Loot in water needs WAY LONGER despawn timer!!!!

  • So i was on the final map for my athena's voyage, and on the way to marauders arch i started getting attacked by one of the skeleton towers. Now due to their accuracy i got knocked off my ship, while the boat sailed away. It sank inside the bay of marauders arch, and all my loot was in the water, i tried getting all the loot onto the shore so it wouldn't despawn but the skeletons that i was there to kill instantly one-shot me with their aimbot snipers. Sailed all the way back to marauders arch taking about 2-3 minutes and boom, no loot other than a gunpowder keg.

    This raises many questions:
    #1 - Why is the mermaid so slow and you have to be so far away from the ship for it to spawn....
    #2 - Who in their right mind gave the aimbot skeletons that everybody has hated since launch a more broken gun like the sniper rifle?????
    #3 - 2 hours worth of work instantly wasted in 3 minutes is a damn joke, making it physically impossible to get your loot back if you do sink. FIX.THIS.NOW!

    Lets just say i almost ALT-F4'd right there and then had it not been for my athena's rep.

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  • Yes.

    Every once in a while you get the impression that some gamemaker with admin rights has gone full Amelie, and your Perseus is subjected to their Mt. Olympian whims.

    You're just not getting that treasure, today. One Kraken or another, the loot ain't coming back with you.

    Maybe the gods are bored, maybe they're testing you. Maybe you said something "wrong" on social media and this is payback.

  • My issue isn't that I want to get my loot back. Usually when I sink, unless Im really close by I write off the loot.

    Where I would want to get an increased time for loot in water is when fighting the kraken or doing the pirate ship raid. The Kraken drops loot for every tentacle killed but sometimes by the time you have killed the kraken and safe to get the loot, most of it has sunk.

    Same with the skeleton pirate ship raid. You get loot for every ship you sink. There can be 5 ships at times but the amount of time it takes to kill them all, the loot from 4 ships has sunk.

  • You sink you lose your treasure thats how it should work otherwise wheres the risk. you have a rowboat as a back up.

  • I can handle losing loot if i was sunk/killed/knoced off. I should have played better.

    Kraken and fleet loot, especially on a sloop, should be way longer. It should float for the duration of the event, plus 5 or 6 minutes. Then you could drop a waypoint on the map and keep killing. The rowboat works well on the larger ships for collecting, but if your mate leaves u alone on the sloop, one weary ball or kraken suck, and its over pretty quick.

  • especially during the Fleet event the still short sinking timer is really bad, they could easily remove the Loot from the additional Ships since everything is sunk when you finish the
    Captain Ship...

  • @all

    be prepared... row boat for the win.
    Don’t be scared to leave your loot in the row boat...ya get sunk...rowboat already loaded and oar away.

  • @johnhp1 said in Loot in water needs WAY LONGER despawn timer!!!!:


    be prepared... row boat for the win.
    Don’t be scared to leave your loot in the row boat...ya get sunk...rowboat already loaded and oar away.

    how do you collect the treasure with your rowboat while fighting against 2 Ships simultaneously ? (there is no pause, as soon as the treasure rises up the next Ships are spawning&attacking)

  • They recently (in the last update, actually) significantly increased the float timer... before it was less than 3 minutes :)

    In my experience it lasts about 10 minutes or so... how long would you say it was before you got back?

  • I am sorry, but everyone has been there once or twice. I have had the ghost ships and megs into a kraken with a full boat of athenas loot. I do not see a reason to complain about this in the forums though. Loot stays on top of the water forever now.

  • @flamelord-blaze

    This raises many questions:

    #1 - Why is the mermaid so slow and you have to be so far away from the ship for it to spawn....

    Think of it this way, if you are in combat with another player ship, should they be able to rapidly get a mermaid to join the fight after a failed boarding attempt? To me, this is a small punishment for them, now the ship may be unattended or down a man allowing others to punish said mistake.

