New Meg type troubles

  • I can’t seem to get the ancient terror or the shrouded ghost my buddy and I can’t seem to figure out where they would most likely be if anyone can share what they look like and we’re to find them that would be a huge help

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  • @manhunter7274 I believe the shrouded ghost only appears in fog. Could be wrong about that. Ancient terror, I don't know. They may just be very rare.

  • @bran-the-ent thanks

  • @Manhunter7274

    I've met the Ancient Terror today and succesfully defeated it!

    I found it near Cannon Cove in the Shores of Plenty. It's a yellowish/greenish color with orange eyes, but i'm sure it can spawn anywhere like the others.

    As @Bran-the-Ent have stated, i think too The Shrouded Ghost only spawns in Fog.

  • @emanuel-wynnn thank you I’ve fought a meg in the fog but it’s was the shadow maw but if you both say it there then I will give it a shot but so far the only mags that I’ve run into were in the roar, wilds, the isles and fog but not shores of plenty I’ll look into it

  • @emanuel-wynnn said in New Meg type troubles:


    I've met the Ancient Terror today and succesfully defeated it!

    I found it near Cannon Cove in the Shores of Plenty. It's a yellowish/greenish color with orange eyes, but i'm sure it can spawn anywhere like the others.

    As @Bran-the-Ent have stated, i think too The Shrouded Ghost only spawns in Fog.

    Ah, interesting. I've only encountered the Ancient One in the Wilds. And, after seeing someone else who has only encountered the Ancient One in the Wilds, she was theorizing that each one may be locked to the different regions. We both had the same results of the Crested Queen in Shores of Plenty and Ancient One in the Wilds... but we both knew we could be wrong and this pattern could have just been happenstance.

  • @pdt-mindstream

    Actually, thats what i theorized myself until it spawned in the Shores of Plenty. Oh well!

    I'm still very curious as to where the Shrouded Ghost can spawn - Does it truely only spawn in the fog? Or is it like the others; but just happens to be on a rare spawn rate. Hmm.

  • I´ve checked the content update video on Youtube again.
    I strongly believe this is the Shrouded Ghost, at 1 minute 23 seconds.

    As you can see, it is not in the fog, but that doesn´t have to mean anything.

  • @emanuel-wynnn
    Yeah, today, I encountered the Crescent Queen in the Devil's Roar.
    I also encountered the Hungering One in Ancient Isles within dense fog - where we were sailing around, hoping to possibly find the Shrouded Ghost.

    Also, @CommodoreMerlin yes, I'm sure that is the one. That one really stood out when watching the trailer, but I honestly forgot about that until you mentioned it, haha.

    I'm beginning to think it's just random and, possibly, some different levels of rarity for each of them (although, not sure about any of it!). :)

    I'm really happy they added this bit of variety to the megalodons.

  • Yeah I have been playing Shrouded Spoils every single day since it released and have yet to see the Shrouded Ghost. I’ve looked on YouTube and everything and still can’t find anything on it.

  • @manhunter7274

    So, like others I've spent an exorbitant amount of time deep in the fog but never saw it. This, like someone else said, is where the Shrouded Ghost was hypothesized to be. My crew and I heard strange music but only encountered other megalodon types. I then got it into my head that maybe the "Shrouded" referred to the shroud that Morrow's crew cut through to find the Devil's Roar. My crew and I went there and didn't see it in the fog either.

    This morning I came across a video of someone killing it just off of Morrow's Peak Outpost (heading to Ruby's Fall). They weren't in fog, and it spawned like any other megalodon. I guess we weren't too far off at the end...

    Shrouded Ghost video evidence

    Edit: Not tied to any biome or fog. Just really, really low chance of spawning.

  • I encountered the Ancient Terror around Ancient Spire Outpost.

  • It's all RNG for every npc in the game. If you look carefully at the amount of dubloons you acquire for each type of Meg you can see that the green and the white megs are higher than the purple and regular. This indicates that the probability that you seeing the two that you want are harder and less likely to encounter. They are in the game but none are tied to location or time period in the game.

  • found the ancient terror and killed it :)

  • I defeated the ancient terror but it seems to spawn anywhere no matter fog or not I got it in the Ashen near the outpost. It doesn't drop good loot but it does give a sick tag. Be careful though I had to kill the meg and a ghost ship and deal with volcanoes there.

  • I found my ancient terror near golden sands outpost me and my friend were getting chased by another ship and when we killed them he spawned right next to us. Hope that helps.

  • You have to have rep with the hunters call in order to encounter the Ancient Terror and for the Shrouded Ghost you must be in fog

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