[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @a-double-deagle
    Sorry, but kbm/controller isnt the only difference. By opting out of crossplay:
    I wont have to worry about kbm
    I wont have to worry about fps
    I wont have to worry about internal ssd speeds
    I wont have to worry about macros
    I wont have to worry about unlimited hotkeys
    I wont have to worry about players manipulating graphics for better underwater vision(and similar exploits)
    I wont have to worry about EoR with varable dpi settings...
    Theres probably more, but they escape me right now.
    Edit: I wont have to worry about cheats, hacks, mods, and overlays.
    And before someone tries to spin my words, i am not suggesting that all pc players do all of these things, but they are all possible.

    All these things fixed just by ticking a box in the menu. Genius!

    Edit 2: I guess that's why rare did not choose to allow input based crossplay, instead opting for 'controller only, Xbox only' servers.

    Edit 3: Ping counters. How come pc players get to know 'how local' their server is. Especially painful after a merge...

  • Any news yet?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 well you can get unlimited hotkeys with keyboard and mouse plugged into Xbox. There are rarely hackers in this game, most of the "hackers" you've seen was probably just lag. Also, think from pc players pov. Imagine if you just want to find a group on sea of thieves and would like to use Xbox lfg because that's where most of the player base is. Then when you get there you realize that almost NO ONE wants to play with you because they have to go onto pc servers. This would totally ruin Xbox lfg. I know from your point of view it looks like an obvious addition, but rare needs to look at the pov of the pc players too, not just Xbox

    EDIT: Pc servers would be full of sweaty players because sadly, that is what most on pc players are. Pc servers would also be empty because the majority of players are on Xbox.

  • I have patiently been waiting for this option to be added. Still surprised it was mentioned in late January and nothing has occurred from then until now, nearly 5 months later. Although I can understand that Rare has been hard at work with the anniversary update (We can all agree it's phenomenal), but 5 months is a long time to have people waiting for a much needed feature. I know Epic Games stated Q2 & Q3 the tools would be free and readily available to developers using Unreal Engine. Q2 is the current fiscal quarter so I hope that is the reasoning on the delay. Could be out of Rare's control until that happens.

  • @a-double-deagle
    I cant plug a kbm into my Xbox, i do not own one. I have never run into hackers, to the best of my knowledge. But rare doesn't ban players for lagging, so it must be a real thing.

    The great thing about LFG is that you can list all the preferences you want/dont want. You also have discord. There's even groups on these forums that regularly get bumped to the top of the recent list. Some of them even have 'pc only' and 'pc preferred' in their description (i wonder why?), try hitting them up for an invite. Also, you can party up or message any LFG and find out platform preferences before inviting, takes 30 seconds. Within hours of crossplay options being released, you can guarantee that 90% of all LFG posts will have pc or Xbox listed in the preferences.

    This next bit is not me calling pc players sweaty, im just using your own post:
    Honestly, if you believe pc servers will be full of sweaty players, and you dislike this trait, why do you continue playing pc? Come to the dark side, we have dedicated servers :) Just because you dislike the majority of your playerbase, doesn't mean you can inflict them on everyone else.

    Rare already debunked the 'empty pc servers' fear. 35% of players are PC, plus xboxers that dont turn off crossplay, plus xboxers that use kbm. I think its a pretty even split really.

  • @a-double-deagle

    No, "pc servers" (open servers really) would not be empty. We know this because rare has told us thats not how the servers work.

  • I honestly think they should only have the opt out option for arena mode not adventure saying this as an xbox player, I have played against pc in arena and ts extremely obvious who is pc and who is xbox pc players have instant ability to turn around because the mouse is not locked at a certain sensitivity they can also bunny hop and track you as they jump over you I keep my sensitivity at 10 on controller and still can track people's character that well and finally loading times it is known that pc has the ability to load much faster into games than xbox especially with an m.2 hard drive you can load in nearly instantly on xbox you have about 10 second's which can actually cause you to lose a battle when you are stuck on that loading screen. The loading issue is something rare itself can't fix because it's a hardware issue but the platforms need to be separate or have an option to separate in arena not adventure mode as that is pretty dead as it is.

