Being able to change our character/pirate without loosing progress.

  • This is for the developers.

    Firstly, I would like to say you've done an amazing job on the anniversary update. I think it has really shaped sea of thieves into a good game. Not like it wasn't a good game before, it has always been an awesome game.

    Like all games however it does come with it's pros and cons. One con is that many of us players rush the character picker when we start playing, thinking it won't become a big problem. However after some time you realize people with thin pirates have a huge advantage in things like hiding and not being noticed. One of the most fun things I do in sea of thieves today is hide on enemy ship and steal their loot when they're about to sell, although I made the mistake of picking a fat character. Though it's not impossible to hide with a fat character, it's much easier to hide with a thin one. With a thin character you can hide inside chests or just be harder to notice when hiding. I have been caught many times probably because I was so hard to spot.

    Even with dark clothes it's still easy to be spotted. That's why I think you should give us the ability to change character without loosing progress. I didn't realize I should have picked a thinner character before I had already gotten high reputation in the trading companies, and unlocked a lot of stuff. And now as an Athena's Fortune level 10 I really don't want to change.

    Some of you have said it will be coming into the game, but not knowing when. If you have any information about an estimated time of arrival or if it will even be coming I would love to hear it. I don't think being able to change our character would hurt the game, and you don't have to make it free. For example:

    • Duke from the bilge rats could sell a curse or something that would allow us to change our appearance, at a price. Maybe 10-50 doubloons. You could also make it cost gold from someone else, or possibly a micro transaction. Making it so everyone have a "1 pirate change ticket", allowing us to change appearance once, anything really. I would just love to see the ability to change character, so that we stand a better advantage in the game.

    Once again you've done an amazing job on the update, and if you think it shouldn't be implemented, let it be. After all I'm not the CEO of Rare.

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