Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed

  • Playing right now is simply just a waste of time.

    Dev team, please hurry. I'll be anxious to return once the macro issue has been resolved.


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  • Care to elaborate on what specific issue you are having with the game and what you can suggest they do to fix it? a post saying "screw this I'm out until x is fixed" is not the best way to have something resolved in the long term.

  • @drayman86 I’m not sure why you’re upset, but I’m going to agree with you.

  • @th3xr34p3r Assuming the infamous sniper to pistol combo.

  • @el-dth-taco That's already getting a in game fix to help mitigate it as much as possible, just need to wait and see how they sort it.

  • @th3xr34p3r said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    Care to elaborate on what specific issue you are having with the game and what you can suggest they do to fix it? a post saying "screw this I'm out until x is fixed" is not the best way to have something resolved in the long term.

    almost positive its the double gun .. I have found a effective way to counter it but there are the cases like what just happened to me which will also make me quit until they fix it (10 mill sailed and I love PvP ) two guys board you you have no treasure and they jsut keep you dead with essentially what is now 4 guns shooting at you everytime you spawn FORCING YOU to now scuttle your ship .. just because you are trash at the game doesn't mean jump on and grief ppl , maybe practice a sword fight. I don't play with anyone I use to as they all want to be like that one toxic person everyone knows about and one shot everyone no matter how new to the game/friendly/no loot. It's literally a boredom thing though. it's the same people complaining the game had no content that are now on double gunning ppl for fun to watch them get mad because they cant accept that some people are playign the game and having fun. and Even though joe neat confirmed they will fix it and its not intended to work the way it currently is , EVERYONE defends themselves when they use it calling the other player bad at the game and rude names , all while using an exploit that was never intended to work that way (yes i will repeat that over and over )

  • @drayman86 I’ve had to do the same, as well as my new crew.
    But we are also eagerly awaiting untill the issue is sorted.
    We all love the game but are just struggling with the balance at the moment.

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @th3xr34p3r said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    Care to elaborate on what specific issue you are having with the game and what you can suggest they do to fix it? a post saying "screw this I'm out until x is fixed" is not the best way to have something resolved in the long term.

    almost positive its the double gun .. I have found a effective way to counter it but there are the cases like what just happened to me which will also make me quit until they fix it (10 mill sailed and I love PvP ) two guys board you you have no treasure and they jsut keep you dead with essentially what is now 4 guns shooting at you everytime you spawn FORCING YOU to now scuttle your ship .. just because you are trash at the game doesn't mean jump on and grief ppl , maybe practice a sword fight. I don't play with anyone I use to as they all want to be like that one toxic person everyone knows about and one shot everyone no matter how new to the game/friendly/no loot. It's literally a boredom thing though. it's the same people complaining the game had no content that are now on double gunning ppl for fun to watch them get mad because they cant accept that some people are playign the game and having fun. and Even though joe neat confirmed they will fix it and its not intended to work the way it currently is , EVERYONE defends themselves when they use it calling the other player bad at the game and rude names , all while using an exploit that was never intended to work that way (yes i will repeat that over and over )

    Ironic thing is, yesterday morning we had a brig that kept coming back for a fight with the fleet I am in since I had to cover one of our sloops against it and we just kept using one gun and a sword on them killing and sinking them a total of 6 times in the span of an hour they also use the general double gun against other players and were toxic as hell.

  • @th3xr34p3r yes yesterday I decided to play on a brig with two brand new players . and it the 4 hrs we played we had another brig of double gunners try to torture us the whole time. I was able to have the two noobs run the ship away while i boarded them, knocked them off and sailed circles around them telling them this is not the way the game is intended to be played .. I made them scuttle a total of 3 times as they kept comign back .. funny thing is I explained via a msg and in game that I was just trying to teach new players the ropes andthey are making them want to quit . if they want to battle come with a sword a gun and or a ship fight dont just board and double gun them to death over and over .or i will keep boarding and killing his ship . yet he (the one i msgd) proceeded to tell me over mic "you only killed me once" and proceeded to chase attempt to board adn double gun the whole day then he msgd me once we got off and said he was headed back to watch that toxic person .. like I said I know how to deal with it but sometimes they do get the upper hand (like tonight) and it is quite annoying when they do ,, as dedicated players we should not have to deal with that sort of greifing

  • @th3xr34p3r said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @el-dth-taco That's already getting a in game fix to help mitigate it as much as possible, just need to wait and see how they sort it.