  • @fast-bike94 yes! for the competitive arena mode only please! don't split the adventuring seas. give an aim bonus to xbox or a bit more hp, something but dont split us up.

  • @revanjstone it wpuldny be a split either way I imagine they'd default the option to off so people still cross play unless they change it but yes arena only I can kill most people on Controller but any good pc player that knows how to hop around and spin around I can't kill them unless I catch them off guard or at a distance from me

  • @pomalotacusmk3
    You can get a chatpad though. It would be hard to hotkey with it, but is it really that hard to select things with the selection wheel? I can't think of a time I died because of that...

  • @blazedrake100 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    You can get a chatpad though. It would be hard to hotkey with it, but is it really that hard to select things with the selection wheel? I can't think of a time I died because of that...

    If hotkeys dont make any difference, why do they exist?

  • Honestly this feature has been needed since day one. PC players have an absurd advantage over console. Players who want to keep that advantage will make any excuse they can to stop this from happening. The excuses are just a smoke screen for what they really want. To play on an unfair playing field and take advantage of those at a disadvantage. I'm glad Rare finally noticed that it was a problem. But that's why they have testers and listen to player feedback. They're always trying to improve in-game quality of life. To those of you looking to exploit an advantage, there is a reason why you need that advantage. All I can say is good luck out there facing even competition. Happy sailing everyone.

  • @hoosyl

    Player base???
    Its 5 to 6 ship in a server thats 24players

    I think the playerbase on pc i moor than 24 players

  • @squaz05 @Troubled-Cells @NatiRedGals
    The problem though is squaz05 I that the advantages the PC player has over the console no matter how small or big are still that advantages @NatiRedGals brings up valid points and things have been mentioned by numerous players, myself included. Now, simply not allowing cross opt because the PC player base may be affected, well isn't our(xbox communities)problem, nor should it be. I have been a CONSOLE owner since the sega, currently have a Xbox One X and I've never thought since owning a console, that geez I wish I can play with PC players, because well I own a console. Does that mean I'm not accepting to the idea, absolutely not, but if it can be done correctly. The problem is I feel that from that aspect Rare has failed the console player and community. I also feel that its taking them way too long to put out a solution to help bridge the field. -to be continued-

  • @a-double-deagle we don’t care. I’ll be glad when I can toggle crossplay off & never see another pc player again. Didn’t buy a Xbox to play with them anyways. Keyboard Xbox players can still play with y’all. You can join discord or whatever other platform you like to assist you in finding other pc players.

  • @bababooey said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @squaz05 @Troubled-Cells @NatiRedGals
    Now, simply not allowing cross opt because the PC player base may be affected, well isn't our(xbox communities)problem, nor should it be.

    "PC going to die, not my (console) problem"
    is not something RARE can say. PC players are a 30% stake in their revenue.

    It is in the best interest for Rare to either balance the game such a way that both PC and Consoles can compete on the same level or somehow increase the game's population SIGNIFICANTLY before spliting the already VERY low population relative to other games it competes with.

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @a-double-deagle we don’t care. I’ll be glad when I can toggle crossplay off & never see another pc player again. Didn’t buy a Xbox to play with them anyways. Keyboard Xbox players can still play with y’all. You can join discord or whatever other platform you like to assist you in finding other pc players.

    why is an K/M xbox player any different than a PC K/M player?

  • @squaz05 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @admiral-greyjoy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @a-double-deagle we don’t care. I’ll be glad when I can toggle crossplay off & never see another pc player again. Didn’t buy a Xbox to play with them anyways. Keyboard Xbox players can still play with y’all. You can join discord or whatever other platform you like to assist you in finding other pc players.

    why is an K/M xbox player any different than a PC K/M player?

