Aye Pirates!

  • What is your favorite thing to do when sailing the sea in Sea Of Thieves?

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  • @qabic
    Not my favourite thing ( but probably the most simple & satisfying)... if on a long voyage from point A to point B.
    I like to stretch my legs, fire myself out of a cannon, & resource gather while me vessel continues its journey.

    Breaks up the journey & I get to see a little bit more of SoT on my travels.
    It amazes me how often I discover for the first time new things on my brief island visits. It's a beautiful world!

    Favourite thing (currently).... sinking skelly ships!

    btw... welcome to the forum!!!

  • Haha! I love megladon riding and wrestling on top of them. When a meg appears i always prey they get as close to the ship as possible so i can jump on top of the beasty and ride around for a minute. Me and my crew always have bets as to who can stay on top of the meg the longest. I always win...

  • Stealing Athena chests from other crews. We grabbed one last night and, after the fact, found the stream from the other crew. After we cashed in a rowboat full of their loot, to include an Ashen Athena, we all strolled over to the stream and watched together (they were offline by this time). 3 hrs and 20 minutes into their voyage, we arrive. Watching and hearing them crush/deflate when realizing they have no chance to recover was something else.

    Stealing those things is the most thrilling part other than simply sailing with a good crew.

    We need a couple more to get the last of the crew to Grade V: Legendary Thief.

    Prepare to be boarded.

  • Play some shantys with my best mates.

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