Toxicity will result in your own peril!

  • Last night me faithful and hearty crew set sail, hardened by the recent winds of change, setting out to finish the perilous Reapers Run one last time. @x-crowheart-x, @x-wolfstryder-x, and @QueenPucci, having already completed their required death run decided to help this old pirate out in finishing his own death run (This shall be the name I call the Reapers Run from now on as it brings about so much death and destruction).

    We had a plan of action, we would stock up, drop someone off at crooks hollow with a rowboat and then set sail to shipwreck bay. Hoisting the red beacon flag and dropping our quest of death along the way. But, with most things in life, plans can change. As we are setting our plans in motion we notice another death flag on the map at shipwreck bay. Gazing upon it with our spyglass we see it is a galleon.

    At that time we decide as a crew that we will proceed with caution, but no one will be allowed to board our ship, having had too many situations that cause temporary issues we wished to avoid this day. So with that in mind we set our plan into motion. As we approach shipwreck bay, the other galleon departs. Knowing that they might have someone left behind, we proceed forth, keeping a watchful eye.

    We quickly make work of the island, even finding a chest or two that were partially dug up. However, our crew mate that we had left behind at crook's was black screened back to our ship. No big deal, just means we have to head back to crook's. While bringing the last of our chests on board the ship, but before departing shipwreck, a skelly ship sails close by, and a pirate boards our ship without announcing his intentions first. So, @x-wolfstryder-x quickly dispatches this uninvited guest to the ferry of the damned.

    Then, setting sail slowly, we take on and sink this skelly ship. In doing so, we see the other galleon ensnared by the kraken between Shipwreck and Dagger tooth Outpost. We make quick work of the skelly ship, grap the loot dropped, and make our way to crook's. As we are sailing we look back and watch as the other galleon sinks, having succumbed to the might kraken. So we sail around crook's, dropping off one member to dig up our chest, and sail back towards where the kraken had been, hoping to spot some loot.

    But we were now sailing against wind, and by the time we got there, any loot that may have been left behind was either gathered up on a rowboat and taken the rest of the way to dagger, or had sunk with the kraken. Either way, we look west, and here comes that galleon, full speed towards us. Hmmmm, maybe they are just looking for their lost loot, or maybe they are here for trouble.

    We ready our cannons and are prepared to fight if need be. As they sail by they unleash their cannons, and we respond in kind. Each landing strong hits. We need to repair, so we set sail. And as often happens. meg decides she wants to see what is going on. And as often seems to happen. she gives us special attention. Chomping at our boat before we could finish our repairs from the galleon attack. So now, we have a galleon and meg to deal with. We set sail away from the other galleon, to try and deal with meg.

    However, during our battle with this galleon, their crew begins throwing insults, and are extremely toxic. Even throwing our families into the mix, and suggesting they would do special things to Queen. Now having truly upset us, we decide they shall not pass, they shall understand that their behavior is not tolerated by our crew.

    Thankfully we are master sailors and are able to maintain our distance. Having sailed clear over the mermaids island, all the while boarding the other galleon to drop their anchor and cause them mischief, having to listen to a barrage of toxicity each time, we watch as the galleon approaches. Will they follow us, or go around the opposite side to try and cut us off. They appear to want to follow us, so myself and wolf jump off ship to intercept them. But, they try to turn last minute to try and cut us off. They waited too long and crash head long into the side of mermaids.

    I board their ship, drop their anchor, as wolf approached with a keg. My job is to distract them at this point. And boy do I manage to get all of their attention. Forced to jump off the ship, I gather my strength, forcing them to pursue me. All the while wolf makes his way to their ship with his keg.

    The other crew seems hesitant to come after me, and only does so one at a time. Allowing me to dispatch two of them. Then the greatest sight a pirate can behold, BOOOM. The keg unleashes a fiery explosion, splintering the galleon, but taking wolf with it.

    Having dispatched two of them, I make use of their confusion and mad race to save their ship to once again board them. This time, they are able to finally send me to the ferry, but not before I am able to distract them enough that they are unable to save their own ship.