  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d What really needs to be done is to separate PvP Player damage numbers of weapons from the PvE side, this will help better tune the rates for each type of encounter instead of having a single state for them.

    This way you can have the 80% damage dealt to mobs and adjust as needed for the rate against players.

  • @th3xr34p3r said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @p0pc0rnh3mer01d What really needs to be done is to separate PvP Player damage numbers of weapons from the PvE side, this will help better tune the rates for each type of encounter instead of having a single state for them.

    This way you can have the 80% damage dealt to mobs and adjust as needed for the rate against players.

    Thats a good thought, but they really need to just give skeletons their own weapon set or some sort of bone ammo version of the weapons atleast, and change the ai in general to be more effective at giving players the feeling of being overwhelmed and outnumbered without having a firing squad of aimbot skeletons. Have skeletons form into groups as they fire volleys, so that rather than all snap to the player to aim, they all fire in a barrage with only one middle skeleton in the group tracking the player (with some sort of “imperfect” aiming solution) so that the shots all have trajectories parallel to each other in the same direction, rather than all converging on the one aimbotted target point. These are the types of changes i want to see and any new ai to have unique properties and actions beyond a gimmicky retheme.

    The ai needs some serious improvements across the board, its like they taught the things to see you and chase you and then copy and pasted aimbot guns on them and called it a day rather than make anything with unique ai abilities or actions.

    We need the cursed shadow skeletons to have shadow abilities and gold ones to have extravagant melee weapons with special attacks for certain versions, we need the plant skeletons to be able to root themselves to heal and be able to catch players in root traps.

    These are all ideas that come to mind when putting in only a few moments thought, why does the ai in this triple A game seem like it had less thought put into this than i did? Surely keeping immersion is a factor but if we have cursed cannoballs and can shoot ourselves out of cannons idk why anything i just mentioned couldnt be atleast considered or added and just changed to fit the game better rather than seem like magic. What magic animates the skeletons though??

    They clearly just didnt finish the game.

  • @th3xr34p3r said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @p0pc0rnh3mer01d What really needs to be done is to separate PvP Player damage numbers of weapons from the PvE side, this will help better tune the rates for each type of encounter instead of having a single state for them.

    This way you can have the 80% damage dealt to mobs and adjust as needed for the rate against players.

    but currently sniper does not do 80% damage to a skelly sometimes skelly will take 3 sniper shots to go down

  • Got double gunned the other day, not a very pleasant experience I can assure you.

  • @sgt-palooggoo I know you are angry and I know the stance Rare has on Macros. Since this is a cross-play platform I myself do not believe macros should be allowed in a combat setting. They said they will change double guns.

    Are you sure its a macro thats kill you? I've run into a huge influx of newer players and they are ALL using double guns because of Summit. I don't get killed by the 2 pop from 1 character. I die to the 8 bullets I have to dodge on a galleon from 4 people having 2 shots each.

    Also a lot of PC players don't even bother with the macro that you are talking about. We don't need a macros. You press a button to switch weapons and you shoot. Consoles can do it too.

    Again I'm not disagreeing that macros shouldn't be allowed nor am I disagreeing about double guns. All I'm saying is that everyone is double gunning right now. Especially new console players, so its not just PC.

  • @xultanis-dragon agreed. A lot of double gunners I come across aren't macroing.

    I don't even mind if they're switching and shooting and it's 8 shots to dodge. That's fine.

    If they're good at switching fast and hitting two shots in rapid succession that can be difficult to counter and I'm glad that Rare are looking into it.

    I'm not so bothered by it that I'd quit the game. It'll be fixed soon. I'm using this time to train myself better how to avoid boarders. A bit of practice never hurt anyone. Usually I'd enjoy a bit of CQC combat but these days I avoid it until I know I'm fighting people who play fair. I still find only about 1/2 the ships I come across have double gunners, which is still too many, but my experience has been that not everyone is doing this. Depends on the server though, I reckon.

  • Ahoy, there is no doubt that this macro system is a problem, and the fact that so many players complain about this worry proves that there is something to correct ... To be honest I do not see how RARE could remove this technique. I do not think that removing the 2 firearms is a good idea, this choice is possible from the beginning, could it be enough to change the time of change of weapon ... As I read a lot on the forums , players using macros are not real players, but seriously, do you think that this type of player is asking this question ?? hahaha absolutely not!
    MY defense against this type of player is ONLY to kill them with my remote boat !! my only goal is to sink their ship and it's really funny! Because strangely, this type of player is very bad in boat fight hahahah! Yes the macros will not be a great help to repair, or to bail, or to recharge your guns!

