There should be a way to kick or owner of ship can lock in brig on sloop

  • hello here the other day i played the sloop fun and all, than when my ship full of loot was being chased fair play they wanted the loot, then some random player joined my crew on the sloop and i was okey with that but when i jumped of and boarded the other ship i saw that he on purpose drove teh sloop into a rock grabbed 10 canonballs 5 planks and 5 bananas and said f*** you or **** you in chat and left the game leaving my boat to sink because of the holes he had put into it.
    i know he did it on purpose because of the way he drove the ship, it was heading past a few rocks and an island on course to nothing open sea all around and he decided to do a hard right into an island :) so what i want to happend is that the owner of a ship like the first to join has the right to kick the other player on the boat or lock him in the brig since there for some reason is a brig on the sloop ( wasted space if you ask me, since you cant use it atm) cause im tired of people being able to just server jump and grief for their own fun and its kinda ruining the game for alot of people i had 8 of my friends quit because of shortage of content which was true back a while back but the griefers is what pushed them over the line, that prevents them from coming back to this day.

    so please Devs give us a way to counter the griefing even on the 2 man ship but we also want a way to kick of the galleon and the brigatine cause griefing is just as big of an issue there its just easier to deal with if you are a 3 man group or a 2 man group on the brigatine, but locking people in the brig isnt always the solution i know loads of people ive locked in have just gone AFK with a coin in their keyboard or so for AFK walking so that they wont get kicked and stay there for hours going to sleep or so...

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  • @formlesslotus13 said in There should be a way to kick or owner of ship can lock in brig on sloop:

    so please Devs give us a way to counter the griefing

    They did; it's called a closed crew - use it with friends or an LFG/Discord invite, and the problem practically becomes nonexistent. ✌😉

  • @galactic-geek and that my friend is the dumbest reply ever :) there should be ways to play the sloop without having to solo or go through a discord and look for non rarted apperantly the word i wanted to use was banned from this forum players...

  • @formlesslotus13

    Welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing your first post with us.

    Hopefully one day we will be able to be captain of our own ships. Crews can still vote, but captain has veto power. You launch it, you own it.

    I also advocate making bad crew members walk the plank:

    Happy sailing and may the wind always favor you!

  • @x-crowheart-x played the game pretty casually since late november managed to get myself to 45 on Merchant and Gold hoarders and 49 on order of souls takes years when you encounter a griefer every 5th game, walking the plank banishing them from the ship or forcing them to walk to plank with no mermaid to get back to the boat would also be a nice thing. thats why im submitting this, i shouldnt have to go to a 3rd party thing like discord to find proper non griefing players... like the person replying above you.

  • just noticed i wrote more in this post than i did on my last 2 exams combined damn

  • @formlesslotus13 the ship has no "owner". It belongs to the crew. It does not matter who did the first steps on it.

  • Hi there @FormlessLotus13

    I can understand your grievance, it's never fun to have your game ruined by forces completely out of your controll.
    While there's no way of having a brigging system on a sloop without the possiblity of griefing there is a report function on this site and on x-box that you can use.

    Toxic behaviour and in crew griefing is punishable by both SoT's ToS and the MS ToS. So I'd say report them and make the best of what you can in that session. Try to sell your stuff and try again.

    As others have pointed out, finding a discord or an X-Box group is a good start to finding like minded people to play with. Discord is especially handy for this and can be used on any device (old laptop, smartphone or tablet is best when you play on x-box since this way you can also use the voice chat making it hard for others to overhear your planning).

    I hope this helps you and hang in there, trolls won't stick with the game, the nicer players will.

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