Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1

  • @inquisitorpence Sadly yes...

  • @haltmaw its nothing just better loot

  • Ya Yeet Festive Decor! Time to don some red and green lanterns on me Sloop "The Mystic Barnacle" Ye be Festive sailing for thy month Arrr!

    Edit: The fix for Stow/Drop items was nice too Kudos. Once again i shall be in full decor loot mode.

  • @raphratz said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    @mr-dragon-raaar Yeah, i thought the same. But now I've got 1/23 titles. Before the patch it was 1/22.
    And yes, the bilge rat titles are correct now c:

    it says 23 but if you count them there are only 20 .. I have 3 done I think

  • @klon54 thats incredibly disappointing... since its a special event theres should have at least been an option to retain the quest until completion or when the event ends... I understand the 1 per person, but someone who's game crashes or connectivity issues preventing them from doing it seems a bit "heartless" during the event of "giving"

  • @inquisitorpence You are right. Im pretty sure you will not be the only one with this problem so lets wait if and how Rare will react to that.

  • If I choose wrong at first can I cancel and buy the right one if I haven’t put it on the table yet with these guided voyages I set down my controller and my 3 year old selected one before I had a chance to read please tell me I can change this @SeaOfTheives

  • @inquisitorpence said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    @muse986 So I started the Gilded Gold Hoarders Voyage wasnt able to complete any part of the voyage and exited out of the game. Does that mean I've missed out on my opportunity to do this event?

    I would raise a ticket with Support and explain what has happened.

  • As a new player I would like to say it should be stated that we can't log out until the gilded voyage is complete.

  • @zeblamar said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    As a new player I would like to say it should be stated that we can't log out until the gilded voyage is complete.

    To be fair it does state that once the voyage is activated it needs to be completed, but on the website, I'm unsure what the wording is in game.

    Once the voyage has been placed on a ship's table and voted for, it has been activated and players will be able to complete it, but MUST do so during the same game session.

  • @katttruewalker said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    @zeblamar said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    As a new player I would like to say it should be stated that we can't log out until the gilded voyage is complete.

    To be fair it does state that once the voyage is activated it needs to be completed, but on the website, I'm unsure what the wording is in game.

    Once the voyage has been placed on a ship's table and voted for, it has been activated and players will be able to complete it, but MUST do so during the same game session.

    Thats the problem it states on the website but not in game. As I found out the hard way

  • @katttruewalker said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    @inquisitorpence said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    @muse986 So I started the Gilded Gold Hoarders Voyage wasnt able to complete any part of the voyage and exited out of the game. Does that mean I've missed out on my opportunity to do this event?

    I would raise a ticket with Support and explain what has happened.

    I too have lost my gilded voyage, I was wedged between the dock and my sloop as I was loading up, and the game stayed on the black loading screen for 20 minutes. I couldn't do anything except exit out. I don't think support tickets are going to do much good this close to the new year, let alone rare having time to hotfix the voyages so that it's not one and done. One gilded voyage per real life day is sensible, but just ONE seems disappointing, especially if the game cheats you out of it.

  • Just did the Athena gilded voyage. It seems even though I selected the Athena option I received the Gold Hoarder one as it was 8 X maps and when we completed it there was no second chapter. Little disappointed even though it was about 50 captain's chests altogether. Would like someone to chime in if they completed a gilded Athena and what the final chest was. A dig map with two chests would be a great Christmas present but alas my chance is over now.

    EDIT: Just saw on reddit that the guilded legends quest gives 3 legends chests. I'm a little sour that I lost out on it when I clearly read the voyages and selected the right one.

    I hope they keep these in the game somehow. maybe you can get one once every 3 days or something.

  • If I pick a mission and release it I can pick another mission from the christmas??

  • @wolf-destruidor Ahoy there matey!

    Unfortunately, no you cannot, once you have purchased your gilded voyage, it is your one and only shot to earn the massive rewards.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Hahaha yup, once you've started it's not worth cancelling... stick it out and reap the rewards!

    We did a gilded Athena voyage last night and loved it!

  • We managed 2 Gilded Athena voyages last night - 11 Captain's Chests, 11 Villainous Skulls and 3 Athena Chests!
    We left most of the cargo! XD

    Thanks again for the early Christmas gift Rare!

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d Yes, there are 20 titles for commendations. Another one is the "pirate legend" title. And then there is the title for reaching level 10. I don't know the name of it because I'm german but it has to be something like "Keeper of Athenas Fortune".