    All you have to do is look on some videos of sot when a pc player play and a xbox player play. You will se the difrent if not chek your eyes everything flote better sword tryst time for a pc player is like 0s
    And the aming on it aswell i cant turn that muth during a swordtrust. My fiat dont go as fast as your ferrari

    Its all about the hardware...

  • @xxizgreenxx said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @squaz05 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @admiral-greyjoy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @a-double-deagle we don’t care. I’ll be glad when I can toggle crossplay off & never see another pc player again. Didn’t buy a Xbox to play with them anyways. Keyboard Xbox players can still play with y’all. You can join discord or whatever other platform you like to assist you in finding other pc players.

    why is an K/M xbox player any different than a PC K/M player?

    All you have to do is look on some videos of sot when a pc player play and a xbox player play. You will se the difrent if not chek your eyes everything flote better sword tryst time for a pc player is like 0s
    And the aming on it aswell i cant turn that muth during a swordtrust. My fiat dont go as fast as your ferrari

    Its all about the hardware...

    your xbox has better performance than my PC...

  • @lobane said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @squaz05 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @xxizgreenxx said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @squaz05 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @admiral-greyjoy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @a-double-deagle we don’t care. I’ll be glad when I can toggle crossplay off & never see another pc player again. Didn’t buy a Xbox to play with them anyways. Keyboard Xbox players can still play with y’all. You can join discord or whatever other platform you like to assist you in finding other pc players.

    why is an K/M xbox player any different than a PC K/M player?

    All you have to do is look on some videos of sot when a pc player play and a xbox player play. You will se the difrent if not chek your eyes everything flote better sword tryst time for a pc player is like 0s
    And the aming on it aswell i cant turn that muth during a swordtrust. My fiat dont go as fast as your ferrari

    Its all about the hardware...

    your xbox has better performance than my PC...

    Sorry to hear that. Perhaps there are other PC's out there that are more powerful? Perhaps that was what the comment was referring to?

    you have proven my point. Performances ranges everywhere PCs and Xbox and it's up to the user to spend money according to their budget and accept the quality it comes with.

    if you buy a potato PC, then you should put your
    resolution to 720 or 900p
    graphics settings to low
    to get 60FPS
    or 1080p at medium/high
    and accept 30FPS

    If you buy a prototype infinite power PC, then you can put your
    resolution to 4k
    graphics settings to ULTRA
    and get 144FPS+ constantly

    the same thing should be done with the xbox versions to get 60 FPS
    the Xbox1 standard 900p at medium
    the xbox1S at 1080p at high
    the xbox1X at 1080p at ULTRA
    (with the option for the user to change these at the cost of performance. like if the Xbox1X wants to play at 4k they can but they will have to drop to 30FPS in performance. OR if the Xbox Standard can go to 900p Ultra but drop to 30FPS in performance)

    This is how it has always been on the PC market. it's a balance between how much money you put into your rig vs performance and quality.

  • I mean is this cross play opt put even going to happen it feels like they are hoping people forget about it and they just don't do it or don't do it till the game gets bigger, if that's what they are waiting for then the game is going to never grow new players are leaving already because they think there are hackers all over this game all it is is pc or mouse and keyboard turning around instantly to shoot you and better frames. I'm already sing decline in activity from this game I run into the same people over and over in arena people on my friends list as well that says to me the games population is very low

  • @squaz05 frame rate 30 fps for xbox and 60 or more for pc mouse and keyboard on xbox is very choppy I'm a pc player but I tried m/k on xbox and I could tell the frames were trash when I was turning around on pc that isn't the case I can turn around smoothly.

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @squaz05 frame rate 30 fps for xbox and 60 or more for pc mouse and keyboard on xbox is very choppy I'm a pc player but I tried m/k on xbox and I could tell the frames were trash when I was turning around on pc that isn't the case I can turn around smoothly.

    what i'm saying is that you should lower the resolution and graphics to allow the framerate to increase to 60

    as for the input K/M not being smooth then the solution is not crossplay opt out, it's having Controller servers and K/M servers.

