Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2

  • @dreamskeeper911 it's a permanent commendation, so it doesn't matter when you find it and there were enough doubloons without it to buy everything. Just like most players have yet to find the box of wondrous secrets even though it's been in the game for 3 months. It makes it so much more special when you find one and you'll be a lucky MF to your friends for having found one. I do belive it likely is bugged in terms of spawn rate, but because of the above reasons I'm not sweating it. It'll happen when it happens and it will be sweet AF. Only issue is that you need so many as a Pirate Legend LOL.

  • Can we please stop excluding changes from the patch notes?

  • Oh no :(
    My partner never picked up her gilded voyage. She was nervous about buying it before she was going to use it... the past few weeks ended up being a little crazy, and she was planning on grabbing it this week.
    I kept my eye out and never saw any announcement about when that was going to end (did I miss something?).

    I could have sworn I even saw a twitter reply to people asking about it, and they said there was no planned date yet, but to keep their eyes out (maybe I'm wrong though).
    I just feel badly that she's not going to get a voyage now. She even wanted to do it a few days ago, but I wasn't in the mood... So, I feel like it's my fault now. :(

    Ah well... I'll give her a few castaway chests instead.

  • I'm crossing my fingers that Rare is going to fix the key bindings issue for PC in the next patch (default keys like Q,E,X,F,R, etc are unchangable).

    Being stuck using the mouse to store and grab resources, exiting menus and accessing additonal radials accessible only by the F key is very frustrating and really slows time critical situations.

  • @walperr Did they use to be remappable or something? I would think by now you would have gotten use to them if they are not.

  • @xcalypt0x No idea if they were or not, but if they aren't they should be. When you make those keys remappable for other functions, but all of the mappings don't change you can create a lot of instances where you destroy functionality at best and cause client crashes as a worst case.

    Not every function needs to be separately remappable, but if you are binding some functions together on a single key/button then that function should be accessed through the new key when you change it.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:

    @walperr Did they use to be remappable or something? I would think by now you would have gotten use to them if they are not.

    They were never mappable and were introduced when Rare brought in the new inventory and menu systems. They are apparently hard coded into the menus and don't reflect custom key bindings. For example, the F key is (IIRC) the primary interact key, but for the radials and menus, it doesn't change.

    There's no way for me to get used to the key bindings, because I don't use the WASD default layout that is common in most games and the afore mentioned keys are on the other side of the keyboard for me.

  • @walperr @D3ADST1CK Oh so you can remap it so that interacting with the sail or something isn't F but then inside of the barrel interface it doesn't change?

    That's stupid lol.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:

    @walperr @D3ADST1CK Oh so you can remap it so that interacting with the sail or something isn't F but then inside of the barrel interface it doesn't change?

    That's stupid lol.

    I assume the same issue occurs on consoles also but on PC it is worse, because there are keys that are not part of any configuration and not easily accessible without moving your hands across the keyboard.

    The NPC dialogs all use the Enter/Return key for selection instead of F (I can't remember if X works here, but you can press Esc on most screens to back out). Any kind of tabbed interface uses a combination of Q/E (which makes sense) or Page Up/Down (why?). I assume that if you remap the item and map keys (Q/E) that they will remain as the default keys on these screens also.

    You can not navigate any of the barrel UI or dialog screens using your movement keys; you have to use your mouse or the arrow keys. I prefer to not have to use my mouse for menus and dialogs if not necessary since it tends to cause problems with the next opening of a barrel as the hover functionality will occasionally cause me to access the wrong side of the barrel, or bring up the app bar.

    The interface needs a lot of work to resolve these issues.

  • @xcalypt0x Yeah, exactly. Not just F, but other keys as well, like Q, E, X, R, etc.

    Makes for massive slowdown in gameplay, since I have to rely on using my mouse for resource grabbing, storing, closing barrel menus, hunting for F to switch to additional radials, etc.

    Combine that with mouse movements triggering window borders popping up onscreen and making an accidental minimizing or even complete closing the game window possible, it's a hassle to say the least.

  • @d3adst1ck yeah I have that mouse issue with the barrels from time to time and I exclusively use QEF to take and put things. It's a really annoying bug.

    I never remap keys anymore because I've noticed in other games after I remap them the HUD/UI usually still has the original key (like when you look at a hole to put a plank it shows left mouse click) and if I don't play for a long time it throws me off.

  • @pdt-mindstream

    Yes! Its all YOUR fault! I hope you feel guilty. ;-)

  • @surveyorpete said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:


    Yes! Its all YOUR fault! I hope you feel guilty. ;-)

    Hehe, I do! :( (I mean, it's totally her own fault, but still...)
    The way things have been for us IRL, it just sucks to have a silly thing like this now also go against us - you know how it is!

    Honestly, this just did not feel like proper protocol at all. They usually let us know things are ending before they end it. I'm surprised.

    I'll just try and find some others that haven't run their gilded voyages yet and hook them up with my partner, to try and make up for it.
    She handles lots of other things - my job is to handle these things, lol.

  • @jonaldinho said:

    I personally have no problem with [the Shrouded Ghost and Wondrous Box of Secrets] being incredibly rare spawns. Who cares if you don't ever get that one commendation? It makes it more special when someone does get it.

