGs give you plenty of options to avoid griefers and trolls. Don't just add anybody - look at their stats. They matter!

  • If there's two of you brig them. If not build a repore through chat or messaging with a person then invite them to the game. Most trolls won't correspond beyond one or two texts.

  • @duke-of-spire There also other kinds of Hunters call trolls

    I had n Galleon allianced with two sloops who fished saying they would protect them and when they sloops headed to the Seapost the Galleon instantly came there just to Sink them and destroy their Hard earned Catch

    They didnt care for sell those fish themself, they just did n alliance to see when they start selling after Hours of work to destroy it

    One of the sloops my Crew and i could safe from beeing sunk the other Sloop was not that lucky

  • @chris-houlden

    I don't really feel like much can be done about that. Obviously there will be intentional trolls who grab stuff from the barrels and log out and sometimes people just lose connection, like me with my garbage apartment complex-managed internet service.

    I wonder how difficult it would be for Rare to program a way for a players' resources to be auto-returned to the ship's supply barrel if the player has removed the resources from the ship and disconnects? It would only be applicable to resources which had previously been in the ship's supply barrel but were removed by a player.

    It's probably a lot more complex than it sounds!

  • The best you can do is talk to them before they join

  • Refusing to use punctuation is its own form of trollish behavior. o.O

  • I prevent it with stocking the rarest fish into a rowboat now
    it helps a little

  • Soon as the person was intrested they joined party so interaction wasnt a problem they stayed for 10 mins n just left al of a sudden everything was gone the person was high level also mid 30 arena so ud think auto they'd be decent clearly not on this occasion its just annoying n somthing needs to be done no wonder decent crew dont open theirs up anymore anyways rant over you could call me salty but theres no room for these trolls

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