Ahoy there mateys!

  • Ahoy, My name be Ruxpin64

    I've been Sailing the Sea of Thieves, for more or less a week or two now. I've really enjoyed zipping round the seas in hunt of treasure and all sorts of adventure.

    For the most part, I have had fun with my crew mates, and haven't really had any trouble with other crews, couple of sunken ships, but I've given as good as I've got. But sometimes I have had issues with my own crew dropping anchor crashing me ship purposefully over and over? Is this a common issue? Also got abuse of another dead pirate (who I'd had no living interaction with at all?) tonight as my avartarrrr be a little on the plump side and got called a fat c*** over and over, hopefully I won't see too many folk like that.

    Anywho, if anyone wants to sail along sometime look me up. Especially if you want to have a go at a fort, (as I haven't tried one yet and really want to)

    Anywho hi and bye, and plain sailing

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  • @ruxpin64

    Welcome to the seas friend!

    My crew and I have been playing since the Beta days over a year ago. In the beginning the experience you're describing was much more common place before you could create a closed crew. With the advent of closed crews and clubs you'll have a much better chance of finding a group of like-minded people instead of randos who just want to watch the world burn.

    I would highly recommend trying to form friendships online and create a dependable crew roster. You could join a clan, but you may be required to play at a specific frequency or participate in specific clan events. If you're looking for something more casual, post in the "find a crew" forum here or try the Club feature (I've used it from the home button on my xbox, not sure how you use it on a PC).

    With clubs you can log in and create an invitation with an incredibly simple and user friendly interface. You can specify the type of adventure you're working for e.g. "looting forts," "working on Bilge Rat Challenges," "Merchant missions," "all PVP," etc. You can also specify other things like "adults only", "Kids welcome," "know how to sail," "must have a mic," "don't be abusive," etc.

    You'll quickly be flooded with responses. You'll have a chance to chat with each player over your mic before you invite them to your ship. I have usually filled all 4 slots of our galleon inside of 5 minutes. This is by far the best way to meet random people and have a great time on the seas. If you really enjoy their company, friend them and play again. Playing regularly with people you know is definitely the way to go.

    In the last year of playing 2-3 times a week for a few hours at a time I have only encountered a handful of truly rude people, and they were rarely if ever a part of my crew, far less than pretty much any other online game I have ever played.

    Overall this is a fantastic game with an equally fantastic community.

    Hope to see you on the seas!

  • Hey there cap'n @Zombie-The-Fett

    That's how I've been finding my crews lately, so much more reliable. And the difference in gold is vastly noticeable, not to mention the company is much better. So if I play with someone who's sound as a pound (or doubloon) I'll add them and sail with them again.

    I've been loving the game. Every day I log in it's a different adventure, which is amazing seeing as a lot of the quests are of a similar theme. But then I guess its what you make of it that makes the game so good.

    Anyways thanks for saying ahoy! And if you fancy adding and sailing about the seas one day feel free to do so. You can never have too many friends.

    See you on the seas.
    Ruddy Cap'n Ruxpin

  • @ruxpin64
    Hello Captain Ruxpin, i'm sorry that i see this just now , but thisForum is growing so hard that i can't wink anymore or i missed ten posts...Welcome Sir , and i'm happy that you have found the Looking for Group function already , in wich one can find a lot of people with a Heart for Sea of Thieves...It's sad that you had to meet one cullpritt who had forgotten to wash out his mouth , but that's people and society for you...It's sad , but Sea of Thieves itself isn't the one to blame , This game brings out what lies within and for some , it's a dark pool out there ...Now ignore bad comments , and so because reacting just means sturring in a cesspoolpit and we all know that the more you stir , the harder it stinks ( * George , you moron, you have tested this out yes ? Oh by the Sea Gods , imagine the picture , an old man stirring in a stink pit and trying to estimate how much it stinks than before ...you're sick, fool...- Not as sick as you , Sunshine * Shut it , Captain Tearface , go change the Earth's surface and cry me a new river...). Just play and delve deeper in the many hidden layers of this game that will also uncover alot of your own personality , traits you didn't even realize you had ...

    Take care , Sir , have fun and many adventures where gold and New Friends may fall like rain on yer deck...Have a nice weekend ...And a nice weekend to all those Pirates that give others a fair adventure...

  • Ahoy! @Clumsy-George

    Nice make her acquaintances, I have to say since doing the find a crew 'on the Xbox sot club' I haven't really encountered any trouble upon the seas. Apart from a few fun skirmishes. Which is just part of the game 😊 (such as last night when selling our crews loot 25,000s worth. We got jumped at the outpost, but escaped and fought the scurvy dogs off with just the loss of a foul skull! And lived to sell the rest of our hard earned booty... Well I say hard earned we took half from our former allies who left straight after a skull fort finished. After we had defended their ship from a skelly ship and then aided them in the capture of the fort, but then sort of by accident the insurance keg we had left at the front of their ship went off as they began manoeuvre towards us... KABOOM!...And they promptly sank 😂)

    But anyways, my point is I've been really enjoying with players who actually want to play and enjoy the game.

    Anyways Cap'n George likewise if you fancy sailing about one day give me an add on yon Xbox if your an Xbox player.

    And best o luck out there on they seas.

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