    In my opinion, the ONLY solution to solving this problem would be to put the optional crossplateform. So yes I anticipate the answers "no it will divide the community blablablabla" but, in thinking, is not it better to divide a community in two or see a part stop playing our favorite game? that is the question :)

    See you soon friends, and do not forget, against the macros, your solution is the naval combat, and finally that's what we like !! :)

  • I don't think anyone knows what a macro is. It doesn't take many button combinations to switch weapons (mouse wheel up or down). A macro would be like pressing all the buttons to grab from a barrel instantly or rowboating perfectly.
    And also you cant expect to win melee vs guns even if they turn the weapon switch delay to 1 or 2 seconds. Most people cant win with a sword vs guns as long as the guy with guns hits his shots.

  • @lapinnoux

    Firstly- you can do this on xbox, it's not as easy as on PC, but it can be done without difficulty. It doesn't require a macro, just fast button presses (which is basically what a macro is)

    Secondly - If you end crossplay, you kill the game on PC. PC is a tiny portion of the user base. Over represented on here but tiny in reality. So tiny that there's no way that the problems of the majority of users could be caused by such a small minority. If PC players were only able to play with PC players every server for us would be a ghost town.

    Rare aren't going to kill the game on one of the only two platforms it released on, no matter how often you request it.

  • @boxcar-squidy Firstly, I have no problem with this type of players using macros, because as mentioned above, their boat sinks regularly before they approach ours (I touch wood so that continues so ^^)
    And NO, macros are not achievable on a joystick, or so explain me via a tutorial YT how to install a script that makes that by pressing a key I change weapon and shoot in stride (or then you have the ELITE V.125 hahaha)? Or tell me how to light with the lamp and hit with the sword with ONE button? I am curious to know ... (this is only an example of course!)

    And second, I'm for the crossplateform (because it's the future of video games), I'm just saying that making it "optional" would be a HUGE option for a lot of players (I did not invent anything, I read comments)
    And not PC players have the choice to play with the console players (if the console players want them ^^) and if it is not the case, there is indeed a problem with the cross platform ... )
    And then finally console players who pay a subscription would have the right to "choose" no?

    To end this endless discussion, the game suits me perfectly and I love it, that's why I'm PL10 and I enjoy myself almost by doing the PVP to prepare for the ARENE and find solutions against the players using this system of macro) I did not wait RARE to be able to defend me. I think a regular player knows how to adapt!

    To please everyone is impossible! listen to everyone either ...

  • @th3xr34p3r , I would (1) suggest you avail yourself of the Dev update from 1-7-16, where Joe Neate covers this topic.

    Would also suggest that (2) you, the Devs, and the rest of the community just STOP DENYING THAT MACROS ARE RUINING THE GAME.

    Golly, I hate feckless cheerleaders.....

  • @drayman86 "Golly, I hate feckless cheerleaders....." hahaha

  • @boxcar-squidy
    You know full well that no one is asking for the end of crossplay, & never have.
    We just want the option to opt in or out as desired, you know, having a choice rather than having it forced upon us!

  • @lapinnoux fair enough. For some reason I read your original post as "end crossplay"

    Just re-read it there and it says optional. So either there's been a sneaky edit or I'm too tired for conversation. Optional crossplay is a more complicated argument and I'm neither for nor against it.

    As far as being able to do this on a controller. You can. There are multiple ways, some more nefarious than others but I'm not going to go into the details here. On a basic level it involves pressing buttons really fast and no-scoping. There are also controllers that you can get that have these sorts of features built in (as there have been for consoles since at least the 1980s)

    I know it's easier to pretend that you have some sort of moral high ground but nothing ever get fixed until you acknowledge the problems on your own side (xbox players) as well as point out the issues with the other side (PC players)

  • While I get what you're saying it's more a case of fix the dual gunning then it is a case of macos.

    While macros can help achieve a perfect double shot it doesn't subtract from the fact that equipping 2 guns can make a combat lopsided and people are forced to go with the meta or die before you can say banana.

    I grew up playing Warhammer and this type of play brings up a term in me we used for people like this who double gun: Beardy
    Being Beardy says you'll do anything to win and will just make combinations that might give you a victory but is incredibly exploitative, using the rules in a way they were not meant to be used.

    It's not so much the fact that people CAN do it it's that since it was popularised by Sunmit a lot more people do it and it's for a lack of a better word, beardy.

