DLC and In-game purchases

  • Hello Shipmates!
    Only sank a few hours into the game so far and have fallen in love, its such good fun!
    Are any DLC or purchases available to buy yet? had a look around and can't find anything... Thanks in advance.

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  • @woza55 Ahoy matey!

    The good news is all future updates will be free and the way the game will be funded is by microtransactions for nice extras such as pets, coming in the future.

    This week we will be seeing the content update Forsaken Shores hit (again for free), so that will be something to watch out for.

  • @musicmee Hey Buddy thanks for the reply, now thats even better, Rare certainly know how to look after their customers!

    Forshaken shores looked incredible and just read it may be delayed by a few days which I guess is not the end of the world!

    See you at sea!

  • Ahoy! As @Musicmee said, while there aren’t any microtransactions yet, Rare has confirmed that all content updates will be 100% free, and available to everyone. The only “locked” content is Pirate Legend cosmetics and other rewards acquired by ranking up in the different trading companies.

    Also, Rare has confirmed that, at an indeterminate point in the future, cosmetic microtransactions will be added to the game. Most notably, pets, such as cats, parrots, and monkeys!

  • @blam320 Many Thanks, see you on the sea....

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