    I agree entirely. As they are, these are truly "legendary" encounters, that are whispered about in hushed tones, and awe. Every trip, one sails in hope of encountering these, but I never have done. I have a friend that constantly whistles and plays Merrick's tune on a drum, in a faint hope of summoning the Shrouded Ghost meg. I love that there are unproven theories and superstitions about how to find or summon the creature.

    I would hate to think that Rare would weaken to the pleas of the impatient, and make these encounters something you might be almost guaranteed to encounter in a week of sailing, or a month or two – or even six. Keep them rare, Rare! Keep them the stuff of myth, superstition, and legend. Keep them special!

  • Seriously though: Yesterday, I check twitter to see if the event is ending, I see this and other tweets saying this:

    There was no announcement and the community was hit with surprise server shutdown warnings and a maintenance announcement.

    I'm wondering if this was a surprise due to wanting to stop some sort of exploit people were doing for gilded voyages or if they just messed up protocol and scheduling due to only just coming back from the holiday break.

    This is just poor form. I'm not going to start a war over it, but I had to look back and make sure I saw what I thought I saw.
    Yeah... SoT... you did it wrong today. Still love ya.

  • Gaming inputs is an annoying brain bug I've noticed across most games. I've tossed games the instant I've seen they have a bad (or none) custom keyboard/mouse inputs, since I'm not interested in conforming to other people's layouts.

    And it's such a trivial issue that could be easily resolved too. Assigning dynamic values to user input settings isn't rocket science.

    Back when I programmed simplistic games, I considered it common sense for gaming that essentially every input should be customizable, with very rare exceptions like the ESC key.

    I never play consoles anymore, but I was impressed with how versatile controllers were with limited buttons and it always bewilders me that PC gaming hasn't adopted aspects of it.

    A single key binding can easily have four different functions: tap, double tap, press & hold, double tap & hold.

    And toggling options should be standard as well. Nothing is more annoying than one game where scoping/crouch/whatever is a toggle and in another you have to hold down your key/mouse button.

    Some games have introduced very limited things like toggle options and maybe double tapping your forward key for running instead of walking, but for the most part, the interface in most games is horribly under utilized and poorly managed.

  • @blondagles you forgot the bell on the sloop is lower now

  • I missed 3 Wailing Barnacles skins for my ship :(

    I thought it was here until the next event.

  • There's a new visual bug on the "No" quickchat option while holding certain items...

  • @walperr said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:

    I'm crossing my fingers that Rare is going to fix the key bindings issue for PC in the next patch (default keys like Q,E,X,F,R, etc are unchangable).

    Being stuck using the mouse to store and grab resources, exiting menus and accessing additonal radials accessible only by the F key is very frustrating and really slows time critical situations.

    Good, Finally some balancing elements.

  • You guys owe me a kraken kill!

  • So i was on an bounty hunt On Flintlock Peninsula with 3 gems and a bunch of stock on board , i enter the Island to start the slaughter, i get killed and spawn 5/6 blocks away from Flintlock with ofcourse a fresh empty boat. THANKS!
    Can I get some answers on why you teleport randomly and lose all your sht ?! thanks in advance.

  • New year seems to be same old issues.

    Skellie ships sailing under the influence crashing into island and forts.
    Random skellie ships “roaming” about but suddenly despwan once you approach.

    Barrels still sinking..seriously

  • @blondagles is the fog still around and the increased encounters with the sharks and kraken active or is all that gone now that shrouded spoils is over?

  • @sprungnickel427 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:

    @walperr said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:

    I'm crossing my fingers that Rare is going to fix the key bindings issue for PC in the next patch (default keys like Q,E,X,F,R, etc are unchangable).

    Being stuck using the mouse to store and grab resources, exiting menus and accessing additonal radials accessible only by the F key is very frustrating and really slows time critical situations.

    Good, Finally some balancing elements.

    lol console player tears make the SoT oceans seem like fresh water lakes.

  • @blondagles The seas are full of emersion, it is said that after days at sea pirates tend to hallucinate and see miraculous visions.

  • At least you fixed the migration chest thing, I have lost a few good chests to that one. Super painful to lose a chest to a sever change.

  • Nice changes

  • @walperr said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:

    lol console player tears make the SoT oceans seem like fresh water lakes.

    BAHAHAHAHA omg this is quality.

  • Has anyone else had more frequent issues with volcanoes? My friends and I are getting sniped constantly by flaming rocks whenever we get close to a volcano. We're also having unusually consistent bad luck with drops and enemy spawns.

  • @ap0llox Yes!! I noticed this a few days ago. As a test I anchored at the roaring seapost relatively near a volcano and noticed majority of rocks blasted out and flew in my direction as opposed to a random 360 spread and I counted atleast 11 rocks (big and small) struck my ship.

    I am convinced the rocks are attracted to nearby ships which I think isnt right.

  • @ap0llox The Devs scaled back the volcano, way too much, and they said they were going to tune them back the other way. I did a DR athena the other day and I felt it was about right. It was dangerous but not as crazy as it was pre-nerf.

  • @xcalypt0x works for me!

  • @dreamskeeper911
    The same for me about 300 hours in and out of every squre on the map with 5 guys on the boat playing songs and what not😂 its totaly random but to get 50 of these should reward a rare super duper cosmetic😂#raremakesyouhuntsantaclause

  • Not sure if this has been discussed, but i have noticed that when poisoned by the snake you are unable to loot for supplies in barrels. Was this intentional? Or is it a bug?

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