  • @sort-out-xplay see above

  • I think this summit guy that everyone keeps talking about should have his account banned.
    It's one thing to find an exploit and report it but to share it with the whole community and brag about it surely goes against Rares ethos?

  • Thanks for the message. I am glad to hear that. I think everyone else in the forum will find your message similarly significant.

  • I understand completely. Running into guys like Pace and Summit make the game completely UN-enjoyable. I've been playing SoT for a LONG time and do a lot of PvP. I'm still trying to decide if I'm just jealous that I'm not doing the EoR/FlintLock double taps, or just mad that so many are. I refuse to use that technique. I'd rather give my opponents an actual fighting chance (As well as myself).

    Hopefully a patch will drop soon to help combat this issue. Hope to see you all on the Seas!

  • I'm not sure why you think making this thread will change anything? They already have your money, what do they gain or lose by drayman86 refusing to play the game because he dies to some scrub using double guns?

  • @drayman86 said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @th3xr34p3r , I would (1) suggest you avail yourself of the Dev update from 1-7-16, where Joe Neate covers this topic.

    Would also suggest that (2) you, the Devs, and the rest of the community just STOP DENYING THAT MACROS ARE RUINING THE GAME.

    Golly, I hate feckless cheerleaders.....

    I already known about it, I just wanted to confirm what one you were specifically referring to since people are not mind readers after all so ease up on the attitude mate.

  • @mcplunderballs said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    I understand completely. Running into guys like Pace and Summit make the game completely UN-enjoyable. I've been playing SoT for a LONG time and do a lot of PvP. I'm still trying to decide if I'm just jealous that I'm not doing the EoR/FlintLock double taps, or just mad that so many are. I refuse to use that technique. I'd rather give my opponents an actual fighting chance (As well as myself).

    Hopefully a patch will drop soon to help combat this issue. Hope to see you all on the Seas!

    The only time I personally use double guns is when I am defending the ship from boarders in the first place, don't even use macros for it since its just using the mouse wheel to swap between the guns as is anyways. Blunder and Sword is go to for when I am boarding anyways.

  • @drayman86 I agree with others that the issue doesn't require a macro (though some are definitely using one). I usually run sword/pistol (occasionally sword/sniper), and only double gun when attacking the Kraken. But, I've illustrated the technique on my stream and I can use my mouse scroll wheel to quickly switch and fire at the beginning of the animation. The ability to fire before the swap animation is complete is the problem - in addition to the accuracy of the sniper fired from the hip. It should fire like one of the shots from a blunderbus... randomly in toward the general direction of the target, but not accurate. They also, in my opinion, need to slow down the reload speed of the sniper... right now it's almost indistinguishable from the reload speed of the pistol.

  • @boxcar-squidy I think that indeed, if you believe that there was a montage, you are indeed tired ^^ (or tortured).
    In addition to being a "complicated" argument, crossplay is above all marketing. So I take a stand by saying that crossplay is something extraordinary but that finally the comfort as well as the innovation of this process is the choice.

    You quote that there are controllers (or other since the 80s but on my nintendo I had only the buttons A and B so indeed be fast it was easier hahah), I insist that if you have to buy a special controller to adapt to the advantages on the computer I honestly think there is a HUGE worry somewhere?!?

    There is no moral superiority on my part unless you feel mentally weak but if so, the choice of the crossplateform to counter the macros will not heal you ^^

    I'm not looking for a solution where there is no problem, I wrote above that to defend against macro, I see only the option to choose! If for you in 2019 you think that choosing is not a right, we do not have the same vision of things, but this is not the site to discuss.

    Nothing will ever be solved as long as people like you approve this kind of practice by saying that the players on my side (XBOX players) only have to buy props, see "harmful" to compete against players of the world. other side (PC players).

    this discussion goes around in circles to bite his tail ^^

  • I understand the frustration from the OP, but I disagree that on the stance of not playing until it is fixed. Using a macro to complete a fire/switch weapon/fire in a few milliseconds is definitely an issue, and one that Rare wants to resolve. However, as many here have made solid observations on the number of (new) people using two guns has increased due to popularity of a certain streamer. While this can be frustrating, it is not a game breaker for me as most are not exploiting the system that allows them to take 2 shots simultaneously. Because they are using 2 guns, I still have a chance to make them miss by staying mobile, and then abusing them while they try to reload. I have also found that most of these new players are not very good at sailing their boats and therefore, are not terribly difficult to outmaneuver and sink.

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