Gamer Tags... that make you smile... "To me." "To you." :)

  • I love bumping into people on the Seas. Or indeed on the ferry.

    I present "Barry Chuckle".
    I'm aware outside of the UK this name may not mean a lot to people, but here's a wiki link if you want to find out more.

    Barry Chuckle - The Chuckle Brothers

    Made me smile.
    Tragically in real life "Barry" died at the end of 2018, but provided a generation of kids with laughter & funny memories.

    "To me." "To you."

    If you've seen anyone... drop a line or two up


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  • @piratecraggy If only it said Barry LeChuckle. Maybe it's time for a gamertag change...

  • @piratecraggy I seen some funny ones as well but alas I forget the names of those pirates

  • Therefore i changed my gamertag to Bugaboo Bill :D

    I first wanted to Name myself Bugayaga Bill as a Bugayaga is a criminal, sloopy person and also somewhat related to a boogey man like a ghost or demon possessed.
    It's a patois word afaik.

    Bugaboo Bill is from a poem i re-wrote with help of @John-Hatter

    *There twas an old sailor named Bugaboo Bill
    Who roams the sea to this very day still.
    Whether merchants or kings or an old privateer
    The sight of his flag filled the whole world with fear.
    A butcher, a madman, the vilest of swill
    But there’s more to the man… that they call Bugaboo Bill.

    On the flip of this coin we see the kindest of giants
    For child or woman he was always compliant
    Had no need for the old or the scraps of the poor
    For glutton and greed was his only true score.

    Now you can try your luck against the words of this tale
    Fill your hold with cargo and dare to set sail
    But when old Bill’s flag you do happen to see
    You’ll be sorry, you didn’t listen to me.*

  • Not in this game but the funniest Gamertag I’ve ever seen was “Someonefinally”.

    You would play pvp and the kill feed read stuff like:

    • Someonefinally killed you
    • you killed Someonefinally
    • Someonefinally joined the game

    Every message containing his/her name was absolutely hilarious.

  • @Dr-Deadlock Funny, this reminded me of when I played that game, Plague Inc. and I named the virus Nothing, the feed was full of: "Nothing is starting to expand to different areas around the world." or "People are starting to be exposed to Nothing." Old times though. :D

  • If any one runs into a noobmaster69 they better post it here...

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