Friend Codes and Mercenary Set

  • Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone new to bring to the game and with that, I never looked at my friend codes. I never used them, nor did I scratch them off to reveal them. With the information now that those codes gave the players Mercenary Sets, I don't think this was handled the best of ways. There are players that have played since launch, including me, who have wanted to the Mercenary Set, but were not able to obtain one for whatever reason that may be. Now with this event giving the new players the set, it's almost disheartening. I understand that it's just a cosmetic change, but it's something that I care about. I'm sure there are those who feel the same way.

    I'm still willing to wait for the more content, more Pirate Legend content, and the chance to join the Pioneers when the opportunity arises, but I wish I had known about the codes giving the set prior to the event ending.

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  • @unpossibear I didn't have anyone either, because I already got them to play months ago.

    I threw them a Support ticket and a Tweet about my dislike about this.
    Everyone who played during that Event deserves the Outfit. EVERYONE.

    They are giving the finger to their regular playerbase with this. It is beyond bull!

  • @unpossibear We had threads all over the forums and social media giving them away.
    Why didn’t you throw your spare codes out there?

    Edit: Ahhh I see what’s happened, they are giving the outfit to anyone who used the code not the person who gifted the code.
    That is a bit of a kick for the people who have been around since the beginning and convinced there friends to play.

    But I wouldn’t worry to much, I’m sure the outfit will be avalible for all at some point. I doubt they would screw over there loyal members like that.

    Lucky for me I never liked that outfit xD
    If it was the pre order outfit I would be raging right now haha

  • Wait. I’m not understanding this. We had a chance to get the Mercenary set? How? Can someone please explain?

  • @genuine-heather Just for new members who used the codes and kept playing afterwards it would seem.

  • Well that just freakin’ sucks. I’d have jumped at the chance to get that set. Bah humbug.

  • @genuine-heather Haha yeah starting to think if you redeemed one of your “friend” codes yourself you would have probably got it.

    So if you have one what wasn’t used you might still be in luck. Mine are long gone though as I stuck them on a thread for anyone who needed them.

    Who would of thought sharing would be bad for you 😂

  • @knifelife said in Friend Codes and Mercenary Set:

    ..."I doubt they would screw over there loyal members like that"...

    Hmmm. I wonder.

  • Yah you actually could use an unused code on your own acc.

    They closed that loop hole about an hour ago it seems from the responses on reddit.

    So basically a bunch of people found an exploit, and they get the Merc set, yet the general population that did the work to sell their game don't get it.

    Classy move.

  • 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Rare!* Why would you do this to me!? 🤔

    *not intended as an attack against the company; just as an angry, and exasperated response... 😅

  • Feeling double crossed on the seas? Take a chill, eat a banana, watch a's a beautiful game fam. Give Rare some time to respond instead of burning them at the stake every event. They work so hard for this game and to get content out to the community the way you want it and all you guys do is snap back at them over a lousy outfit. Calm your barnacles...i know collectors item. They'll sort everyone out like they always do. So many multiple posts on this issue tho... Tsk tsk.

  • That's just funny. If you pay full price for the game and bring some friends into it, you will get nothing...
    That's not how it should works.
    Rare, do something with that, reward old players!

  • In almost every other game, you get a refer a friend bonus. All my 3 codes were used and that made me happy, until I go in the forums and read that I have to use one myself to get a set? Why? Why do I feel bad after feeling great? That was not fair in the first place.

  • This reminds me of the lack of communication we received when the Overachiever Sails were announced. I hope a similar resolution is considered. And I hope Rare does a better job in the future of setting expectations for the community before it's too late and rewards are no longer available/the community is upset.

  • Interesting!
    Well, I've long thought that the Mercenary set is one that should definitely appear elsewhere (another way for players to earn it, or right-out buy it) some day... so, in sense, this gives me a bit of hope for it.