    Now, we quickly dispatch their crew once more. And even take their rowboat (such a small victory trophy, but one that we will happily take).

    We set sail back to shipwreck for our next round of chests. Watching as the other galleon, which had re-spawned north of us, try to catch us. We get to shipwreck with enough time to gather all of the chests, setting sail to snake, here they come. Having caught up to us, we exchange cannon fire. They even manage to get a couple of well placed anchor balls on us. And having us anchored, they try to board our ship. First person is easily dispatched. The second brings a keg aboard. I sacrifice myself slashing the keg as he boards, hoping to minimize damage to the lowest decks. Sadly, I took wolf with me to the ferry.

    Crow manages to keep our ship from sinking and wolf and i return to help fix our ship. We finally are able to get to snake island, with the other galleon trying to catch up. We see a sloop, but it seems to be minding its own business. So we leave it be, and gather our chest from snake. Even trying to take it and another we found to the sloop. But as we swim towards the sloop we see a member of the other galleon crew get on board the sloop crew. The sloop sets sail as we get close, and they decide to help the toxic crew. Fine, so be it, we will just have to deal with you both now.

    We set sail towards shipwreck one last time. The galleon and sloop in pursuit. After a couple of attempts, queen and wolf are finally able to board the galleon. Wolf drops their anchor, and before queen ends up on the ferry, they are able to kill off the entire crew of the galleon. Now the sloop turns to try and help the galleon crew. Wolf still on board finds some kegs (presents for sure) and makes quick work of the galleon. The sloop finally arrives but is too late. They are however able to dispatch wolf. From the distance, we can tell that the sloop is able to gather up re-spawning pirates from the galleon.

    We get over to shipwreck with enough time to gather the last chests before the sloop comes calling. We set sail, and are able to get a good angle on the sloop, allowing us to pepper them with cannon fire. Quickly sending them to the depths before we are able to turn in our hard earned loot.

    But let this be a lesson to all those pirates out there that want to be toxic, that want to be sexist, our crew will not stand for such behavior, and we will make sure you feel our wrath.

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  • @nofears-fun Sounds like you all had a blast! Pun intended of course haha!
    I had to give up on the Reapers run, my poor solo sloop and sanity couldn’t take it 😂

    Although one thing I am confused about, what did the other crew do that was toxic? Or do you just mean attacking you? :)

  • @nofears-fun great story! Glad you got to show those buffoons exactly what the seas have in store for their kind. Here's to hoping they get the message and stop with the insults and toxicity.

    @KnifeLife it sounded like they had some choice words about what they wanted to do with the female member of the crew...definitely out of line imo

  • @knifelife

    Their language and words. It was the most foul, ridiculous threats for no reason. For example threatening to force carnal acts on our mother, sister, grandmother and the rest of your female relatives. Repeatedly called every word or way to make a reference to female genitalia an insult. All because they challenged us and lost.

    Like @NoFears-Fun said it shall not stand. All trolls and toxic players will meet a deep watery grave.

  • @nofears-fun

    It was a total blast like @KnifeLife said. They should have learned their lesson the first time when we out sailed them around Mermaid. You and Wolf made an very strategic boarding assault as I swung our ship around for the Queen to blast their ship broadside. They should have heeded the warning to not mess with us like that.

    @KnifeLife if you want to do the voyages you gave up on just let us know. I am sure we can help you and have a lot of fun.

  • @knifelife Mate, if you want to do some reapers, just hit me up. I am sure between myself, crow and others we can help you out. Honestly, they are so much fun to do on a galleon.

    And as Crow said, the toxicity was the garbage coming from their mouths. Quite frankly, it was disgusting at the most minimal level. For sure it was the kind of talk they would not dare to attempt in the real world.

  • Well I’m glad you managed to show them a lesson! Some people need to grow up!

    And I may take you up on that offer! If I’m online and you have a space feel free to send me a message also. :)

    After my class on Wednesday I have two weeks off so should have a bit more time to play! :D

  • Cool story bro.

    Btw, we did this backwards....row boat at shipwreck so that the ship with the reaper's mark was safely down south away from the primary island. Very easy ride straight north to dagger tooth on the row boat.

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