Nintendo Switch (again)

  • I know the question has been up before..
    But now with the rising partnerships between Microsoft and Nintendo, what are the odds of Sea of Thieves on the Switch.
    I think the game would sell like candy on a firstgrader disco! Especially now after the 30/4 update.
    The argument "They sell the game to sell xboxes" is kind of silly really, since xbox-people already have an xbox, and most people dont buy a console for a single game.
    AND besides, you dont need an xbox to play SoT, it is on PC.. Which is where I play it at the moment (dont have an Xbox). AND SoT is no console seller really.

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  • Ahoy there @fickminne!

    Although I'd love the idea of having the game on the Switch as well, I very much doubt it would be powerful enough. At times even the Xbox seems to struggle with the game, so the only way it would even run on the Switch is with graphics turned all the way down to cursed. This would make the game lose a big part of the appeal, it's stunning graphics. We can still hope for it to happen though ;)

    See you around on the seas!

    Captain FishSt1ck

  • Wait for Xbox Project xCloud to stream Sea of Thieves or any Xbox game to the devices you want!

  • @fickminne Only if they give us Donkey Kong :D

  • @skulliah said in Nintendo Switch (again):

    Wait for Xbox Project xCloud to stream Sea of Thieves or any Xbox game to the devices you want!

    Ah yeah I completely forgot about that. With MS rolling out Xbox Live support on Android/IOS and Switch it doesn't seem too farfetched that all those platforms might also be able to access their streaming service.

  • What people dont seem to realize is that Xbox is currently turning away from the console market. They are attempting to get every gamer to be in "The Xbox Live Ecosystem", where everything is through Xbox Live. This is already the case with Minecraft, as well as Cuphead (Which did get released on the switch).

  • The rumour is that Microsoft wants to get x cloud on the switch further the down line.

    Unfortunately though I think you are talking at least 2 years away.

  • Ahoy maties!

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