    Side note, swimming away from the ship will get the mermaid to pop faster. Might have been able to recover your ship, assuming it was a sloop you were solo on.

    #2 - Who in their right mind gave the aimbot skeletons that everybody has hated since launch a more broken gun like the sniper rifle?????

    This is more personal opinion, but skeletons are easy for my crew and myself. We have found ways that work for us dealing with any type of skeleton. This isn't me trying to flex on you, merely saying I can't really relate to your problem here.

    #3 - 2 hours worth of work instantly wasted in 3 minutes is a damn joke, making it physically impossible to get your loot back if you do sink. FIX.THIS.NOW!

    Over this two hour session, did you cash out at some point? Did you not a have a rowboat? Skeletons generally can't really get you when your in the water. So its safe to assume you went to land to engage them, at the very least close to shore. To say that this was physically impossible to recover from is an exaggeration. Their was clearly many other things that could have been done to avoid this. Cashing out mid voyage, and having a rowboat to name some.

  • @nabberwar is spot on. These are not universally agreed on issues as the OP claims. The skeleton accuracy with guns and cannons was dialed back shortly after the game’s release. A little too much if you ask me. I am surprised someone working on an Athena voyage is struggling with that. People should turn in loot more often until they feel more comfortable with the environmental threats.

  • The sink timer was increased from 4 minutes to 6 minutes in the last update.

  • @flamelord-blaze If you had insta-mermaid, the game would be far less tense. Sure, the amount of distance you have to have between you and your ship is ridiculous. There should probably only be a timer on that mermaid instead. But hey...

    It's not like you didn't know what COULD happen. And it eventually happened. Just keep going.

  • @therealepicandy But it really doesn't seem like that. Last weekend a mate and i got sunk by a wierd glitch not showing water in the ship when the Kraken attacked us so we sunk. Anyways my mate was sailing back and I carried some loot to the rowboat and eventually died to a tentacle. When we arrived maybe arround 1-2 minutes later the loot was already mostly sunk/sinking.
    So I don't think the enlongation is really working that well

  • @flamelord-blaze said in Loot in water needs WAY LONGER despawn timer!!!!:

    This raises many questions:
    #1 - Why is the mermaid so slow and you have to be so far away from the ship for it to spawn....
    #2 - Who in their right mind gave the aimbot skeletons that everybody has hated since launch a more broken gun like the sniper rifle?????
    #3 - 2 hours worth of work instantly wasted in 3 minutes is a damn joke, making it physically impossible to get your loot back if you do sink. FIX.THIS.NOW!

    Lets just say i almost ALT-F4'd right there and then had it not been for my athena's rep.

    1. Because getting off your ship is supposed to be a bad thing. If we had insta mermaids there would be 0 penalty for getting knocked off, or missing a board.

    2. Because fighting skeletons is supposed to be challenging. Why were you bringing the loot back before dealing with skeletons?

    3. Dont carry loot around if you are gonna be this salty over losing it. Why didnt you sell it? Dont carry more loot then you would be upset about losing.

    A piece of advice from one solo slooper to another, you have to learn where the cannons are on the islands. You should never be caught off guard by a skeleton cannon. Why were you approaching the island from the east side where the cannons are, and not the southwest side where cannons cant hit you?

    Sorey you lost your loot man, but thats not the games fault. There were plenty of things you could have done to avoid this outcome. Solo slooping is a more perilous adventure, the game even reminds you of this when you pick the sloop. Gotta plan your voyages better.

  • @m4dkraut uh yeah one players gets on the row boat while 3 stay on board....I don’t know how many times I have heard “I can’t believe we got all the treasure.” Instead of racing away try staying in one spot near a rock and fighting both or 3 skelly ships.

    To get to the 500, I joined some players and server hopped for the skelly fleet clouds and defeated all ships with minimal supplies, the days of needing 300 canon balls and 100 planks are. O longer the norm.

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