Let's know the SoT playerbase

  • I posted the poll above in many communities. Let's know the playerbase!

    I'll show the results on day 31/Jan


    If the preview won't work, use this link

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  • This is a really good idea. The only thing I would have changed is adding some complexity on the last question. I play all three at different times depending on my mood. If I am playing for a short time or if I just want the solo experience then solo-closed crew, but if I am in for a good session then I play open crew. I'll play closed-crew also when I want to hand-pick my crew, so I really play all of the above depending on the experience I want.

  • @garbhchu disse em Let's know the SoT playerbase:

    This is a really good idea. The only thing I would have changed is adding some complexity on the last question. I play all three at different times depending on my mood. If I am playing for a short time or if I just want the solo experience then solo-closed crew, but if I am in for a good session then I play open crew. I'll play closed-crew also when I want to hand-pick my crew, so I really play all of the above depending on the experience I want.

    I used the "most" to separate, but your point is to think. And I do not know what the last question is, I left them random.

  • Yarr! You have my votes captain!

  • @biostructr disse em Let's know the SoT playerbase:

    Yarr! You have my votes captain!

    Thanks mate!
    Hope this poll solve many community problems!

  • Rare needs to be conducting broader efforts to gather appropriate feedback. There are supposed be somewhere in a 200K player base. Considering typical responses to any given post and individual trends in posting behavior, such informal polls while entertaining, will not result in a mathematical result accurately portraying the true pulse of the community at large.

  • this is a pointless survey as it allows you to enter unlimited submissions. this will have 0 credibility.

  • @x-crowheart-x I understand your point, but it's better to discuss having a statistic, even small, than having none.

  • @enticed-malice disse em Let's know the SoT playerbase:

    this is a pointless survey as it allows you to enter unlimited submissions. this will have 0 credibility.

    I had the option to be logged in to respond, but that would take many people away. Any better suggestions?

  • oh man cant wait to see the results
    Cross-Play- i have to disagree because servers would be empty for pc and xbox servers would be boring cus no competition

    i usely play with friend or looking for group
    play on xbox with my toes

    i have no opinion on story mode because their is the bilge rat stuff
    always on a galleon
    i like playing sea of thieves so both pve and pvp
    im over 21

    And private servers is ridiculous thats a HARD disagree based on the fact people could level up without challenge
    im a pl 10 with 9million sailed

  • yea you can use something like https://www.strawpoll.me/ as its free and provides duplicate checks and prevents people from submitting a ton of submissions. people will boost the one you made to voice their agenda.

  • @targasbr this poll is bugged i was able to vote twice

  • @enticed-malice disse em Let's know the SoT playerbase:

    yea you can use something like https://www.strawpoll.me/ as its free and provides duplicate checks and prevents people from submitting a ton of submissions. people will boost the one you made to voice their agenda.

    I didn't know that one. I'll leave this as it is for now, when the results come out I create using this one that passed me. From there we compare the results.

    I was going to create one (PHP), but I was lazy.

  • @ajm123 disse em Let's know the SoT playerbase:

    @targasbr this poll is bugged i was able to vote twice

    I changed. Now they can vote only with login... Maybe this solve, but we will have less participation.

  • @targasbr In the attempt to stop duplicate threads, I know you and others have been working to stop them. I figured I would drop these in here as I know your not a fan of them either.

    We already have had 2 threads in the past couple of week with polls attached to garner community feedback about the game.

    The first is from the pirate council which consists of the biggest fleets and alliances grouped together on the SoT. This one has already had over 1000 replies:


    I’ll find the other one for you shortly.

    And here is the second one:


    Remember the search bar before making new threads so we don’t clog up the forums. :)

  • @knifelife One of these is generic, another is about new content. Mine asks about console/pc, pve/pvp and other stuff.

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