  • @squaz05 you can't lower it on xbox lol it's locked settings

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I mean is this cross play opt put even going to happen it feels like they are hoping people forget about it and they just don't do it or don't do it till the game gets bigger, if that's what they are waiting for then the game is going to never grow new players are leaving already because they think there are hackers all over this game all it is is pc or mouse and keyboard turning around instantly to shoot you and better frames. I'm already sing decline in activity from this game I run into the same people over and over in arena people on my friends list as well that says to me the games population is very low

    so how is splitting a low population in 2 separate halfs going to help --- think about it you are saying you keep seeing the same people now take half those players away (thanos) and see how long load times are and then see how many people leave because of said extended load times and see how many people leave because of low pop.

    splitting the pop in half will only make the population decline even faster

    your post is contradicting in itself roflmao its funny you said I see a decline in pop and see the same people but when are they going to split the community in half hahahahhahahaha

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @squaz05 you can't lower it on xbox lol it's locked settings

    its' locked by RARE, they can UNLOCK IT (GASP!!!)

  • @squaz05 they locked it because xbox hardware is terrible that's all these bricks of junk can handle is 30 fps lol I mean let's be real here they cost 300 dollars my pc cost me 1500 it's going to be obvious that xbox hardware is at best a low end pc

  • @algaram I know I'm saying split it because it is definitely driving away new players I have talked to new people in games and they said they hate the game after realizing the don't stand a chance to someone on mouse and keyboard.

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @algaram I know I'm saying split it because it is definitely driving away new players I have talked to new people in games and they said they hate the game after realizing the don't stand a chance to someone on mouse and keyboard.

    If you split it there would be an increase of console users that would come back to the game some wouldn't even opt out but at least they'd have no excuse as to advantages and disadvantages the pc pop is obviously lower than the xbox pop they could easily drive up the population of xbox and make up the difference of any pc players that leave

  • @algaram said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I mean is this cross play opt put even going to happen it feels like they are hoping people forget about it and they just don't do it or don't do it till the game gets bigger, if that's what they are waiting for then the game is going to never grow new players are leaving already because they think there are hackers all over this game all it is is pc or mouse and keyboard turning around instantly to shoot you and better frames. I'm already sing decline in activity from this game I run into the same people over and over in arena people on my friends list as well that says to me the games population is very low

    so how is splitting a low population in 2 separate halfs going to help --- think about it you are saying you keep seeing the same people now take half those players away (thanos) and see how long load times are and then see how many people leave because of said extended load times and see how many people leave because of low pop.

    splitting the pop in half will only make the population decline even faster

    your post is contradicting in itself roflmao its funny you said I see a decline in pop and see the same people but when are they going to split the community in half hahahahhahahaha

    opt out crossplay kills about 70% of the population for a PC player. and there is no way this PC player can do anything to improve this situation. so we are left on dead servers, the merged servers will have pings of 300+ and the arena queue times will be 30+ minutes

    split by controller will probably also kill the population for a PC player significantly, however I have the choice to plug in a controller to my PC and join the Xbox population and have full servers with reasonable pings and less than 5 minutes queue times.

    controller split

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @squaz05 they locked it because xbox hardware is terrible that's all these bricks of junk can handle is 30 fps lol I mean let's be real here they cost 300 dollars my pc cost me 1500 it's going to be obvious that xbox hardware is at best a low end pc

    then play on low graphics at 720p as Potato PC users do. We do it... why shouldn't you also be able to?

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @algaram I know I'm saying split it because it is definitely driving away new players I have talked to new people in games and they said they hate the game after realizing the don't stand a chance to someone on mouse and keyboard.

    If you split it there would be an increase of console users that would come back to the game some wouldn't even opt out but at least they'd have no excuse as to advantages and disadvantages the pc pop is obviously lower than the xbox pop they could easily drive up the population of xbox and make up the difference of any pc players that leave

    so as a PC player
    with decreased PC playerbase which is already 30% of the total (it's ok Xbox increase makes up for it)
    how can i play on full servers with pings under 100? or should i just go buy an xbox?

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