    The only set I think should perhaps stay completely off limits is the pre-order Black Dog one. I know that stings a bit for anyone that didn't get it, but I think pre-ordering should hold that prize exclusively (variants are fair game though). ((edited to add, I could also agree with keeping the Ferryman set exclusive to the controller it came with, just to keep it as rare as it is, but I may be biased on that, and wouldn't argue either way.))

    All just my opinions, of course!

  • The worst is that the only way to get this set was to have an XBox at first.
    Now, you need to not have the game to have it. Messed up!

    I am sure people who played with their friends would like to all dress alike as a crew.

  • so as someone who already owned the game, fully bought was there any way for me to get the special skins? or is the reward only for people who dont own the game

  • @knifelife yea isnt it fd up aye, cant believe the devs thought that was a good idea to do without rewarding the people who are giving out the codes.

  • @cpt-loki-tuki Psssshhhhh

    You think this is the first time Rare has not handled information VERY poorly? Not disclose certain things? Have them behind 7 pages of garbage you have to sift through? Give them time my foot. They have had since before launch to get their fecal matter in order.

  • I'd have simply liked to have known, so I had a chance to do whatever it was I needed to do (still unclear on that) to get the set. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I'd been wanting that set for some time, even more so now that I have the matching ship cosmetics. I'm not crushed but certainly disappointed. I hope there are more chances to acquire this set forthcoming, and communicated a bit more clearly.

    In the meantime, congrats to those who did receive the set! Looking forward to seeing it out there.

  • One other thing, I was under the impression that in order to get the codes, you had to be a member of the Insider program. I've tried entering into the program several times and never received the email that was supposed to be sent. Had this not been the case, I surely would have at least gotten my codes, and shared them with anyone I found interested.

  • @genuine-heather Even it you shared the code you would not have got it I believe. It was only for people who used the codes the codes themselves.

    So you would have had to have used one of your own codes to be rewarded the item. Although I believe they have stopped that from working now.
    (Although I don’t have a source, someone just commented it on another thread)

    Also with your insider email, have you tried doing the thing where you put in another email address and then your original one to get it to resend the verification email? I heard that can normally fix the problem.
    (Sorry if I butchered that explanation, It made sense in my head 😂)

  • @knifelife said in Friend Codes and Mercenary Set:

    @genuine-heather Even it you shared the code you would not have got it I believe. It was only for people who used the codes the codes themselves.

    So you would have had to have used one of your own codes to be rewarded the item. Although I believe they have stopped that from working now.
    (Although I don’t have a source, someone just commented it on another thread)

    Also with your insider email, have you tried doing the thing where you put in another email address and then your original one to get it to resend the verification email? I heard that can normally fix the problem.
    (Sorry if I butchered that explanation, It made sense in my head 😂)

    Thanks, @KnifeLife. I'm not able to put in another email address because the screen always comes up to tell me "we sent your email, go verify it" or whatever. But you got me thinking, maybe I could clear my cookies or try another browser or something. I'll give it a try later (after sleep).

  • Frankly, anyone willing to log in after the announcement of optional crossplay should be receiving a gift.

  • @genuine-heather said in Friend Codes and Mercenary Set:

    @knifelife said in Friend Codes and Mercenary Set:

    @genuine-heather Even it you shared the code you would not have got it I believe. It was only for people who used the codes the codes themselves.

    So you would have had to have used one of your own codes to be rewarded the item. Although I believe they have stopped that from working now.
    (Although I don’t have a source, someone just commented it on another thread)

    Also with your insider email, have you tried doing the thing where you put in another email address and then your original one to get it to resend the verification email? I heard that can normally fix the problem.
    (Sorry if I butchered that explanation, It made sense in my head 😂)

    Thanks, @KnifeLife. I'm not able to put in another email address because the screen always comes up to tell me "we sent your email, go verify it" or whatever. But you got me thinking, maybe I could clear my cookies or try another browser or something. I'll give it a try later (after sleep).

    Maybe if I summon our friendly neighbourhood @Musicmee he might be able to explain it a little bit better.
    I was lucky and never had to deal with it thankfully!

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