  • @raphratz oh .. yes ive had those titles forever now

  • Why purple cannonballs sometimes dont work?
    Why no damage when hit enemy 1000%???
    Why cannons broken again?.....

  • @muse986 Upgrades I'm thinking ... whales (water spouts/ breaching.. lengendry white one fight ) , dolophins swimming front of ship.. helping u , fishing food, shipyard to repair planked ship , underwater caves , whirlpools sucking in ship , jelly fish sting near islands ... explosive barrels droped at sea to catch passing ships .... singing sirens.... ghost ships.... titans .. florescent water ... fire on ships (use water to put out sail fire/ boat fire.. injured shipmates (help) ... explding shratnel from cannon balls from wood... waterspouts/ tornados... lightning storm... shooting stars (lucky.. or guidance ) ...catapults... messages/quests in bottles floating at sea .... british pirate hunters... amazon tribesmen, villages of natives... upgrades that only last one mission/ time based... might be cool !

  • @grislybell65165 and fire ballons that set sails alit ..he he

  • @inquisitorpence sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    @muse986 So I started the Gilded Gold Hoarders Voyage wasnt able to complete any part of the voyage and exited out of the game. Does that mean I've missed out on my opportunity to do this event?

    Just wanting to point this problem out again.
    I started a gilded voyage with two friends and we are still new to this game. Of course we did not complete the voyage in one session. We didn't even know we had to. Duke only tells you that you can only pick one voyage. I'm a bit disappointed that the game never tells you that you can not log out out before the voyage is completed... I never liked games that kind of force you to play for many hours at a time instead of giving you the liberty to log out when you need to sleep. It didn't think of Sea of Thieves as that kind of game...

  • @kaiku-aika
    None of the voyages have ever saved progress when leaving current game.

  • Making the Gilded Voyages buy once is a huge mistake
    What if people crash?
    Ever thought of that? I'm scared to even do my pirate legend one.

  • @theunknownd Ahoy matey!

    The support team are able to step in here and help since they have the crash data they will be able to help anyone affected by issues that are out of pirates hands!

    If anyone has had any issues I would highly recommend reaching out to support.

    Good luck on your gilded Athena voyage!

  • @musicmee Hey, I just realized they finally made you a bona fide moderator! Kudos! :)

  • Been awhile since I posted, decided to play the game after a month or so hiatus after being aggravated by the bugs. I still see some familiar and new bugs lurking.

    Known Unknown issues list:

    1. Unable to look left or right after jumping into water. Strafe works fine and forward and backward work fine but can't look side to side.
    2. Infinite black loading screen appears to be back....
    3. Skelly ship disappears during fight.. literally vanishes.
    4. While stocking ship, menu function can get stuck on screen. The settings, controls menu is on the screen but I have full control of my character.
  • @treefittymonsta If these aren't listed as 'Known Issues' send a ticket via the support site here :

  • Thanks for fixing many bugs again! There is another one that is not fixed yet: When you are in the fog and there is water inside the ship, the fog appears inside the ship as well, which is not really realistic.

  • Diggin the patch, worst dressed pirate ever award goes to whoever was wearing sovereign gear in the screen cap

  • Great stuff! The only thing the game is missing now is Sleeveless. How is one supposed to lift and sail at the same time without sleeveless options?!?

  • @inquisitorpence said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.1:

    @klon54 thats incredibly disappointing... since its a special event theres should have at least been an option to retain the quest until completion or when the event ends... I understand the 1 per person, but someone who's game crashes or connectivity issues preventing them from doing it seems a bit "heartless" during the event of "giving"

    I have big connection issues in this game. Its all ready disappointing enough when I DC or the game crashes on a regular quest and i'm back to square one, but with this event I crashed after 1 map and lost all of the others.

    Its really disheartening. I'm a new player that tested a little on the beta and I think the game is visually stunning and very immersive, but its so difficult and punishing to play for anyone stuck with unreliable internet.

  • Hey,

    After the update my game got a high ping and it forced me to quit due to the server error. So I started a new game and the ping was stable but I have low fps problem. It was playable before but this time, it's hard. The frame froze for about a second or two and then fps go up but not for too long.

    I bought the gilded hoard contract and as I was about to sail the game crashes.. now I cannot buy the contract back. It's gone all wasted like that :'( - Sad pirate

    Edit: grammar

  • Realized that the patch notes don't mention that they fixed the item drop bug where it was dropping items super far away from you. It's back to normal after this patch.

    Personally I think ALL changes should be included in these patch notes.

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