Too much content at once!

  • So me and my mates were playing last night doing a mercenary voyage, and idk if we were the only ones on the server or what but we faced too much content. So please tell me if anyone else has faced this problem. At first we thought we would finish up the voyage and go to bed when a skeleton popped up right next to our last destination and so we decided to do the fort and then half way through, a skeleton ship attacked. Then with both of these finished we decide to leave because we had a Mega keg and didn’t want to be hit by an oncoming storm. Then half way to galleons grave, we get krakened. And I’d be fine with the kraken if it wasn’t for the hole being covered, but luckily it didn’t do that to us this time. While trying to steer us out of the kraken ink, a skeleton ship showed up right where we were wanting to go (outside the ink) and so we had to turn away from that and go into the kraken ink more to not be noticed. Then to top it off, while trying to survive the kraken and wait it out, we get attacked by a shadow maw meg who was rather aggressive. Luckily we had a lot of supplies so we were able to not worry about the meg and instead focus on repairs and getting out of the kraken. Then once out, we faced the meg and upon killing it, we were greeted with a skeleton ship. Of which we barely managed to defeat due to the ship spamming dancing cursed cannonballs. And then finally finished out voyage. Crazy or what? I think they really need to work on the codes subroutines to where we don’t face as much content at once. It was a heart attack one after another. 😂

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  • @signalchris-d The way I see it is, as long as that doesn't happen every time you play, you've got yourself a real pirates tale of how you not only completed the fort, but escaped the kraken, fend from the Meg and sunk the skele ship.

  • sounds to me like the problem was just that the server you were on was empty so everytime it spawned something, it spawned on you. they really gotta fix the way they fill servers

  • @sailorkek I agree, if it was just every so often. But lately it’s been happening quite a few times! Like the night after I posted this, we did ships in the devil’s roar, then on our way back to an outpost, got hit back to back with meg and ships. Then right before the outpost, we got krakened. Where eventhough it was a heart attack, we actually learned why the kraken was so dang hard to get off the ship! Turns out when it wraps, a head pops up and you need to kill the head in order to free your self from the grab! We were so angry about the grab before we found that out. But yeah it just seems to be bogging is down with events.

    @d4m0r3d I agree, I mean yeah it was like west coast in the US late such as 1am. But I do agree they need to max out each server before moving to a new one. Like I’m fine with being the only sloop or brig in a server of galleons so long as I have room to spread my sea legs. But I don’t want to be bonbarded with events all at once just because we finished a fort, event or killed 2 skeleton ships or anything. Like if they installed a server count or transition timer till you switch servers, I would actually welcome it. And if you could transition freely so long as your not in combat or an event, then bonus. Might just work wonders.

  • @signalchris-d just a bit of rip on the no content people but that’s funny that you had too much content. Though seriously I’m glad you got through that horror show and got a tale to tell. I’d personally wouldn’t be bothered by this but you do have a point of getting too much at once when it came to those emergent threats.

  • @signalchris-d sorry bud, I should have told you about the end of the tentacle . I recently told someone else that but its hard to remember what you said in which topic you know.
    But I feel you. I've been lucky recently with multiple ai threats at at a time. It definitely seems more likely in the DR but overall (for me) the seas have gotten tamer. Or I'm getting used to killing stuff too much haha

  • Pretty much this at every turn of the sails right now something is broken. Feels like the PVE AI has been dialed to 10 to compensate for the lack of player interaction and quiet server's.

  • Ahoy mate!

    First I have to say I did not think I would see a post about Sea of Thieves having too much content. It sounds like you had a lot of fun despite the overload. The sea has a way of drawing you back deeper into it when you try to leave.

    There has been many times that we said we would only sail for a short while, but end up docking after we played many times longer than we intended. The sea can be very chaotic and full of challenges and dangers that seem to never end. It can also feel like you are drifting in doldrums some times.

    There will be ups and downs like the waves. Do not get discouraged or overwhelmed. Sometimes it may be wiser to go ahead and dock and sail again another day. It all goes to your story. What matters is you never stop telling it.

  • @the-d1a8l0 This is something that bothers me about this game. You meet the "legendary" creatures, like the kraken, way too often. This is because there isn't much side content to do. Still no dice & card games you can play in the tavern or on your ship, no fishing, one kind of land enemy (skellies), one type of water enemy (shark) and no actual character or ship progression.

    There are tons of (gimmicky) features that the community has thought of since alpha and most of them add depth to the general way you play, the ones I liked a lot were:

    • Barrels in which you can hide (with a hole or crack in it so you can peek through it.
    • Like an old rusty grappling hook or something to pull enemies closer to you (actually was in the concept art of SoT) NEW COMBAT MECHANICS AND EQUIPMENT IN GENERAL
    • Ropes on your ship to swing around for the most amazing pirate plays
    • Random encounters (you see 3 npc pirates burying their treasure with actual voicelines. don't come too close, they might see you and run away or fight you!!) if rare adds like 100 of these and make every encounter pretty rare, the world would feel alive.
    • Voice acting and useful npc's in general. The current voicelines sound like a 17 year made a game and recorded the voicelines with his friends in his parents basement. And most npc's do nothing but sell stuff. They never give clues or unique offers or quests not related to the trading companies.

    If rare did things like this they wouldn't need to spam all those legendary krakens and megs. They could even remove the kraken from the game temporary, rework it and give it a body and actually make it a legendary experience, then put it back in and make it RARE and LEGENDARY. Right now when you tell your friends you killed the kraken they're like "ok, cool.". If the krakan was actually rare and hard to beat and you would tell your friends you've even just encountered it, they would go bananas and be amazed because you've experienced something amazing and super rare.

    Less spamming large content and more general gameplay enhancers Rare.

  • sounds like you had a great night at sea. Must it be easy all the time? Well done for making it out of all these dealings. I wouldn't change a thing. Did you not feel alive?

  • @signalchris-d Welcome to the Sea of Thieves world of Emergence Pornography. It does take the excitement out of dealing with these emergent encounters when they happen so frequently... they become a nuisance rather than an adventure. This is especially true when they drop such low end loot most of the time.

  • Sigh….Where is the time that people complained of no content , today they complain about too much content ….If i was young again and my teacher would ask me what i later would like to become the answer would certainly not be: gamesdeveloper….
    This may seem as a beautiful job but you get critized for literally everything you do , for the good or bad of things simply can't do good for some…

    Poor Rare , i never wanted to be standing in yer shoes...You poor devils did so much good work but maybe you get the appreciation in the Afterlife...

  • @clumsy-george i think it was just a bad choice of wording there isnt too much content far from it just a continual spam of the same things.

  • @davidbarlow said in Too much content at once!:


    • Barrels in which you can hide (with a hole or crack in it so you can peek through it.

    I seem to remember @The3SheetsNeate mentioning this one as a possibility waaaay back in some Tavern Talk maybe? I wonder what happened to it...

  • @katttruewalker I really wonder too...

    I hope they do implement it one day + a lot more small gameplay mechanics. Imagine how interactive the sea of thieves world would feel. Swinging on ropes n stuff..

  • @signalchris-d That's a new ground for complaint. All those month ye'yelled "Mo' Content, Mo' Actions". But I agree, sometimes it is too much at once and too frequent for me. The appearance of an Kraken, skeleton ship, Megalodons are no longer a surprise, but the rule. That makes it tiring. Kraken, well, you can still estimate it, because it doesn't appear during an active raid, otherwise you drive from cliff to cliff, island to island, in order to avoid it as much as possible.

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